February 11, 2009, Introduced by Reps. Jackson, Johnson, Haugh, Stanley, Durhal and Leland and referred to the Committee on Intergovernmental and Regional Affairs.
A bill to provide for certain duties of certain owners of
property in the event of an eviction; to provide for the removal
and handling of solid waste from private property; and to provide
for remedies and penalties.
Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the "safe
and orderly occupancy transition act".
Sec. 2. A landlord or other owner of private property that is
residential rental property is responsible for removing solid waste
from that property within 48 hours of the time the landlord or
other owner knew or should have known that solid waste has been
dumped, disposed, stored, or placed upon the private property. If
more than 1 person or entity is the owner of private property, then
each person or entity is jointly and severally responsible for
removal of the solid waste. As used in this section, "solid waste"
includes, but is not limited to, personal property of an evicted
Sec. 3. When a tenant is evicted from property, the landlord
or owner shall place a large movable container of sufficient size
to hold the tenant's household furniture and goods on the private
area of the property. The large movable container shall not be
placed on a public area adjacent to the landlord's or owner's
property. The tenant's property shall be placed in the container,
and the container shall allow access from the side.
Sec. 4. The large movable container shall be removed within 48
hours of placement. Failure of the landlord or owner to use and
remove the large removable container within 48 hours of placement
is a state civil infraction, and the landlord or owner is subject
to a fine of $500.00.
Sec. 5. The landlord or owner of any private property shall
assure the safe and proper disposal of all hazardous waste and
medical waste that is generated, stored, treated, processed, or
reprocessed on private property owned by a landlord or other owner
because of an eviction is the responsibility of the landlord or
other owner, jointly and severally. In assuring the safe and proper
disposal of hazardous and medical waste, the landlord or other
owner shall comply with part 111 of the natural resources and
environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.11101 to
324.11153, and the requirements of part 138 of the public health
code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.13801 to 333.13831.