February 7, 2012, Introduced by Senators KAHN, PAPPAGEORGE, PROOS and JONES and referred to the Committee on Finance.
A bill to amend 1993 PA 327, entitled
"Tobacco products tax act,"
by amending sections 2, 5a, 6a, 7, and 12 (MCL 205.422, 205.425a,
205.426a, 205.427, and 205.432), section 2 as amended by 2005 PA
238, sections 5a and 6a as added by 1997 PA 187, section 7 as
amended by 2008 PA 458, and section 12 as amended by 2004 PA 164,
and by adding section 17.
Sec. 2. As used in this act:
(a) "Cigarette" means a roll for smoking made wholly or in
part of tobacco, irrespective of size or shape and irrespective of
the tobacco being flavored, adulterated, or mixed with any other
ingredient, which roll has a wrapper or cover made of paper or any
other material. Cigarette does not include cigars.
(b) "Cigarette making machine" means any machine or other
mechanical device which meets all of the following criteria:
(i) Is capable of being loaded with loose tobacco, cigarette
tubes or cigarette papers, and any other components related to the
production of cigarettes, including, but not limited to, cigarette
(ii) Is designed to automatically or mechanically produce,
roll, fill, dispense, or otherwise generate cigarettes.
(iii) Is commercial-grade or otherwise designed or suitable for
commercial use.
(iv) Is designed to be powered or otherwise operated by a main
or primary power source other than human power.
(c) (b)
"Commissioner" means the
state treasurer.
(d) (c)
"Counterfeit cigarette"
means a cigarette in an
individual package of cigarettes or other container with a false
manufacturing label or a cigarette in an individual package of
cigarettes or other container with a counterfeit stamp.
(e) (d)
"Counterfeit cigarette
paper" means a cigarette paper
with a false manufacturing label or that has not been printed,
manufactured, or made by authority of the trademark owner.
(f) (e)
"Counterfeit stamp" means
any stamp, label, or print,
indicium, or character, that evidences, or purports to evidence,
the payment of any tax levied under this act and that has not been
printed, manufactured, or made by authority of the department as
provided in this act and has not been issued, sold, or circulated
by the department.
(g) (f)
"Department" means the
department of treasury.
(h) (g)
"Financially sound" means
a determination by the
department that the wholesaler or unclassified acquirer is able to
pay for its stamps in the ordinary course of business based on
criteria including, but not limited to, all of the following:
(i) Past filing and payment history with the department.
(ii) Outstanding liabilities.
(iii) Review of current financial statements including, but not
limited to, balance sheets and income statements.
(iv) Duration that the wholesaler or unclassified acquirer has
been licensed under this act.
(i) (h)
"Gray market cigarette"
means any cigarette the
package of which bears any statement, label, stamp, sticker, or
notice indicating that the manufacturer did not intend the
cigarettes to be sold, distributed, or used in the United States,
including, but not limited to, a label stating "For Export Only",
"U.S. Tax Exempt", "For Use Outside U.S.", or similar wording.
(j) (i)
"Gray market cigarette
paper" means any cigarette
paper the package of which bears any statement, label, stamp,
sticker, or notice indicating that the manufacturer did not intend
the cigarette papers to be sold, distributed, or used in the United
States, including, but not limited to, a label stating "For Export
Only", "U.S. Tax Exempt", "For Use Outside U.S.", "For Use in
______________ (another country) Only", or similar wording.
(k) (j)
"Individual package"
means an individual packet or
pack used to contain or to convey cigarettes to the consumer.
Individual package does not include cartons, cases, or shipping or
storage containers that contain smaller packaging units of
(l) (k)
"Licensee" means a person
licensed under this act.
(m) (l) "Manufacturer"
means a any of the
(i) A person who manufactures or produces a tobacco product.
(ii) A person who operates or who permits any other person to
operate a cigarette making machine in this state for the purpose of
producing, filling, rolling, dispensing, or otherwise generating
cigarettes. A person who is a manufacturer under this subparagraph
shall constitute a nonparticipating manufacturer for purposes of
sections 6c and 6d. A person who operates or otherwise uses a
machine or other mechanical device, other than a cigarette making
machine, to produce, roll, fill, dispense, or otherwise generate
cigarettes shall not be considered a manufacturer as long as the
cigarettes are produced or otherwise generated in that person's
dwelling and for that person's self-consumption. For purposes of
this act, "self-consumption" means production for personal
consumption or use and not for sale, resale, or any other profit-
making endeavor.
