FY 2014-15 HUMAN SERVICES BUDGET                                              S.B. 769 (S-1): SENATE APPROPRIATIONS REC.







Senate Bill 769 (S-1, as reported)                                               Throughout this document Senate means Appropriations Committee

Committee:  Appropriations

FY 2013-14 Year-to-Date Gross Appropriation.....................................................................



Changes from FY 2013-14 Year-to-Date:


  1.  Caseload Adjustments. Senate concurred with Governor's recommended caseloads for child welfare and public assistance, and adjusted adoption subsidy fund sourcing.


  2.  Disability Determination and Donated Funds Positions. Senate concurred with Governor's increased funding ($0 GF/GP) for 150.0 FTE Donated Funds Positions and 80.0 FTE Disability Determination workers.


  3.  Healthy Michigan Call Center. Senate concurred with new Medicaid call center.


  4.  Governor's Other Child Welfare Programs Changes. Senate concurred with Governor's funding for Performance Based Contracting model, private agency costs, child evaluations, DV programs, foster child scholarships and runaway/homeless youth, and partially concurred with juvenile justice re-entry, adoption finalization estimate, and MCSC.


  5.  Governor's Other Public Assistance Changes. Senate concurred with Michigan Rehabilitation Services funding and did not concur with Center for Hope funding.


  6.  Governor's Other Administrative and IT Adjustments. Senate concurred with IT investments (asset test automation and child support automation), funding adjustments, and other administrative costs and partially concurred with funding for OIG and CTF.


  7.  Rebase Line Items. Senate reduced GF/GP and rebased lines to align with spending for GF/GP reduction of $7.4 million and Federal TANF reduction of $6.3 million.


  8.  Adoption Subsidy and Determination of Care Payments. Senate funded supplemental payments for adopted children with special needs that can be claimed after an adoption is finalized and prohibited negotiation of adoption assistance rate below foster care rate.


  9.  Juvenile Justice Programs. Senate funded Juvenile Justice Vision 20/20 database for courts, DHS and private agencies, and funded in-home community based programs.


10.  Child Welfare Expenses and Reimbursements. Senate increased funding for medical/psychological exams for children and foster parent travel reimbursements.


11.  FY 2013-14 Pilot Programs. Senate expanded Centers for Independent Living and gentle teaching method pilots.


12.  School Programs. Funded Michigan Reading Core and School Success Partnership.


13.  Cut Supervisorial Staff. Senate reduced 20.0 FTEs for 1:6 supervisor-to-staff ratio.


14.  Offset Increased Spending and Reduce Computers. Senate offset other increases.


15.  MRS and Swift-and-Sure Program. Senate funded program with Judiciary and DOC.


16.  Non-Child Welfare Field Staff Reductions. Senate cut 112.5 FTEs for caseload reductions and cut 38.0 FTEs to offset automation of asset test in Field Staff line (food assistance, cash assistance and other public assistance eligibility).


17.  Other Programs. Increased Food Bank Funding and Elder Abuse Prosecuting Attorney.


18.  Economic Adjustments. Included a negative $6.1 million Gross and negative $2.2 million GF/GP for OPEB and $23.9 million Gross and $8.1 million GF/GP for other economic adjustments.


19.  Other Changes. Senate rejected rollup of TANF fund source and other line items. Senate unrolled IT lines and offset $6.0 million GF/GP with increased TANF funds in FIP line.


20.  Comparison to Governor's Recommendation. Senate was $20,434,700 Gross and $9,636,400 GF/GP below Governor.



Total Changes.....................................................................................................................


FY 2014-15 Senate Appropriations Committee Gross Appropriation...................................


