April 16, 2013, Introduced by Reps. Jenkins, Price, LaFontaine, Leonard, Lori, Kurtz, Barnett, Slavens, Hovey-Wright, Denby and Bumstead and referred to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.


     A bill to amend 1949 PA 300, entitled


"Michigan vehicle code,"


(MCL 257.1 to 257.923) by adding section 811v.




     Sec. 811v. (1) The secretary of state shall develop under


section 811e and issue under section 811f a fund-raising plate


recognizing the girl scouts of America. The secretary of state in


conjunction with the girl scouts of America shall design the fund-


raising plate authorized in this section.


     (2) The secretary of state shall transfer the donation money


from the sale of fund-raising plates recognizing the girl scouts of


America to the state treasurer, who shall credit the donation money


to the girl scouts of Michigan fund established under the girl


scouts of Michigan fund act, 2010 PA 347, MCL 206.921 to 206.926.


     (3) Donation money credited to the girl scouts of Michigan


fund under subsection (2) shall be distributed as follows:


     (a) Money raised from the sale of a fund-raising plate


recognizing the girl scouts of America in a county shall be


distributed to the girl scout council of that county.


     (b) If a county is served by more than 1 girl scout council,


money raised from the sale of a fund-raising plate recognizing the


girl scouts of America shall be distributed to each girl scout


council within the county based on the percentage of girl scout


membership in that county.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Bill No. ____ or House Bill No. 4533(request no.


01384'13) of the 97th Legislature is enacted into law.