(n) (m)
"Noncigarette smoking
tobacco" means tobacco sold in
loose or bulk form that is intended for consumption by smoking and
includes roll-your-own cigarette tobacco.
(o) (n)
"Person" means an
individual, partnership, fiduciary,
association, limited liability company, corporation, or other legal
(p) (o)
"Place of business" means
a place where a tobacco
product is sold or where a tobacco product is brought or kept for
the purpose of sale or consumption, including a vessel, airplane,
train, or vending machine.
(q) (p)
"Retailer" means a person
other than a transportation
company who operates a place of business for the purpose of making
sales of a tobacco product at retail.
(r) (q)
"Sale" means a
transaction by which the ownership of
tangible personal property is transferred for consideration and
applies also to use, gifts, exchanges, barter, and theft.
(s) (r)
"Secondary wholesaler"
means a person who sells a
tobacco product for resale, who purchases a tobacco product from a
wholesaler or unclassified acquirer licensed under this act, and
who maintains an established place of business in this state where
a substantial portion of the business is the sale of tobacco
products and related merchandise at wholesale, and where at all
times a substantial stock of tobacco products and related
merchandise is available to retailers for resale.
(t) (s)
"Smokeless tobacco" means
snuff, chewing tobacco, and
any other tobacco that is intended to be consumed by means other
than smoking.
(u) (t)
"Stamp" means a
distinctive character, indication, or
mark, as determined by the department, attached or affixed to an
individual package of cigarettes by mechanical device or other
means authorized by the department to indicate that the tax imposed
under this act has been paid.
(v) (u)
"Stamping agent" means a
wholesaler or unclassified
acquirer other than a manufacturer who is licensed and authorized
by the department to affix stamps to individual packages of
cigarettes on behalf of themselves and other wholesalers or
unclassified acquirers other than manufacturers.
(w) (v)
"Tobacco product" means
cigarettes, cigars,
noncigarette smoking tobacco, or smokeless tobacco.
(x) (w)
"Transportation company"
means a person operating, or
supplying to common carriers, cars, boats, or other vehicles for
the transportation or accommodation of passengers and engaged in
the sale of a tobacco product at retail.
(y) (x)
"Transporter" means a
person importing or transporting
into this state, or transporting in this state, a tobacco product
obtained from a source located outside this state, or from any
person not duly licensed under this act. Transporter does not
include an interstate commerce carrier licensed by the interstate
commerce commission to carry commodities in interstate commerce, or
a licensee maintaining a warehouse or place of business outside of
this state if the warehouse or place of business is licensed under
this act.
(z) (y)
"Unclassified acquirer"
means a person, except a
transportation company or a purchaser at retail from a retailer
licensed under the general sales tax act, 1933 PA 167, MCL 205.51
to 205.78, who imports or acquires a tobacco product from a source
other than a wholesaler or secondary wholesaler licensed under this
act for use, sale, or distribution. Unclassified acquirer also
means a person who receives cigars, noncigarette smoking tobacco,
or smokeless tobacco directly from a manufacturer licensed under
this act or from another source outside this state, which source is
not licensed under this act. An unclassified acquirer does not
include a wholesaler.
(aa) (z)
"Vending machine
operator" means a person who
operates 1 or more vending machines for the sale of a tobacco
product and who purchases a tobacco product from a manufacturer,
licensed wholesaler, or secondary wholesaler.
(bb) (aa)
"Wholesale price" means
the actual price paid for a
tobacco product, including any tax, by a wholesaler or unclassified
acquirer to a manufacturer, excluding any discounts or reductions.
(cc) (bb)
"Wholesaler" means a
person who purchases all or
part of his or her tobacco products from a manufacturer, who sells
75% or more of those tobacco products to others for resale, and who
maintains an established business where substantially all of the
business is the sale of tobacco products or cigarettes and related
merchandise at wholesale and where at all times a substantial stock
of tobacco products and related merchandise is available to
retailers for resale. Wholesaler includes a chain of stores
retailing a tobacco product to the consumer if 75% of its stock of
tobacco products is purchased directly from the manufacturer.
