February 22, 2007, Introduced by Senators ALLEN, KUIPERS, BIRKHOLZ, CROPSEY and PAPPAGEORGE and referred to the Committee on Commerce and Tourism.




     A bill to amend 1936 (Ex Sess) PA 1, entitled


"Michigan employment security act,"


by amending section 20 (MCL 421.20), as amended by 2003 PA 174.




     Sec. 20. (a) Benefits paid shall be charged against the


employer's account as of the quarter in which the payments are


made. If the bureau determines that any benefits charged against an


employer's account were improperly paid, an amount equal to the


charge based on those benefits shall be credited to the employer's


account and a corresponding charge shall be made to the


nonchargeable benefits account as of the current period or, in the


discretion of the bureau, as of the date of the charge. Benefits


paid to an individual as a result of an employer's failure to


provide the unemployment agency with separation, employment, and


wage data as required by section 32 shall be considered as benefits


properly paid to the extent that the benefits are chargeable to the


noncomplying employer.


     (b) For benefit years established before the conversion date


prescribed in section 75 October 1, 2000, benefits paid to an


individual shall be based upon the credit weeks earned during the


individual's base period and shall be charged against the


experience accounts of the contributing employers or charged to the


accounts of the reimbursing employers from whom the individual


earned credit weeks. If the individual earned credit weeks from


more than 1 employer, a separate determination shall be made of the


amount and duration of benefits based upon the total credit weeks


and wages earned with each employer. Benefits paid in accordance


with the determinations shall be charged against the experience


account of a contributing employer or charged to the account of a


reimbursing employer beginning with the most recent employer first


and thereafter as necessary against other base period employers in


inverse order to that in which the claimant earned his or her last


credit week with those employers. If there is any disqualifying act


or discharge under section 29(1) with an employer, benefits based


upon credit weeks earned from that employer before the


disqualifying act or discharge shall be charged only after the


exhaustion of charges as provided above. Benefits based upon those


credit weeks shall be charged first against the experience account


of the contributing employer involved or to the account of the


reimbursing employer involved in the most recent disqualifying act


or discharge and thereafter as necessary in similar inverse order


against other base period employers involved in disqualifying acts


or discharges. The order of charges determined as of the beginning


date of a benefit year shall remain fixed during the benefit year.


For benefit years established after the conversion date prescribed


in section 75 on or after October 1, 2000, the claimant's full


weekly benefit rate shall be charged to the account or experience


account of the claimant's most recent separating employer for each


of the first 2 weeks of benefits payable to the claimant in the


benefit year in accordance with the monetary determination issued


pursuant to section 32. However, if the total sum of wages paid by


an employer totals $200.00 or less, those wages shall be used for


purposes of benefit payment, but any benefit charges attributable


to those wages shall be charged to the nonchargeable benefits


account. Thereafter, remaining weeks of benefits payable in the


benefit year shall be paid in accordance with the monetary


determination and shall be charged proportionally to all base


period employers, with the charge to each base period employer


being made on the basis of the ratio that total wages paid by the


employer in the base period bears to total wages paid by all


employers in the base period. However, if the claimant did not


perform services for the most recent separating employer or


employing entity and receive earnings for performing the services


of at least the amount a claimant must earn, in the manner


prescribed in section 29(3), to requalify for benefits following a


disqualification under section 29(1)(a), (b), (i), or (k) during


the claimant's most recent period of employment with the employer


or employing entity, then all weeks of benefits payable in the


benefit year shall be charged proportionally to all base period


employers, with the charge to each base period employer being made


on the basis of the ratio that total wages paid by the employer in


the base period bears to total wages paid by all employers in the


base period. If the claimant performed services for the most recent


separating employing entity and received earnings for performing


the services of at least the amount a claimant must earn, in the


manner prescribed in section 29(3), to requalify for benefits


following a disqualification under section 29(1)(a), (b), (i), or


(k) during the claimant's most recent period of employment for the


employing entity but the separating employing entity was not a


liable employer, the first 2 weeks of benefits payable to the


claimant shall be charged proportionally to all base period


employers, with the charge to each base period employer being made


on the basis of the ratio that total wages paid by the employer in


the base period bears to total wages paid by all employers in the


base period. The "separating employer" is the employer that caused


the individual to be unemployed as defined in section 48.


     (c) For benefit years established before the conversion date


prescribed in section 75 October 1, 2000, and except as otherwise


provided in section 11(d) or (g) or section 46a, the charges for


regular benefits to any reimbursing employer or to any contributing


employer's experience account shall not exceed the weekly benefit


rate multiplied by 3/4 the number of credit weeks earned by the


individual during his or her base period from that employer. If the


resultant product is not an even multiple of 1/2 the weekly benefit


rate, the amount shall be raised to an amount equal to the next


higher multiple of 1/2 the weekly benefit rate, and in the case of


an individual who was employed by only 1 employer in his or her


base period and who earned 34 credit weeks with that employer, the


product shall be raised to the next higher multiple of the weekly


benefit rate.


