May 30, 2013, Introduced by Reps. Talabi, Slavens, Brunner, Smiley, Cavanagh, Lane, Schor, Kivela, Dianda, Driskell, Banks, Brinks, Knezek, Hovey-Wright, Geiss, Stanley, Brown, Cochran, Durhal, Haugh, Irwin, Lipton, Barnett, Yanez, Faris and Nathan and referred to the Committee on Regulatory Reform.


     A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled


"Public health code,"


by amending section 5493 (MCL 333.5493), as added by 2007 PA 159,


and by adding sections 5495, 5496, 5497, and 5498.




     Sec. 5493. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subsection (2),


subsections (2) and (3), a person who violates this part is subject


to the following:


     (a) If the person is not an individual consumer and the


violation is the person's first offense under this part, a civil


fine of not more than $100.00 per item not to exceed $5,000.00




     (b) If a person is not an individual consumer and the


violation is the person's second offense under this part, a civil


fine of not more than $500.00 per item not to exceed $25,000.00




     (c) If the person is not an individual consumer and the


violation is the person's third or subsequent offense under this


part, a civil fine of not more than $1,000.00 per item not to


exceed $50,000.00 total.


     (d) If a person knowingly violates this part and the person is


not an individual consumer, a civil fine equal to 3 times the


amounts in subdivision (c).


     (2) A civil fine imposed under this section shall be waived if


it is determined that a person acted in good faith to be in


compliance with this part, pursued compliance with due diligence,


and promptly corrected any noncompliance after discovery of the




     (3) This section does not apply to a violation described in


section 5497.


     Sec. 5495. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this section,


before offering for sale in this state a children's product that


contains a chemical of greatest concern, a manufacturer or


distributor shall submit to the department a written statement as


described in subsection (2). However, if the children's product is


already being offered for sale in this state by the manufacturer or


distributor when the chemical of greatest concern is listed by the


department, the manufacturer or distributor shall submit the


statement described in subsection (2) by 180 days after the date on


which the chemical of greatest concern is listed.


     (2) A manufacturer or distributor shall include all of the


following in the written statement required under subsection (1):


     (a) The manufacturer's or distributor's name, address,


telephone number, and electronic mail address.


     (b) Identification of the children's product.


     (c) The chemicals of greatest concern contained in the


children's product.


     (d) The amount of each chemical of greatest concern contained


in the children's product.


     (e) The purpose of each chemical of greatest concern contained


in the children's product.


     (3) The following are exempt from subsection (1):


     (a) A retailer, unless the retailer is also a manufacturer or


distributor, or both.


     (b) Uses of chemicals of greatest concern for industrial or


manufacturing purposes.


     (c) Motor vehicles or their component parts, except that the


use of chemicals of greatest concern in detachable car seats is not




     (d) Chemicals of greatest concern generated solely as


combustion by-products or that are present in combustible fuels.


     (4) The department may extend the deadline for submission of


the written statement under subsection (1) for 1 or more specified


uses of a chemical of greatest concern in a children's product if


the department determines that more time is needed by the


manufacturer or distributor to comply.


     (5) Except as otherwise provided in this section, by July 1,


2014 and annually thereafter, a manufacturer shall report to the


department whether a screening information data set, as specified


by the organization for economic co-operation and development, or


equivalent information exists for each chemical intentionally added


to a children's product that the manufacturer sold in this state in


the current or prior calendar year.


     (6) A manufacturer or distributor of a children's product sold


in this state is exempt from subsection (1) and a manufacturer is


exempt from subsection (5) if the quantity of that children's


product sold in this state by that manufacturer or distributor in


the prior calendar year or to be sold in the current calendar year


is 3,000 units or less.


     (7) Not more than 30 days after receipt of information in a


written statement or report under this section, the department


shall post the information on its website in an easily


understandable form.


     Sec. 5496. The department, in consultation with the department


of environmental quality, may promulgate rules under the


administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL 24.201 to


24.328, to implement this part.


     Sec. 5497. (1) If a manufacturer or distributor violates a


requirement of section 5495 or rules promulgated to implement


section 5495 and the violation continues for more than 90 days, the


department may take enforcement action, assess administrative fines


under subsection (2), and request the attorney general to initiate


proceedings to enjoin the sale of children's products in this state


by that manufacturer or distributor.


     (2) Subject to subsection (3), a manufacturer or distributor


that violates section 5495 or rules promulgated to implement


section 5495 is subject to the following:


     (a) For a first violation, an administrative fine of not more


than $5,000.00.


     (b) For a second violation, an administrative fine of not more


than $25,000.00.


     (c) For a third or subsequent violation, an administrative


fine of not more than $50,000.00.


     (d) For a knowing violation, an administrative fine of not


more than $150,000.00.


     (3) The department shall waive an administrative fine under


this section if the manufacturer or distributor acts in good faith


to comply with section 5495 and rules promulgated to implement


section 5495, pursues compliance with due diligence, and promptly


corrects any noncompliance after discovery of the violation.


     Sec. 5498. (1) The children's safe products fund is created


within the state treasury.


     (2) The department shall transmit all administrative fines


collected under this part to the state treasurer for deposit into


the fund. The state treasurer may receive money or other assets


from any other source for deposit into the fund. The state


treasurer shall direct the investment of the fund and shall credit


to the fund interest earnings from fund investments. Money in the


fund at the close of the fiscal year shall remain in the fund and


shall not lapse to the general fund. The department shall be the


administrator of the fund for auditing purposes.


     (3) The department shall expend money from the fund, upon


appropriation, only for the purpose of administering and carrying


out duties required by this part.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act may be referred to as


the "safe children's products act".


     Enacting section 2. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Bill No. ____ or House Bill No. 4795(request no.


02666'13 *) of the 97th Legislature is enacted into law.