Sec. 5a. (1) The department shall procure stamps as needed in
the various designs, denominations, and forms necessary as
determined by the department. The department shall pay for the
(2) Not later than March 1, 2012, the department shall issue a
request for proposal to acquire and use digital stamps that contain
a unique nonrepeating code that can be read by a device that
identifies the taxed product and also contain other security and
enforcement features as determined by the department. The request
for proposal shall include a provision that requires the successful
bidder on the proposal to share digital stamp technology so that
handheld devices, including, but not limited to, smartphones, can
be readily utilized in furtherance of the implementation of the use
of digital stamps and so that the technology and equipment used by
the stamping agents to affix the stamp to the product can be
supplied, as may be permitted by the department, by the successful
bidder on the proposal or by any other providers. The request for
proposal shall also include a provision permitting the department
to manage or restrict access rights to all or part of the
information contained within, or accessible from, the stamps and a
provision requiring the successful bidder on the proposal to
guarantee that the stamps will be designed and manufactured to
ensure that stamps can be affixed to individual packages of
cigarettes in accordance with the requirements under section 6a(2).
6a. (1) Beginning April 15, 1998, a A wholesaler or
unclassified acquirer other than a manufacturer may apply to the
for stamps to affix as provided in this act. The
department may prescribe the method of shipment of the stamps. The
department shall keep a record of all stamps disbursed, name of
wholesaler or unclassified acquirer, and date of disbursement. The
department may release the identity of the wholesaler or
unclassified acquirer to whom specific stamps were disbursed to
state or local police agencies.
Beginning May 1, 1998, before Before
delivery, sale, or
transfer to any person in this state, a wholesaler or an
unclassified acquirer shall place or cause to be placed on the
bottom of each individual package of cigarettes to be sold within
this state a stamp provided by the department. Stamps shall be
firmly affixed in such a manner that the stamps cannot be removed
without being mutilated or destroyed. A stamp shall be affixed to
each individual package in an aggregate denomination equal to the
amount of the tax upon the contents of the individual package of
A Except as otherwise
provided in this subsection, a
stamp is considered affixed if more than 50% of the stamp is
affixed to the individual package, as determined by the department.
Upon implementation of the digital stamps as provided in section
5a(2), a digital stamp is considered affixed if all unique
identifying features of the stamp are readable.
Beginning May 1, 1998, a A
retailer or person licensed
under this act, other than a wholesaler or unclassified acquirer or
a person acting as a transporter for a wholesaler or unclassified
acquirer, shall not acquire for resale an individual package of
cigarettes or a cigarette from an individual package unless that
individual package of cigarettes has affixed to it a stamp as
provided in this act.
Beginning September 1, 1998, a A
retailer or vending
machine operator shall not sell or offer for sale an individual
package of cigarettes to the general public that does not have
the stamp required by this act. Beginning September 1,
cigarettes Cigarettes without stamps may not be placed or
stored in a vending machine.
(5) The department or its authorized agents may inspect or
conduct an inventory of a wholesaler's or unclassified acquirer's
stock of cigarettes, tobacco products other than cigarettes, and
stamps during regular business hours and inspect the related
statements and other records required in section 6.
(6) The department or its authorized agents may inspect the
operations of a secondary wholesaler, vending machine operator, or
retailer, or the contents of a specific vending machine, during
regular business hours. This inspection shall include inspection of
all statements and other records required by section 6 of this act,
of packages of cigarettes and tobacco products other than
cigarettes, and of the contents of cartons and shipping or storage
containers to ascertain that all individual packages of cigarettes
have an affixed stamp of proper denomination as required by this
act. This inspection may also verify that all the stamps were
produced under the authority of the department.
(7) A person shall not prevent or hinder the department or its
authorized agents from making a full inspection of any place or
vending machine where cigarettes or tobacco products other than
cigarettes subject to the tax under this act are sold or stored, or
prevent or hinder the full inspection of invoices, books, records,
or other papers required to be kept by this act.
