May 29, 2014, Introduced by Reps. McMillin, Hooker, Yonker and Genetski and referred to the Committee on Education.
A bill to amend 1976 PA 451, entitled
"The revised school code,"
(MCL 380.1 to 380.1852) by adding section 1180.
Sec. 1180. (1) A school-age child who is enrolled in a
nonpublic school or who is being homeschooled may participate in
any extracurricular activity offered by a school of the school
district in which the child resides. The school officials of the
school district in which the child resides shall allow the child to
participate in the extracurricular activity on the same basis as
pupils of the school at which the activity is offered. The school
officials of the school district shall not prohibit or interfere
with the child's participation in the extracurricular activity
based in whole or part on the fact that the child is enrolled in a
nonpublic school or is being homeschooled, or on the identity of
the nonpublic school in which the child is enrolled or of the
person providing the homeschooling.
(2) As used in this section, "extracurricular activity"
includes any activity engaged in by pupils of a school district
that is not part of the school district's academic curriculum but
is in some way sponsored or endorsed by the school district or is
held within or on property owned or controlled by the school