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Senate Bill 776 (Substitute S-1)
Sponsor: Senator Alan L. Cropsey
Committee: Appropriations

Date Completed: 9-29-09


The bill would amend the Revised Judicature Act to require that for fiscal year 2009-10 only, $1,352,100 of the unencumbered balance remaining in the Juror Compensation Reimbursement Fund be transferred to the State General Fund.

The Juror Compensation Reimbursement Fund was created to reimburse local court funding units for costs resulting from the increase in the statutory minimum compensation rates for jurors that took effect October 1, 2003. Annual expenses from the Fund have been less than amounts deposited in the Fund from its share of jury demand fees and driver license clearance fees. In FY 2007-08 expenditures totaled $3.5 million and revenue totaled $4.7 million. Transfers to the General Fund have been made in previous fiscal years:

FY 2004-05: $4,000,000
FY 2007-08: $2,250,000

MCL 600.151d


The proposed transfer to the State General Fund would partially offset reductions to the FY 2009-10 Judiciary Budget related to the Leadership Target Agreement. Sufficient funds would remain in the Juror Compensation Reimbursement Fund to pay FY 2009-10 projected amounts due local court funding units. At the close of FY 2007-08, the balance in the Fund was $2.8 million.

Fiscal Analyst: Bill Bowerman

Analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent. 776/0910