(8) The department may require wholesalers and unclassified
acquirers to exchange unaffixed stamps with the department as the
department considers necessary. The department may require
wholesalers, unclassified acquirers, secondary wholesalers, vending
machine operators and retailers to discontinue offering for sale
any unsold individual packages of cigarettes bearing a prior
version of the stamp that the department has withdrawn from
circulation. The department may set a reasonable timeline after
which the prior version of the stamp may no longer be offered for
sale and the new version of the stamp is required. A secondary
wholesaler, retailer, or vending machine operator may return
cigarette packages bearing discontinued stamps to a wholesaler for
credit. A wholesaler or unclassified acquirer may take credit on
its tax returns for individual packages of cigarettes bearing
discontinued stamps that are returned to the manufacturer for
credit less the appropriate discount paid.
(9) Except as provided in subsection (10), a wholesaler or
unclassified acquirer shall not give, sell, or lend any unaffixed
stamps to another person and except as otherwise provided in this
act, a person shall not accept, purchase, or borrow any unaffixed
stamps from another person.
(10) Upon written authorization of the department, a
wholesaler or unclassified acquirer licensed under this act may
appoint a stamping agent to affix stamps to individual packages of
(11) Stamps may only be affixed to an individual package of
cigarettes if the manufacturer of the cigarettes is identified on
the lists of participating manufacturers or nonparticipating
manufacturers maintained by the department pursuant to section
(12) The department of state police shall initiate inquiries
to or otherwise access data from the department to support or in
furtherance of its enforcement activities under this act.
Sec. 7. (1) Beginning May 1, 1994, a tax is levied on the sale
of tobacco products sold in this state as follows:
(a) Through July 31, 2002, for cigars, noncigarette smoking
tobacco, and smokeless tobacco, 16% of the wholesale price.
(b) For cigarettes, 37.5 mills per cigarette.
(c) Beginning August 1, 2002, for cigarettes, in addition to
the tax levied in subdivision (b), an additional 15 mills per
(d) Beginning August 1, 2002, for cigarettes, in addition to
the tax levied in subdivisions (b) and (c), an additional 10 mills
per cigarette.
(e) Beginning July 1, 2004, for cigarettes, in addition to the
tax levied in subdivisions (b), (c), and (d), an additional 37.5
mills per cigarette.
(f) Beginning August 1, 2002 and through June 30, 2004, for
cigars, noncigarette smoking tobacco, and smokeless tobacco, 20% of
the wholesale price.
(g) Beginning July 1, 2004, for cigars, noncigarette smoking
tobacco, and smokeless tobacco, 32% of the wholesale price.
(2) On or before the twentieth day of each calendar month,
every licensee under section 3 other than a retailer, unclassified
acquirer licensed as a manufacturer, or vending machine operator
shall file a return with the department stating the wholesale price
of each tobacco product other than cigarettes purchased, the
quantity of cigarettes purchased, the wholesale price charged for
all tobacco products other than cigarettes sold, the number of
individual packages of cigarettes and the number of cigarettes in
those individual packages, and the number and denominations of
stamps affixed to individual packages of cigarettes sold by the
licensee for each place of business in the preceding calendar
month. The return shall also include the number and denomination of
unaffixed stamps in the possession of the licensee at the end of
the preceding calendar month. Wholesalers shall also report
accurate inventories of cigarettes, both stamped and unstamped at
the end of the preceding calendar month. Wholesalers and
unclassified acquirers shall also report accurate inventories of
affixed and unaffixed stamps by denomination at the beginning and
end of each calendar month and all stamps acquired during the
preceding calendar month. The return shall be signed under penalty
of perjury. The return shall be on a form prescribed by the
department and shall contain or be accompanied by any further
information the department requires.
(3) To cover the cost of expenses incurred in the
administration of this act, at the time of the filing of the
return, the licensee shall pay to the department the tax levied in
subsection (1) for tobacco products sold during the calendar month
by the return, less compensation equal to both of the
(a) One percent of the total amount of the tax due on tobacco
products sold other than cigarettes.
(b) Through July 31, 2002, 1.25% of the total amount of the
tax due on cigarettes sold.
(c) Beginning August 1, 2002, 1.5% of the total amount of the
tax due on cigarettes sold and, for sales of untaxed cigarettes to
Indian tribes in this state, an amount equal to 1.5% of the total
amount of the tax due on those cigarettes sold as if those
cigarette sales were taxable sales under this act.
