November 8, 2007, Introduced by Senators GEORGE, RICHARDVILLE, KAHN, BIRKHOLZ, BROWN, PAPPAGEORGE, GLEASON, JANSEN and HARDIMAN and referred to the Committee on Natural Resources and Environmental Affairs.




     A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled


"Natural resources and environmental protection act,"


by amending sections 11507a, 11526a, 11549, and 11550 (MCL


324.11507a, 324.11526a, 324.11549, and 324.11550), section 11507a


as amended by 2004 PA 39, section 11526a as added by 2004 PA 40,


section 11549 as amended by 2006 PA 58, and section 11550 as


amended by 2003 PA 153.




     Sec. 11507a. (1) The owner or operator of a landfill or a


material recovery facility, transfer station, or other facility


that processes waste under section 11526a(2)(b) shall annually


submit a report to the state and the county and municipality in


which the landfill or other facility is located that contains


information on the amount of solid waste received by the landfill


during the year itemized, to the extent possible, by county, state,


or country of origin. and A report submitted by a landfill under


this subsection shall also include the amount of remaining disposal


capacity at the landfill. Remaining disposal capacity shall be


calculated as the permitted capacity less waste in place for any


area that has been constructed and is not yet closed plus the


permitted capacity for each area that has a permit for construction


under this part but has not yet been constructed. The report shall


be submitted on a form provided by the department within 45 days


following the end of each state fiscal year.


     (2) By January 31 of each year, the department shall submit to


the legislature a report summarizing the information obtained under


subsection (1).


     Sec. 11526a. (1) Beginning October 1, 2004, in order to


protect the public health, safety, and welfare and the environment


of this state from the improper disposal of waste that is


prohibited from disposal in a landfill, and in recognition that the


The nature of solid waste collection and transport limits the


ability of the state to conduct cost effective inspections to


ensure compliance with state law. , the The purpose of this section


is to do all of the following:


     (a) Protect the public health, safety, and welfare and the


environment of this state from the improper disposal of waste that


is prohibited from disposal in a landfill.


     (b) Facilitate the inspection of solid waste that, unlike


solid waste generated in this state or jurisdictions described in


subsection (2)(b), cannot be presumed to meet the requirements for


disposal in a landfill under section 11514.


     (c) Promote recycling.


     (2) The owner or operator of a landfill shall not accept for


disposal in this state solid waste, including, but not limited to,


municipal solid waste incinerator ash, that was generated outside


of this state unless 1 or more of the following are met:


     (a) The solid waste is composed of a uniform type of item,


material, or substance, other than municipal solid waste


incinerator ash, that meets the requirements for disposal in a


landfill under this part and the rules promulgated under this part


section 11514 and the person transporting the solid waste provides


the owner or operator of the landfill with a certificate to that


effect. The certificate shall be on a form approved by the


department and shall be signed by an authorized agent of the


generator. The owner or operator of the landfill shall certify on


the form its receipt of the solid waste and maintain a copy of the


form available for inspection by the department for 6 years.


     (b) The solid waste was received through a material recovery


facility, a transfer station, or other facility located in this


state that has documented that it has removed from the solid waste


being delivered to the landfill those items that are prohibited


from disposal in a landfill under section 11514 and the person


transporting the solid waste provides the owner or operator of the


landfill with a certificate to that effect. The certificate shall


be on a form approved by the department and shall be signed by an


authorized agent of the material recovery facility, transfer


station, or other facility. The owner or operator of the landfill


shall certify on the form its receipt of the solid waste and


maintain a copy of the form available for inspection by the


department for 6 years. Preparing a false document under this


subdivision knowing that it is false is a violation of this part.


     (c) The country, state, province, or local jurisdiction in


which the solid waste was generated is approved by the department


for inclusion on the list compiled by the department under section




     (3) The department shall inspect each facility described in


subsection (2)(b) that receives solid waste generated outside of


this state as frequently as practical to ensure compliance with


this part and the rules promulgated under this part. The inspection


shall include solid waste generated outside of this state and


present at the facility. If solid waste does not meet the


requirements of this part after being processed at such a facility,


the department shall order that the waste be reprocessed or


returned to the state or country in which it was generated, at the


expense of the person transporting the solid waste.


     (4) A processing inspection fee of $5.00 per ton or $1.67 per


cubic yard of solid waste generated outside of this state and


processed at the facility is imposed on each facility described in


subsection (2)(b). Within 30 days after the end of each state


fiscal quarter, a facility described in subsection (2)(b) shall pay


the department any processing inspection fee owed. The department


shall forward processing inspection fees collected under this


section to the state treasurer for deposit in the processing


inspection account of the solid waste management fund established


in section 11550. The processing inspection fee is in addition to


any other fee required by this part.


     (5) (2) Notwithstanding section 11538 or any other provision


of this part, if there is sufficient disposal capacity for a


county's disposal needs in or within 150 miles of the county, all


of the following apply:


     (a) The county is not required to identify a site for a new


landfill in its solid waste management plan.


     (b) An interim siting mechanism shall not become operative in


the county unless the county board of commissioners determines




     (c) The department is not required to issue a construction


permit for a new landfill in the county.


     Sec. 11549. (1) A person who violates this part, a rule


promulgated under this part, or a condition of a permit, license,


or final order issued pursuant to this part is guilty of a


misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not more than $1,000.00 for


each violation and costs of prosecution and, if in default of


payment of fine and costs, imprisonment for not more than 6 months.


     (2) A person who knowingly violates section 11526e is guilty


of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 2 years or


a fine of not more than $5,000.00, or both.


