FY 2014-15 HUMAN SERVICES BUDGET                                                        S.B. 769 (CR-1*):  CONFERENCE REPORT








FY 2013-14 Year-to-Date Gross Appropriation.....................................................................



Changes from FY 2013-14 Year-to-Date:


Items Included by the Senate and House


  1.  Caseload Adjustments. Total GF/GP savings were $39,938,200.


  2.  Funding Offsets and Other Adjustments. The budget recognized changes in Federal authorization and other fund shifts, FTE alignments, and the new FMAP rate.


  3.  Governor’s Programs. The budget funded 80.0 FTEs for Disability Determination, medical and psychiatric exams for children, asset test automation, and other administrative expenses, and recognized savings from staff reductions.


  4.  Removal of One-Time Funding. The budget removed FY 2013-14 one-time funding.


  5.  Economic Adjustments. Adjustments included a reduction of $6,062,700 for OPEB.


Conference Agreement on Items of Difference


  6.  Changes to Governor’s Recommendation. Conference partially concurred with funding for adoption support services, performance based contracting (PBC) model, Healthy Michigan Call Center, and increases for other programs. Conference did not concur with the mobile iPad program and 20.0 FTE Office of Inspector General Field Agents.


  7.  Donated Funds Positions. Conference added an additional 50.0 FTE Donated Funds Positions to the Governor’s recommended 150.0 FTEs to offset other staffing reductions.


  8.  Adoption Subsidy and Special Needs. Conference included Senate funding for special needs adoptions and set the subsidy rate to not less than 95% of the foster care rate.


  9.  Adoption Support and Residential Facility Rates. Conference included House funding for parent-to-parent mentoring and a COLA increase for private residential facilities.


10.  Budgetary Savings and Other Reductions. Conference included savings for staffing reductions, line item rebasing, and computer cuts for GF/GP savings of $14.3 million.


11.  Services for Adults and Disabled Individuals. Conference increased funding for Centers for Independent Living, Michigan Rehabilitation Services (MRS), and MiCAFE.


12.  Child Welfare Support Services. Conference funded the JJ Vision 20/20 work project, School Success Partnership, and counseling program for CPS worker secondary trauma.


13.  Rejected Senate and House Items. Conference did not concur with funding for gentle teaching methods, Elder Abuse Prosecuting Attorney 1.0 FTE, or closure of W.J. Maxey Training School.


14.  Other Adjustments. Conference unrolled TANF and Capped Federal Revenues into unique fund sources, unrolled IT line items, and made technical adjustments.


15.  FY 2014-15 One-Time Appropriations. Conference funded MRS, Center for Hope, in-home grants, Fostering Futures Endowment, Food Bank, MI Reading Corps, parent-to-parent mentoring, SACWIS for private agencies, and PBC model in Kent County.



Total Changes.....................................................................................................................


FY 2014-15 Conference Report Ongoing/One-Time Gross Appropriation............................


Amount Over/(Under) GF/GP Target: $0


FY 2014-15 HUMAN SERVICES BUDGET                                                                                                               BOILERPLATE HIGHLIGHTS

Changes from FY 2013-14 Year-to-Date:

Items Included by the Senate and House

  1.  Governor’s New Language for Legacy Costs. Senate and House included legacy and pension costs. (Sec. 297)

  2.  Governor’s Recommendation Revisions. Senate and House concurred with revisions. (Secs. 265, 296, and 402)

Conference Agreement on Items of Difference

  3.  Adoption Subsidy Negotiation and Redetermined Assistance. Conference section allowed adoptive parents to claim supplemental payments for children with special needs after an adoption assistance agreement has been finalized and prohibits adoption payments from being less than 95% of the foster care rate. (Secs. 556 and 568)

  4.  Juvenile Justice and Medicaid. Conference required DHS to work with DCH to continue a workgroup to maximize Medicaid claims and submit a Medicaid waiver request for youth in juvenile justice placements. (Secs. 603 and 702)

  5.  Performance Based Funding Model. Conference included Task Force Report recommendations for actuarial study of case rates, independent evaluation, cost analysis of model, readiness model, phase II implementation guidelines, and report. (Sec. 503)

  6.  Kent County Privatization. Required transfer of child welfare cases to private agencies by October 1. (Sec. 515)

  7.  Child Welfare Rates. Revised specialized independent living, retained $3.00 increase, added cost of living adjustment for residential facilities, and required State to pay 100% of child care fund administrative rate for new cases. (Secs. 546 and 589)

  8.  Lead Abatement. Conference required DHS, MSHDA, and DCH to coordinate lead abatement and weatherization and to give priority to homes with a child who has high blood lead levels. (Secs. 1106 and 1107)

  9.  Transportation Consolidation Workgroup. Conference included workgroup with DHS, MDOT, DCH, DOC, and Treasury to coordinate transportation for low-income, elderly and disabled populations. (Sec. 227)

10.  Michigan Works! and TANF. Conference included workgroup to explore Michigan Works! TANF funding and declining FIP caseloads, and language to require reporting to DHS as part of the interagency agreement for TANF. (Secs. 229 and 234)

11.  Child Welfare Performance Goals. Conference changed 24 month target from 31% to 27%, added child welfare staff performance objectives, added MiTEAM review of psychotropic medication, and required medical passport. (Secs. 501, 540, 563, 566 and 567)

12.  Parent-Child Visitations. Language to increase parent-child visitation success rate, including training for courts, new targets for success rate, and documentation of parent visits. (Secs. 560, 562, 564, and 565)

13.  Title I Transfer. Conference required workgroup to assess a Title I Transfer for child welfare and juvenile justice. (Sec. 592)

14.  Disability Review and Waiver Request. Conference included review of cases that apply for disability more than once and waiver request to Federal government for a one-page redetermination application. (Secs. 602 and 622)

15.  Juvenile Justice Vision 20/20 Database. Funded a work project for a juvenile justice data system and required report. (Sec. 703)

16.  Donated Funds Positions. Required contracts for donated funds positions with eligible agencies. (Sec. 750)

17.  Healthy Michigan Call Center. Conference included implementation of an accounting structure with DCH, and quarterly reports on call center and Medicaid eligibility. (Sec. 751)

18.  Adult and Disabled Services. Conference included revisions for Centers for Independent Living, employment goals for MRS, standard of promptness for Medical Review Team. (Secs. 401, 403, 404, and 620)

19.  Licensing Standards. Conference included language to revise licensing standards for child welfare. (Secs. 315 and 574)

20.  Other Adoption Support. Included parent-to-parent mentoring and adoption finalization reimbursements. (Secs. 559 and 569)

21.  Multicultural Integration Funding. Language included performance guidelines. (Sec. 695)

22.  New Education Programs. Included Michigan Reading Corps, School Success Partnership, Fostering Futures Scholarship and Trust Fund. (Secs. 522, 1108, 1204, 1205)

23.  MRS and Swift-and-Sure Program. Included Michigan Rehabilitative Services and Judiciary prevention program. (Sec. 407)

24.  Pilots and Other One-time Programs. Conference included language on program for CPS worker secondary trauma, juvenile justice in-home community care, Center for Hope, and SACWIS for private agencies. (Secs. 509 and 587, 1202, 1203)

25.  EFIP Notification and PATH. Notification regarding FIP lifetime limit and FIP reporting requirements. (Secs. 657 and 677)

26.  Other Language. Included benchmarks, bid process, contracts, employee evaluations. (Secs. 206, 228, 230, 424, 563, 626, 701)


Date Completed:  6-9-14                                                                                                                                             Fiscal Analyst:  Frances Carley

This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.