(d) Beginning on the first calendar month following the
implementation of the use of digital stamps as provided in section
5a(2), for licensees who are stamping agents, 0.5% of the total
amount of the tax due on cigarettes sold and, for sales of untaxed
cigarettes to Indian tribes in this state, 0.5% of the total amount
of the tax due on those cigarettes sold as if those cigarette sales
were taxable sales under this act, until the stamping agent is
compensated in an amount equal to the direct cost actually incurred
by the stamping agent for upgrades to technology and equipment,
excluding the equipment reimbursed under subdivision (e), that are
necessary to affix the digital stamp as determined by the
(e) Beginning on the first calendar month following the
implementation of the use of digital stamps as provided in section
5a(2) and continuing for the immediately succeeding 17 months, for
licensees who are stamping agents, reimbursement of an amount equal
to 5.55% of the total purchase price of the equipment necessary to
affix the digital stamp.
(4) Every licensee and retailer who, on August 1, 2002, has on
hand for sale any cigarettes upon which a tax has been paid
pursuant to subsection (1)(b) shall file a complete inventory of
those cigarettes before September 1, 2002 and shall pay to the
department at the time of filing this inventory a tax equal to the
difference between the tax imposed in subsection (1)(b), (c), and
(d) and the tax that has been paid under subsection (1)(b). Every
licensee and retailer who, on August 1, 2002, has on hand for sale
any cigars, noncigarette smoking tobacco, or smokeless tobacco upon
which a tax has been paid pursuant to subsection (1)(a) shall file
a complete inventory of those cigars, noncigarette smoking tobacco,
and smokeless tobacco before September 1, 2002 and shall pay to the
department at the time of filing this inventory a tax equal to the
difference between the tax imposed in subsection (1)(f) and the tax
that has been paid under subsection (1)(a).
(5) Every licensee and retailer who, on July 1, 2004, has on
hand for sale any cigarettes upon which a tax has been paid
pursuant to subsection (1)(b), (c), and (d) shall file a complete
inventory of those cigarettes before August 1, 2004 and shall pay
to the department at the time of filing this inventory a tax equal
to the difference between the tax imposed in subsection (1)(b),
(c), (d), and (e) and the tax that has been paid under subsection
(1)(b), (c), and (d). Every licensee and retailer who, on July 1,
2004, has on hand for sale any cigars, noncigarette smoking
tobacco, or smokeless tobacco upon which a tax has been paid
pursuant to subsection (1)(f) shall file a complete inventory of
those cigars, noncigarette smoking tobacco, and smokeless tobacco
before August 1, 2004 and shall pay to the department at the time
of filing this inventory a tax equal to the difference between the
tax imposed in subsection (1)(g) and the tax that has been paid
under subsection (1)(f). The proceeds derived under this subsection
shall be credited to the medicaid benefits trust fund created under
section 5 of the Michigan trust fund act, 2000 PA 489, MCL 12.255.
(6) The department may require the payment of the tax imposed
by this act upon the importation or acquisition of a tobacco
product. A tobacco product for which the tax under this act has
once been imposed and that has not been refunded if paid is not
subject upon a subsequent sale to the tax imposed by this act.
(7) An abatement or refund of the tax provided by this act may
be made by the department for causes the department considers
expedient. The department shall certify the amount and the state
treasurer shall pay that amount out of the proceeds of the tax.
(8) A person liable for the tax may reimburse itself by adding
to the price of the tobacco products an amount equal to the tax
levied under this act.
(9) A wholesaler, unclassified acquirer, or other person shall
not sell or transfer any unaffixed stamps acquired by the
wholesaler or unclassified acquirer from the department. A
wholesaler or unclassified acquirer who has any unaffixed stamps on
hand at the time its license is revoked or expires, or at the time
it discontinues the business of selling cigarettes, shall return
those stamps to the department. The department shall refund the
value of the stamps, less the appropriate discount paid.