     (d) For benefit years beginning after the conversion date


prescribed in section 75 on or after October 1, 2000, and except as


otherwise provided in section 11(d) or (g) or section 46, the


charges for regular benefits to any reimbursing employer's account


or to any contributing employer's experience account shall not


exceed either the amount derived by multiplying by 2 the weekly


benefit rate chargeable to the employer in accordance with


subsection (b) if the employer is the separating employer and is


chargeable for the first 2 weeks of benefits, or the amount derived


from the percentage of the weekly benefit rate chargeable to the


employer in accordance with subsection (b), multiplied by the


number of weeks of benefits chargeable to base period employers


based on base period wages, to which the individual is entitled as


provided in section 27(d), if the employer is a base period


employer, or both of these amounts if the employer was both the


chargeable separating employer and a base period employer.


     (e) For benefit years beginning before the conversion date


prescribed in section 75 October 1, 2000:


     (1) When If an individual has multiemployer credit weeks in


his or her base period, and when if it becomes necessary to use


those credit weeks as a basis for benefit payments, a single


determination shall be made of the individual's weekly benefit rate


and maximum amount of benefits based on the individual's


multiemployer credit weeks and the wages earned in those credit


weeks. Each employer involved in the individual's multiemployer


credit weeks shall be an interested party to the determination. The


proviso in section 29(2) shall not be applicable does not apply to


multiemployer credit weeks, nor shall does the reduction provision


of section 29(4) apply to benefit entitlement based upon those


credit weeks.


     (2) The charge for benefits based on multiemployer credit


weeks shall be allocated to each employer involved on the basis of


the ratio that the total wages earned during the total


multiemployer credit weeks counted under section 50(b) with the


employer bears to the total amount of wages earned during the total


multiemployer credit weeks counted under section 50(b) with all


such employers, computed to the nearest cent. However, if an


adjusted weekly benefit rate is determined in accordance with


section 27(f), the charge to the employer who has contributed to


the financing of the retirement plan shall be reduced by the same


amount by which the weekly benefit rate was adjusted under section


27(f). Benefits for a week of unemployment allocated under this


subsection to a contributing employer shall be charged to the


nonchargeable benefits account if the claimant during that week


earns remuneration with that employer that equals or exceeds the


amount of benefits allocated to that employer.


     (3) Benefits paid in accordance with the determination based


on multiemployer credit weeks shall be allocated to each employer


involved and charged as of the quarter in which the payments are


made. Notice of charges made under this subsection shall be given


to each employer by means of a current listing of charges, at least


weekly, or of a quarterly statement of charges. The listing or


statement shall specify the weeks for which benefits were paid


based on multiemployer credit weeks and the amount of benefits paid


chargeable to that employer for each week. The notice shall be


considered to satisfy the requirements of sections 21(a) and 32(d)


that notification be given each employer of benefits charged


against that employer's account by means of a copy or listing of


the benefit check, and all protest and appeal rights applicable to


benefit check copies or listings shall also be applicable apply to


the notice of charges. If an employer receives both a current


listing of charges and a quarterly statement of charges under this


subsection, all protest and appeal rights shall only be applicable


apply to the first notice given.


     (f) For benefit years beginning after the conversion date


prescribed in section 75 on or after October 1, 2000, if benefits


for a week of unemployment are charged to 2 or more base period


employers, the share of the benefits allocated and charged under


this section to a contributing employer shall be charged to the


nonchargeable benefits account if the claimant during that week


earns remuneration with that employer that equals or exceeds the


amount of benefits charged to that employer.


     (g) For benefit years beginning before the conversion date


prescribed in section 75 October 1, 2000:


     (1) Training benefits as provided in section 27(g), and


extended benefits as provided in section 64, shall be allocated to


each reimbursing employer involved in the individual's base period


of the claim to which the benefits are related, on the basis of the


ratio that the total wages earned during the total credit weeks


counted under section 50(b) with a reimbursing employer bears to


the total amount of wages earned during the total credit weeks


counted under section 50(b) with all employers.


     (2) Training benefits and extended benefits, to the extent


that they are not reimbursable by the federal government and have


been allocated to a reimbursing employer, shall be charged to that


reimbursing employer. A contributing employer's experience account


shall not be charged with training benefits. Training benefits


based on service with a contributing employer, to the extent that


they are not reimbursable by the federal government, shall be


charged to the nonchargeable benefits account. Extended benefits


paid and based on service with a contributing employer, to the


extent that they are not reimbursable by the federal government,


shall be charged to that employer's experience account.


