HB-4882, As Passed Senate, December 17, 2014


























     A bill to amend 1893 PA 206, entitled


"The general property tax act,"


by amending sections 78a and 78h (MCL 211.78a and 211.78h), section


78a as amended by 2008 PA 352 and section 78h as amended by 2001 PA


96, and by adding section 78q.




     Sec. 78a. (1) For taxes levied after December 31, 1998, all


property returned for delinquent taxes, and upon which taxes,


interest, penalties, and fees remain unpaid after the property is


returned as delinquent to the county treasurers of this state under


this act, is subject to forfeiture, foreclosure, and sale for the


enforcement and collection of the delinquent taxes as provided in


section 78, this section, and sections 78b to 79a. As used in


section 78, this section, and sections 78b to 79a, "taxes" includes


interest, penalties, and fees imposed before the taxes become


delinquent and unpaid special assessments or other assessments that


are due and payable up to and including the date of the foreclosure


hearing under section 78k.


     (2) On March 1 in each year, taxes levied in the immediately


preceding year that remain unpaid shall be returned as delinquent


for collection. However, if the last day in a year that taxes are


due and payable before being returned as delinquent is on a


Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the last day taxes are due and


payable before being returned as delinquent is on the next business


day and taxes levied in the immediately preceding year that remain


unpaid shall be returned as delinquent on the immediately


succeeding business day. Except as otherwise provided in section 79


for certified abandoned property, property delinquent for taxes


levied in the second year preceding the forfeiture under section


78g or in a prior year to which this section applies shall be


forfeited to the county treasurer for the total of the unpaid


taxes, interest, penalties, and fees for those years as provided


under section 78g.


     (3) A county property tax administration fee of 4% and, except


as provided in section 78g(3)(c), interest computed at a


noncompounded rate of 1% per month or fraction of a month on the


taxes that were originally returned as delinquent, computed from


the date that the taxes originally became delinquent, shall be


added to property returned as delinquent under this section. A


county property tax administration fee provided for under this


subsection shall not be less than $1.00.


     (4) Any person with an unrecorded property interest or any


other person who wishes at any time to receive notice of the return


of delinquent taxes on a parcel of property may pay an annual fee


not to exceed $5.00 by February 1 to the county treasurer and


specify the parcel identification number, the address of the


property, and the address to which the notice shall be sent.


Holders of any undischarged mortgages wishing to receive notice of


the return of delinquent taxes on a parcel or parcels of property


may provide a list of such parcels in a form prescribed by the


county treasurer and pay an annual fee not to exceed $1.00 per


parcel to the county treasurer and specify for each parcel the


parcel identification number, the address of the property, and the


address to which the notice should be sent. The county treasurer


shall notify the person or holders of undischarged mortgages if


delinquent taxes on the property or properties are returned within


that year.


     (5) Notwithstanding any charter provision to the contrary, the


governing body of a local governmental unit that collects


delinquent taxes may establish for any property, by ordinance,


procedures for the collection of delinquent taxes and the


enforcement of tax liens and the schedule for the forfeiture or


foreclosure of delinquent tax liens. The procedures and schedule


established by ordinance shall conform at a minimum to those


procedures and schedules established under sections 78a to 78l,


except that those taxes subject to a payment plan approved by the


treasurer of the local governmental unit as of July 1, 1999 shall


not be considered delinquent if payments are not delinquent under


that payment plan.


     Sec. 78h. (1) Not later than June 15 in each tax year, the


foreclosing governmental unit shall file a single petition with the


clerk of the circuit court of that county listing all property


forfeited and not redeemed to the county treasurer under section


78g to be foreclosed under section 78k for the total of the


forfeited unpaid delinquent taxes, interest, penalties, and fees.


If available to the foreclosing governmental unit, the petition


shall include the street address of each parcel of property set


forth in the petition. The petition shall seek a judgment in favor


of the foreclosing governmental unit for the forfeited unpaid


delinquent taxes, interest, penalties, and fees listed against each


parcel of property. The petition shall request that a judgment be


entered vesting absolute title to each parcel of property in the


foreclosing governmental unit, without right of redemption.


     (2) If property is redeemed after the petition for foreclosure


is filed under this section, the foreclosing governmental unit


shall request that the circuit court remove that property from the


petition for foreclosure before entry of judgment foreclosing the


property under section 78k.


     (3) The foreclosing governmental unit may withhold the


following property from the petition for foreclosure filed under


this section:


     (a) Property the title to which is held by minor heirs or


persons who are incompetent, persons without means of support, or


persons unable to manage their affairs due to age or infirmity,


until a guardian is appointed to protect that person's rights and




     (b) Property the title to which is held by a person undergoing


substantial financial hardship, as determined under a written


policy developed and adopted by the foreclosing governmental unit.


The foreclosing governmental unit shall make available to the


public the written policy adopted under this subdivision. The


written policy adopted under this subdivision shall include, but is


not limited to, all of the following:


     (i) The person requesting that the property be withheld from


the petition for foreclosure holds the title to the property.


     (ii) The household income total household resources of the


person requesting that the property be withheld from the petition


for foreclosure meets the federal poverty income standards as


defined and determined annually by the United States office of


management and budget or alternative guidelines adopted by the


foreclosing governmental unit, provided that the alternative


guidelines include all persons who would otherwise meet the federal


poverty income standards under this subparagraph. As used in this


subparagraph, "household income" "total household resources" means


that term as defined in section 508 of the income tax act of 1967,


1967 PA 281, MCL 206.508.


     (c) Property the title to which is held by a person subject to


a delinquent property tax installment payment plan or tax


foreclosure avoidance agreement under section 78q.