(10) If the wholesaler or unclassified acquirer has unsalable
packs returned from a retailer, secondary wholesaler, vending
machine operator, wholesaler, or unclassified acquirer with stamps
affixed, the department shall refund the amount of the tax less the
appropriate discount paid. If the wholesaler or unclassified
acquirer has unaffixed unsalable stamps, the department shall
exchange with the wholesaler or unclassified acquirer new stamps in
the same quantity as the unaffixed unsalable stamps. An application
for refund of the tax shall be filed on a form prescribed by the
department for that purpose, within 4 years from the date the
stamps were originally acquired from the department. A wholesaler
or unclassified acquirer shall make available for inspection by the
department the unused or spoiled stamps and the stamps affixed to
unsalable individual packages of cigarettes. The department may, at
its own discretion, witness and certify the destruction of the
unused or spoiled stamps and unsalable individual packages of
cigarettes that are not returnable to the manufacturer. The
wholesaler or unclassified acquirer shall provide certification
from the manufacturer for any unsalable individual packages of
cigarettes that are returned to the manufacturer.
(11) On or before the twentieth of each month, each
manufacturer shall file a report with the department listing all
sales of tobacco products to wholesalers and unclassified acquirers
during the preceding calendar month and any other information the
department finds necessary for the administration of this act. This
report shall be in the form and manner specified by the department.
(12) Each wholesaler or unclassified acquirer shall submit to
the department an unstamped cigarette sales report on or before the
twentieth day of each month covering the sale, delivery, or
distribution of unstamped cigarettes during the preceding calendar
month to points outside of Michigan. A separate schedule shall be
filed for each state, country, or province into which shipments are
made. For purposes of the report described in this subsection,
"unstamped cigarettes" means individual packages of cigarettes that
do not bear a Michigan stamp. The department may provide the
information contained in this report to a proper officer of another
state, country, or province reciprocating in this privilege.
Sec. 12. (1) The proceeds derived from the payment of taxes,
fees, and penalties provided for under this act and the license
fees received by the department shall be deposited with the state
treasurer and disbursed only as provided in this section and
section 7(5). However, for fiscal year 2011-2012 only, before a
distribution of funds is made under subsections (3)(d), (4)(a),
(5)(c), (7)(c), and (8)(c), proportionately from those funds,
$6,000,000.00 shall be used by the department, the attorney
general, and the department of state police for enforcement and
administration of this act.
(2) The tax imposed under section 7(1)(a) shall be disbursed
as follows:
(a) 94% of the proceeds shall be credited to the state school
aid fund established by section 11 of article IX of the state
constitution of 1963.
(b) 6% of the proceeds shall be credited to the healthy
Michigan fund created under section 5953 of the public health code,
1978 PA 368, MCL 333.5953. Fifty percent of the proceeds described
in this subdivision that are used for smoking prevention programs
shall be used by the department of community health to expand the
free smokers quit kit program to include the nicotine patch or
nicotine gum.
(3) The tax imposed on cigarettes under section 7(1)(b) shall
be disbursed as follows:
(a) Beginning May 1, 1994 and through June 30, 2004, 5.3% of
the proceeds shall be credited to the health and safety fund
created in the health and safety fund act, 1987 PA 264, MCL 141.471
to 141.479.
(b) Beginning July 1, 2004, 6.5% of the proceeds shall be
credited to the health and safety fund created in the health and
safety fund act, 1987 PA 264, MCL 141.471 to 141.479.
(c) Through June 30, 2004, 25.3% of the proceeds shall be
credited to the general fund of this state.
(d) Beginning July 1, 2004, 24.1% of the proceeds shall be
credited to the general fund of this state.
(e) 63.4% of the proceeds shall be credited to the state
school aid fund established by section 11 of article IX of the
state constitution of 1963.
(f) 6% of the proceeds shall be credited to the healthy
Michigan fund created under section 5953 of the public health code,
1978 PA 368, MCL 333.5953. Fifty percent of the proceeds described
in this subdivision that are used for smoking prevention programs
shall be used by the department of community health to expand the
free smokers quit kit program to include the nicotine patch or
nicotine gum.
(4) Beginning August 1, 2002, the tax imposed on cigarettes
under section 7(1)(c) shall be disbursed as follows:
(a) Through June 30, 2004, 74.2%, and beginning July 1, 2004,
9.0% of the proceeds shall be credited to the general fund of this
(b) Through June 30, 2004, 4.6%, and beginning July 1, 2004,
56.3% of the proceeds shall be credited to the state school aid
fund established by section 11 of article IX of the state
constitution of 1963.
