September 10, 2008, Introduced by Senator ALLEN and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Tourism.
A bill to amend 1984 PA 270, entitled
"Michigan strategic fund act,"
by amending sections 89a and 89d (MCL 125.2089a and 125.2089d),
section 89a as added by 2008 PA 100 and section 89d as added by
2008 PA 98.
Sec. 89a. (1) The board shall establish a Michigan promotion
program to promote tourism in Michigan and pay business development
and marketing costs to promote business development in Michigan.
Tourism promotion shall include, but is not limited to, cultural,
vacation, recreational, leisure, fishing, hunting-related, motor
sports entertainment-related, and agriculture-related travel across
this state that includes activities that promote tourism in all 4
(2) The funding provided under this chapter for tourism
promotion is intended to enhance funding beyond that included in
the annual appropriation for travel Michigan to attract additional
tourism expenditures and development of the tourism industry in
this state.
(3) Not more than 4% of the annual appropriation as provided
by law from the 21st century jobs trust fund established in the
Michigan trust fund act, 2000 PA 489, MCL 12.251 to 12.260, may be
used for the purpose of administering the program authorized under
this chapter.
Sec. 89d. (1) In addition to any reporting requirements under
section 9, on or before April 15, 2009, and each succeeding April
15, the fund shall report to the senate and house appropriations
subcommittees that have jurisdiction over economic development
issues, the senate and house standing committees that have
jurisdiction over economic development issues, and the senate and
house fiscal agencies on the programs established in this chapter.
The report shall include, but is not limited to, the following
(a) For tourism promotion efforts, all of the following:
(i) The amount spent for promotion outside of this state.
(ii) An itemized list by market of how much was spent, when the
promotion occurred, the types of media purchased, and the type of
tourism promoted, specifically cultural, vacation, recreational,
leisure, fishing, hunting-related, or agriculture-related.
(iii) The return on investment analysis that utilizes existing
baseline data and compares results with prior outcome evaluations
funded by travel Michigan.
(b) For business development efforts, all of the following:
(i) The amount spent for business development outside of this
(ii) An itemized list by market of how much was spent, when the
promotion occurred, and the types of media purchased.
(iii) A performance analysis that compares the program or
campaign objectives and outcome of the campaign or program. Outcome
measures may include, but are not limited to, businesses relocated
to this state, impact on the business community's perception of the
quality of life in this state, jobs created, increases in export
sales, impact on the number of retailers carrying Michigan
commodities, both within and outside of this state, and increased
sales of Michigan products at chain grocers.
(2) The fund shall work with the department of agriculture to
develop a mechanism to report the return on investment for
agriculture-related tourism and compare results with prior outcome
evaluations conducted by the department of agriculture if
(3) The fund shall ensure data reported on or before April 15,
2009 can be used to establish a baseline for future comparison.