     (3) If the training benefits or extended benefits are


chargeable only to a single reimbursing employer, the benefits


shall be charged in accordance with subsection (a). If the training


benefits or extended benefits are chargeable to more than 1


reimbursing employer, or to 1 or more reimbursing employers and the


nonchargeable benefits account, the benefits shall be charged as of


the quarter in which the payments are made.


     (4) Notice of charges made under this subsection shall be


given to each employer by means of a current listing of charges, at


least weekly, and subsequently by a quarterly summary statement of


charges. The listing shall specify the name and social security


number of each claimant paid benefits during the week, the weeks


for which the benefits were paid, and the amount of benefits


chargeable to that employer paid for each week. The quarterly


statement of charges shall list each claimant by name and social


security number and shall show total benefit payments chargeable to


that employer and made to each claimant during the calendar


quarter. The listing shall be considered to satisfy the


requirements of sections 21(a) and 32(d) that notification be given


each employer of benefits charged against that employer's account


by means of a listing of the benefit check. All protest and appeal


rights applicable to benefit check listings shall also be


applicable apply to the notice of charges. If an employer receives


both a current listing of charges and a quarterly statement of


charges under this subsection, all protest and appeal rights shall


only be applicable apply to the first notice given.


     (h) For benefit years beginning after the conversion date


prescribed in section 75 on or after October 1, 2000:


     (1) Training benefits as provided in section 27(g), and


extended benefits as provided in section 64, shall be charged to


each reimbursing employer in the base period of the claim to which


the benefits are related, on the basis of the ratio that the total


wages paid by a reimbursing employer during the base period bears


to the total wages paid by all reimbursing employers in the base




     (2) Training benefits, and extended benefits to the extent


they are not reimbursable by the federal government and have been


allocated to a reimbursing employer, shall be charged to that


reimbursing employer. A contributing employer's experience account


shall not be charged with training benefits. Training benefits


based on service with a contributing employer, to the extent they


are not reimbursable by the federal government, shall be charged to


the nonchargeable benefits account. Except as provided in section


17(3)(m), extended benefits paid and based on service with a


contributing employer, to the extent they are not reimbursable by


the federal government, shall be charged to that employer's


experience account.


     (3) If the training benefits or extended benefits are


chargeable only to a single reimbursing employer, the benefits


shall be charged in accordance with subsection (a). If the training


benefits or extended benefits are chargeable to more than 1


reimbursing employer, or to 1 or more reimbursing employers and the


nonchargeable benefits account, the benefits shall be charged as of


the quarter in which the payments are made.


     (4) Notice of charges made under this subsection shall be


given to each employer by means of a current listing of charges, at


least weekly, and subsequently by a quarterly summary statement of


charges. The listing shall specify the name and social security


number of each claimant paid benefits in the week, the weeks for


which the benefits were paid, and the amount of benefits chargeable


to that employer paid for each week. The quarterly summary


statement of charges shall list each claimant by name and social


security number and shall show total benefit payments chargeable to


that employer and made to each claimant during the calendar


quarter. The listing shall be considered to satisfy the


requirements of sections 21(a) and 32(d) that notification be given


to each employer of benefits charged against that employer's


account by means of a listing of the benefit check. All protest and


appeal rights applicable to benefit check listings shall also be


applicable apply to the notice of charges. If an employer receives


both a current listing of charges and a quarterly summary statement


of charges under this subsection, all protest and appeal rights


shall only be applicable apply to the first notice given.


     (i) If a benefit year is established after the conversion date


prescribed in section 75 on or after October 1, 2000, the portion


of benefits paid in that benefit year that are based on wages used


to establish the immediately preceding benefit year that began


before the conversion date October 1, 2000 shall not be charged to


the employer or employers who paid those wages but shall be charged


instead to the nonchargeable benefits account.


     (j) If a reimbursing employer is charged for extended benefits


during a period when extended benefits are paid based on the


average rate of total unemployment, in accordance with section


64(5)(c)(ii), the bureau shall credit the account of the reimbursing


employer for the full amount of those extended benefits. The bureau


shall charge the contingent fund created under section 10(6) for


amounts so credited to reimbursing employers. This subsection is


effective with respect to benefit charges for extended benefits


paid for weeks of unemployment beginning the week after the week in


which this subsection becomes effective and ending the week ending


January 17, 2004.


     (j) For benefit years beginning after the effective date of


the amendatory act that added this subsection, benefits that are


attributable to business necessity resulting from a governmental


road closure or repair that temporarily limits access to the


employer's business premises for a period of 30 days or more are


not chargeable to the employer, but are chargeable to the


nonchargeable benefits account.