(c) 6.0% of the proceeds shall be credited to the healthy
Michigan fund created under section 5953 of the public health code,
1978 PA 368, MCL 333.5953. Fifty percent of the proceeds described
in this subdivision that are used for smoking prevention programs
shall be used by the department of community health to expand the
free smokers quit kit program to include the nicotine patch or
nicotine gum.
(d) Through June 30, 2004, 3.0%, and beginning July 1, 2004,
3.7% of the proceeds shall be paid to counties with a 2000
population of more than 2,000,000, to be used only for indigent
health care.
(e) Through June 30, 2004, 12.2%, and beginning July 1, 2004,
25.0% of the proceeds shall be credited to the medicaid benefits
trust fund created under section 5 of the Michigan trust fund act,
2000 PA 489, MCL 12.255.
(5) Beginning August 1, 2002, the tax imposed under section
7(1)(f) shall be disbursed as follows:
(a) 75.6% of the proceeds shall be credited to the state
school aid fund established by section 11 of article IX of the
state constitution of 1963.
(b) 6.0% of the proceeds shall be credited to the healthy
Michigan fund created under section 5953 of the public health code,
1978 PA 368, MCL 333.5953. Fifty percent of the proceeds described
in this subdivision that are used for smoking prevention programs
shall be used by the department of community health to expand the
free smokers quit kit program to include the nicotine patch or
nicotine gum.
(c) 18.4% of the proceeds shall be credited to the general
fund of this state.
(6) Beginning August 1, 2002, the tax imposed on cigarettes
under section 7(1)(d) shall be disbursed as follows:
(a) 94.0% of the proceeds shall be credited to the state
school aid fund established by section 11 of article IX of the
state constitution of 1963.
(b) 6.0% of the proceeds shall be credited to the healthy
Michigan fund created under section 5953 of the public health code,
1978 PA 368, MCL 333.5953. Fifty percent of the proceeds described
in this subdivision that are used for smoking prevention programs
shall be used by the department of community health to expand the
free smokers quit kit program to include the nicotine patch or
nicotine gum.
(7) Beginning July 1, 2004, the tax imposed on cigarettes
under section 7(1)(e) shall be disbursed as follows:
(a) Beginning July 1, 2004 and through September 30, 2005,
100% of the proceeds shall be credited to the Michigan medicaid
benefits trust fund created under section 5 of the Michigan trust
fund act, 2000 PA 489, MCL 12.255.
(b) Beginning October 1, 2005, 75.0% of the proceeds shall be
credited to the medicaid benefits trust fund created under section
5 of the Michigan trust fund act, 2000 PA 489, MCL 12.255.
(c) Beginning October 1, 2005, 25.0% of the proceeds shall be
credited to the general fund of this state.
(8) Beginning July 1, 2004, the tax imposed under section
7(1)(g) shall be disbursed as follows:
(a) Beginning July 1, 2004 and through September 30, 2005,
100% of the proceeds shall be credited to the Michigan medicaid
benefits trust fund created under section 5 of the Michigan trust
fund act, 2000 PA 489, MCL 12.255.
(b) Beginning October 1, 2005, 75.0% of the proceeds shall be
credited to the medicaid benefits trust fund created under section
5 of the Michigan trust fund act, 2000 PA 489, MCL 12.255.
(c) Beginning October 1, 2005, 25.0% of the proceeds shall be
credited to the general fund of this state.
(9) The proceeds of the fees and penalties provided for in
this act shall be used for the administration of this act.
Sec. 17. (1) The department of state police may utilize
electronic resources, including, but not limited to, the law
enforcement information network and the national crime information
center, in order to perform criminal background checks on
applicants for licenses under this act and on current licensees
under this act. The department of state police shall inform the
department of the results of the background checks, indicating
whether or not an applicant for a license under this act or a
current licensee under this act has a criminal history.
(2) The department may consider the criminal history reported
under subsection (1) as good cause to suspend, revoke, or refuse to
issue or renew a license issued under this act under section 5(1).