FY 2014-15 HUMAN SERVICES BUDGET                                                                            BOILERPLATE HIGHLIGHTS

Changes from FY 2013-14 Year-to-Date:

  1.  Governor's New Language for Special Populations. Senate included the language on performance based grants for Multicultural Integration Funding and the Chaldean Community Foundation. (Secs. 695 and 696)

  2.  Governor's New Language for Legacy Costs. Senate included legacy and pension costs. (Sec. 297)

  3.  Revisions in Governor's Recommendation. Senate concurred with revisions. (Secs. 217, 265, 296, 402 and 687)

  4.  Prohibition on Adoption Subsidy Negotiations. Senate language prohibited DHS from negotiating payments to adoptive parents that are below the standard family foster care rate. (Sec. 568)

  5.  Adoption Determination of Care Payments. Senate section allowed adoptive parents to claim supplemental payments for children with special needs after an adoption assistance agreement has been finalized. (Sec. 556)

  6.  Juvenile Justice Medicaid Waiver. Senate required DHS to work with DCH to submit a Medicaid waiver request for youth in juvenile justice placements. (Sec. 702)

  7.  Juvenile Justice Medicaid Workgroup. Senate continued workgroup to maximize Medicaid claims. (Sec. 603)

  8.  Lead Abatement. Senate required DHS, MSHDA, and DCH to coordinate lead abatement and weatherization and to give priority to homes where a child has blood lead level above 5 micrograms per deciliter. (Secs. 1106 and 1107)

  9.  Transportation Services Consolidation Workgroup. Senate included workgroup with DHS, MDOT, DCH, DOC, and Treasury to coordinate transportation for low-income, elderly and disabled populations. (Sec. 227)

10.  Michigan Works! and Declining FIP Caseload Workgroup. Senate included workgroup with DHS and Treasury to align TANF the allocation in Michigan Works! for TANF eligible clients with the declining FIP caseload. (Sec. 229)

11.  Child Welfare Performance Goals. Senate changed 24 month target from 31% to 30%, added child welfare staff performance objectives, added MiTEAM review of psychotropic medication, and required child welfare caseworker or supervisor to complete medical service plan for cases. (Secs. 501, 563, 566 and 567)

12.  Performance Based Contracting Model. Senate included quarterly reports on new child welfare model. (Sec. 510)

13.  Kent County Child Welfare Programs. Continued privatization of Kent County child welfare services. (Sec. 515)

14.  MRS and Swift-and-Sure Program. Michigan Rehabilitative Services and judiciary prevention program. (Sec. 407)

15.  Performance Goals for Adult Services. Senate included employment goals for MRS and standard of promptness for Medical Review Team.  (Secs. 406 and 614)

16.  Disability Applications. Senate required assessment of needs for those who apply for disability more than two times in one year, and a report if DHS is not able to implement a one-page redetermination application. (Secs. 602 and 622)

17.  Parent-Child Visitations. Senate included language to increase parent-child visitation success rate, including training for courts, new targets for success rate, and documentation of parent visits.  (Secs. 560, 564, and 565)

18.  Juvenile Justice Vision 20/20 Database. Funded juvenile justice database with Judiciary and DTMB. (Sec. 703)

19.  Changes to Juvenile Justice Contracts. Prohibited changes to juvenile justice contracts during the contract without agreement from private agency. (Sec. 701)

20.  Donated Funds Positions. Required contracts for donated funds positions with eligible agencies. (Sec. 750)

21.  Child Welfare Training Institute. Senate required an RFP to be issued for all programs and services provided by Child Welfare Training Institute. (Sec. 558)

22.  Healthy Michigan Call Center. Senate included quarterly reports on call center and Medicaid eligibility. (Sec. 751)

23.  Michigan Reading Corps. Senate included funding for K-3 literacy program. (Sec. 231)

24.  School Success Partnership Program. Senate funded School Success Partnership program. (Sec. 1108)

25.  Continue and Expand Pilot Programs. Senate funded expansion of FY 2013-14 pilot programs: Centers for Independent Living, gentle teaching methods, and juvenile justice in-home community care. (Secs. 404, 509 and 587)


Date Completed:  4-25-14                                                                                                  Fiscal Analyst:  Frances Carley

This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.