     (4) If a foreclosing governmental unit withholds property from


the petition for foreclosure under subsection (3), a taxing unit's


lien for taxes due or the foreclosing governmental unit's right to


include the property in a subsequent petition for foreclosure is


not prejudiced.


     (5) The clerk of the circuit court in which the petition is


filed shall immediately set the date, time, and place for a hearing


on the petition for foreclosure, which hearing shall be held not


more than 30 days before the March 1 immediately succeeding the


date the petition for foreclosure is filed.


     Sec. 78q. (1) Notwithstanding any provision of this act or


charter to the contrary, a foreclosing governmental unit may create


a delinquent property tax installment payment plan for eligible


property, the title to which is held by a financially distressed




     (2) If a financially distressed person agrees to participate


in a delinquent property tax installment payment plan created under


subsection (1) and makes the initial payment required under that


delinquent property tax installment payment plan, the foreclosing


governmental unit may remove eligible property the title to which


is held by that financially distressed person from the petition for


foreclosure as provided in section 78h(3)(c).


     (3) If a financially distressed person successfully completes


a delinquent property tax installment payment plan created under


subsection (1), interest under section 78g(3)(b) and any additional


interest otherwise applicable shall be waived.


     (4) If a financially distressed person does not successfully


complete a delinquent property tax installment payment plan created


under subsection (1), both of the following shall occur:


     (a) Interest under section 78g(3)(b) and any additional


interest otherwise applicable shall apply to any unpaid taxes on


the property.


     (b) The eligible property shall be included in the immediately


succeeding petition for foreclosure under section 78h.


     (5) Notwithstanding any provision of this act or charter to


the contrary, until June 30, 2016, a county treasurer may enter


into a tax foreclosure avoidance agreement for a term of up to 5


years with an owner of property returned as delinquent to the


county treasurer under this act or forfeited to the county


treasurer under section 78g if the property is classified as


residential real property under section 34c, if the property is


eligible property, and if the owner makes an initial payment of at


least 10% of the delinquent taxes owed on the property. While a tax


foreclosure avoidance agreement is effective, the property shall be


withheld or removed from the petition for foreclosure as provided


under section 78h(3)(c), interest at the rate provided in section


78g(3)(c)(ii) shall apply, and the owner shall make timely payments


as provided under the tax foreclosure avoidance agreement,


including timely payment of all nondelinquent taxes on the


property. A tax foreclosure avoidance agreement shall require


regular periodic installment payments. The final payment shall not


be disproportionately larger than a regular periodic installment


payment and regular periodic installment payments in the final year


shall not be disproportionately larger than regular periodic


installment payments in prior years. A county treasurer may refuse


to enter into a tax foreclosure avoidance agreement with an owner


under this subsection if that owner is not in compliance with


House Bill No. 4882 as amended December 17, 2014


another tax foreclosure avoidance agreement with the county


treasurer or with a delinquent property tax installment plan with


the county treasurer under this section. A county treasurer may not


enter into more than 2 tax foreclosure avoidance agreements with an


owner. If an owner fails to comply with a tax foreclosure avoidance


agreement or if the tax foreclosure avoidance agreement is no


longer effective, all of the following shall occur:


     (a) Interest under section 78g(3)(b) and any additional

interest otherwise applicable shall apply to any unpaid taxes on

the property.

     (b) The property shall be included in the immediately

succeeding petition for foreclosure under section 78h.

     (c) The owner shall not bid on property subject to sale under

section 78m, if that property was subject to the tax foreclosure

avoidance agreement.

     (6) A delinquent property tax installment payment plan or a

tax foreclosure avoidance agreement may not be approved under this

section if the delinquent property tax installment payment plan or

tax foreclosure avoidance agreement would impermissibly impair an

outstanding debt of the county.

     (7) If a foreclosing governmental unit has created a

delinquent property tax installment payment plan under this

section, the department of treasury may audit the books and records

of that foreclosing governmental unit concerning the details of

that delinquent property tax installment payment plan.

<<(8) Property classified as industrial real property under section 34c that is occupied at less than 10% of its facility capacity for more than 3 years and that is located in a county with a population of more than 1,500,000 according to the most recent federal decennial census is not eligible to participate in a delinquent property tax installment payment plan and shall proceed under section 78m, including sale to the person bidding the highest amount above the minimum bid as required under section 78m(2).

(9) If a delinquent property tax installment payment plan is in effect for property for which a county has issued notes under this act that are secured by the delinquent taxes and interest on that property, at any time 2 years after the date that those taxes were returned as delinquent, the county treasurer may charge back to any taxing unit the face amount of the delinquent taxes that were owed to that taxing unit on the date those taxes were returned as delinquent, less the amount of any principal installments received by the county treasurer on that property under the delinquent property tax installment payment plan. All subsequent payments of delinquent taxes and interest on that property shall be retained by the county treasurer in a separate account and either paid to or credited to the account of that taxing unit.

     (10)>> As used in this section:


     (a) "Eligible property" means property that is a principal


residence exempt from the tax levied by a local school district for


school operating purposes under section 7cc.


     (b) "Financially distressed person" means a person who meets


all of the following conditions:


     (i) Is eligible to have property to which he or she holds title


withheld from a petition for foreclosure under section 78h(3)(b).


     (ii) Is not delinquent in satisfying a delinquent property tax


installment payment plan or tax foreclosure avoidance agreement


under this section for any other property within the foreclosing


governmental unit.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless House Bill No. 5421 of the 97th Legislature is enacted into

