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Senate Bill 233 (as introduced 2-17-09)
Sponsor: Senator Michael Switalski
Committee: Education
Date Completed: 3-18-10
The bill would amend the Revised School Code to require the board of a school district, intermediate school district (ISD), or public school academy (PSA) to adopt and implement a policy concerning pupils with serious food allergies. The policy would have to be designed to limit possible exposure of those pupils to food allergens and ensure a timely and adequate response to allergic reactions.
The Department of Education, in consultation with the Department of Community Health, would have to develop a model policy that schools could use for that purpose, and would have to make the model policy available to school districts, ISDs, PSAs, and nonpublic schools.
Proposed MCL 380.1180 Legislative Analyst: Curtis Walker
The Michigan Department of Education likely would incur some administrative costs in the development and dissemination of a model policy on limiting possible exposure of students with serious food allergies to food allergens.
Local school districts could incur some costs in adopting and implementing a policy to limit possible exposure of students with serious food allergies to food allergens.
The costs to the Department and school districts are indeterminate, and would depend on the extent to which the policies are already available and being implemented.
Fiscal Analyst: Kathryn Summers
Analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent. sb233/0910