     (3) Each day upon which a violation described in this section


occurs is a separate offense.


     (4) Preparing a false document under this part, knowing that


it is false, is a violation of this part.


     Sec. 11550. (1) The solid waste management fund is created


within the state treasury. The state treasurer may receive money


from any source for deposit into the fund. The state treasurer


shall direct the investment of the fund. The state treasurer shall


credit to the fund interest and earnings from fund investments.


     (2) Money in the solid waste management fund at the close of


the fiscal year shall remain in the fund and shall not lapse to the


general fund.


     (3) The state treasurer shall establish, within the solid


waste management fund, a solid waste staff account, and a perpetual


care account, and a processing inspection account.


     (4) The department shall be the administrator of the solid


waste management fund for auditing purposes.


     (5) (4) Money shall be expended from the solid waste staff


account, upon appropriation, only for the following purposes:


     (a) Preparing generally applicable guidance regarding the


solid waste permit and license program or its implementation or




     (b) Reviewing and acting on any application for a permit or


license, permit or license revision, or permit or license renewal,


including the cost of public notice and public hearings.


     (c) Performing an advisory analysis under section 11510(1).


     (d) General administrative costs of running the permit and


license program, including permit and license tracking and data




     (e) Inspection of licensed disposal areas and open dumps.


     (f) Implementing and enforcing the conditions of any permit or




     (g) Groundwater monitoring audits at disposal areas which that


are or have been licensed under this part.


     (h) Reviewing and acting upon corrective action plans for


disposal areas which that are or have been licensed under this




     (i) Review of certifications of closure.


     (j) Postclosure maintenance and monitoring inspections and




     (k) Review of bonds and financial assurance documentation at


disposal areas which that are or have been licensed under this




     (6) (5) Money shall be expended from the perpetual care


account, upon appropriation, only for the purpose of conducting the


following activities at disposal areas which that are or have been


licensed under this part:


     (a) Postclosure maintenance and monitoring at a disposal area


where if the owner or operator is no longer required to do so.


     (b) To conduct closure, or postclosure maintenance and


monitoring and corrective action if necessary, at a disposal area


where if the owner or operator has failed to do so. Money shall be


expended from the account only after funds from any perpetual care


fund or other financial assurance mechanisms held by the owner or


operator have been expended and the department has used made


reasonable efforts to obtain funding from other sources.


     (7) Money shall be expended from the processing inspection


account, upon appropriation, only for solid waste inspections under


section 11526a(3) and enforcement actions resulting from the




     (8) (6) By March 1 annually, the department shall prepare and


submit to the governor, the legislature, the chairs of the standing


committees of the senate and house of representatives with primary


responsibility for issues related to natural resources and the


environment, and the chairs of the subcommittees of the senate and


house appropriations committees with primary responsibility for


appropriations to the department a report that details the


activities of the previous fiscal year funded by the staff account


or the processing inspection account of the solid waste management


fund established in this section. This report


     (9) As to activities funded by the staff account of the solid


waste management fund, the report under subsection (8) shall


include, at a minimum, all each of the following as it relates to


the department:


     (a) The number of full-time equated positions performing solid


waste management permitting, compliance, and enforcement




     (b) All of the following information related to the


construction permit applications received under section 11509:


     (i) The number of applications received by the department,


reported as the number of applications determined to be


administratively incomplete and the number determined to be


administratively complete.


     (ii) The number of applications determined to be


administratively complete for which a final action was taken by the


department. The number of final actions shall be reported as the


number of applications approved, the number of applications denied,


and the number of applications withdrawn by the applicant.


     (iii) The percentage and number of applications determined to be


administratively complete for which a final decision was made


within 120 days of receipt as required by section 11511 the


processing period specified in section 1301.


     (c) All of the following information related to the operating


license applications received under section 11512:


     (i) The number of applications received by the department,


reported as the number of applications determined to be


administratively incomplete and the number determined to be


administratively complete.


     (ii) The number of applications determined to be


administratively complete for which a final action was taken by the


department. The number of final actions shall be reported as the


number of applications approved, the number of applications denied,


and the number of applications withdrawn by the applicant.


     (iii) The percentage and number of applications determined to be


administratively complete for which a final decision was made


within 90 days of receipt as required by section 11516 the


processing period specified in section 1301.


     (d) The number of inspections conducted at licensed disposal


areas as required by section 11519.


     (e) The number of letters of warning sent to licensed disposal




     (f) The number of contested case hearings and civil actions


initiated and completed, the number of voluntary consent orders and


administrative orders entered or issued, and the amount of fines


and penalties collected through such actions or orders.


     (g) For each enforcement action that includes a penalty, a


description of what corrective actions were required by the


enforcement action.


     (h) The number of solid waste complaints received,


investigated, resolved, and not resolved by the department.


     (i) The amount of revenue in the staff account of the solid


waste management fund at the end of the fiscal year.


     (10) As to activities funded by the processing inspection


account of the solid waste management fund, the report under


subsection (8) shall include, at a minimum, each of the following


as it relates to the department:


     (a) The number of inspections conducted under section




     (b) The total amount of waste inspected under section




     (c) The number of inspections that identified items or


materials prohibited from disposal in a landfill under section


11514, the items or materials identified, the approximate number or


amount of those items or materials, the states or provinces where


those materials were generated, and the amount of solid waste


returned to the state or province in which it was generated.


     (d) The number of warning letters sent as a result of


inspections under section 11526a(3).


     (e) The information required by subsection (9)(f) and (g).