Senate Bill 237 (Substitute H-2)

Sponsor:  Sen. Jim Marleau

Senate Bill 238 without amendment

Sponsor:  Sen. Rebekah Warren

Senate Bill 239 without amendment

Sponsor:  Sen. Judy K. Emmons

House Committee:  Health Policy

Senate Committee:  Health Policy              (Enacted as Public Acts 120, 121, and 122 of 2013)

Complete to 6-12-13


Senate Bill 237 would amend the Public Health Code (MCL 333.9208) to require students to submit a certificate of immunization upon enrolling in Grade 7, instead of Grade 6 as is currently required. This change would begin as of January 1, 2014.  Other immunization requirements remain unchanged.

Specifically, the requirement is imposed on a parent, guardian, or person in loco parentis, who must present a certificate of immunization or a statement of exemption to school officials at the time of registration or not later than the first day of school.  The Health Code provides exemptions based either on physician-certification of medical contraindication or on religious convictions or other objection to immunization.

In addition, the Department of Community Health would be required to annually provide a report showing a year-to-year comparison of the percentage of children by age who are immunized appropriately upon entering the seventh grade.  (The bill does not specify to whom the report is to be provided, or in what format, e.g., online, written upon request, etc.)

Senate Bills 238 and 239 would make complementary amendments to the Revised School Code and the State School Aid Act (MCL 380.1177 and MCL 388.1767, respectively),  to reflect the immunization grade change.

The bills are tie-barred to each other, meaning that no single bill could take effect unless all were also enacted.  The legislation would take effect July 1, 2013.


The bills would have no fiscal impact on the Department of Education, school districts, or other local units of government.

The requirement for a new annual report by the Department of Community Health may have modest cost implications for the Department.


The following entities indicated support for the bills on 6-11-13:

Michigan Department of Education

Michigan Department of Community Health-Division of Immunization

School-Community Health Alliance of Michigan

Michigan Association for Local Public Health

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Michigan Academy of Pediatrics

ESA Legislative Group Michigan Small and Rural Schools

Calhoun ISD

Michigan Association of School Boards

Michigan Association of School Administrators

Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators

Michigan Council for Maternal and Child Health

Michigan Primary Care Association

Michigan Catholic Conference (5-21-13)

Oakland Schools (5-21-13)

Washtenaw ISD - SB 238 and 239 (5-21-13)

Wayne RESA

The Michigan Association of School Nurses submitted written testimony supporting the bills.  (6-11-13)

The Michigan Academy of Family Physicians submitted written testimony supporting the bills.  (6-11-13)

Michigan Association of Health Plans indicated a neutral position.  (6-11-13)

                                                                                        Legislative Analyst:   Susan Stutzky

                                                                                                Fiscal Analyst:   Bethany Wicksall

                                                                                                                           Susan Frey

This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House staff for use by House members in their deliberations, and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.