SCHOOL IMMUNIZATION REQUIREMENT                                            S.B. 237, 238, & 239:

                                                                                                      FLOOR SUMMARY











Senate Bills 237, 238, and 239 (as reported without amendment)

Sponsor:  Senator Jim Marleau (S.B. 237)

               Senator Rebekah Warren (S.B. 238)

               Senator Judy K. Emmons (S.B. 239)

Committee:  Health Policy




Senate Bill 237 would amend the Public Health Code to require all pupils to submit a certificate of immunization upon enrolling in grade 7, rather than grade 6 as currently required, beginning January 1, 2014.


Senate Bill 238 would amend the Revised School Code to revise reporting requirements applicable to school administrators, to reflect the change proposed by Senate Bill 237, beginning in the 2014-2015 school year.


Senate Bill 239 would amend the State School Aid Act to revise reporting requirements applicable to school districts, intermediate school districts, and the Department of Community Health, to reflect the change proposed by Senate Bill 237, beginning in the 2014-2015 school year.


The bills are tie-barred to each other.


MCL 333.9208 (S.B. 237)                                               Legislative Analyst:  Julie Cassidy

       380.1177 (S.B. 238)

       388.1767 (S.B. 239)




The bills would have no fiscal impact on State or local government.


Date Completed:  5-1-13                                              Fiscal Analyst:  Kathryn Summers


This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.