September 11, 2008, Introduced by Reps. Warren and Bieda and referred to the Committee on Great Lakes and Environment.


     A bill to amend 1976 IL 1, entitled


"A petition to initiate legislation to provide for the use of

returnable containers for soft drinks, soda water, carbonated

natural or mineral water, other nonalcoholic carbonated drink, and

for beer, ale, or other malt drink of whatever alcoholic content,

and for certain other beverage containers; to provide for the use

of unredeemed bottle deposits; to prescribe the powers and duties

of certain state agencies and officials; and to prescribe penalties

and provide remedies,"


by amending section 4a (MCL 445.574a), as added by 1998 PA 473.




     Sec. 4a. (1) A person shall not return or attempt to return to


a dealer for a refund 1 or more of the following:


     (a) A beverage container that the person knows or should know


was not purchased in this state as a filled returnable container.


     (b) A beverage container that the person knows or should know


did not have a deposit paid for it at the time of purchase.


     (2) A person who violates subsection (1) is subject to 1 of


the following:


     (a) If the person returns 25 or more but not more than 100


nonreturnable containers, the person is guilty of a misdemeanor


punishable by a fine of not more than $100.00 may be ordered to pay


a civil fine of not more than $500.00.


     (b) If the person returns more than 100 nonreturnable


containers, or violates subdivision (a) for a second or subsequent


time, the person is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by


imprisonment for not more than 93 days or a fine of not more than


$500.00 $1,000.00, or both.


     (c) If the person returns more than 100 nonreturnable


containers for a second or subsequent time, the person is guilty of


a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 2 years or a


fine of not more than $5,000.00, or both.


     (3) A dealer shall not knowingly accept from and pay a deposit


to a person for a nonreturnable container or knowingly deliver a


nonreturnable container to a distributor for a refund. A dealer


that violates this subsection is subject to 1 of the following:


     (a) If the dealer knowingly accepts from and pays a deposit on


25 or more but not more than 100 nonreturnable containers to a


person, or knowingly delivers 25 or more but not more than 100


nonreturnable containers to a distributor for a refund, the dealer


may be ordered to pay a civil fine of not more than $500.00.


     (b) If the dealer knowingly accepts from and pays a deposit on


more than 100 nonreturnable containers to a person, or knowingly


delivers more than 100 nonreturnable containers to a distributor


for a refund, the dealer is guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by


imprisonment for not more than 93 days or a fine of not more than


$1,000.00, or both.


     (c) If the dealer knowingly accepts from and pays a deposit on


more than 100 nonreturnable containers to a person, or knowingly


delivers more than 100 nonreturnable containers to a distributor


for a refund, for a second or subsequent time, the dealer is guilty


of a felony punishable by imprisonment for not more than 2 years or


a fine of not more than $5,000.00, or both.


     (4) A distributor shall not knowingly accept from and pay a


deposit to a dealer for a nonreturnable container or knowingly


deliver a nonreturnable container to a manufacturer for a refund. A


distributor that violates this subsection is subject to 1 of the




     (a) If the distributor knowingly accepts from and pays a


deposit on 25 or more but not more than 100 nonreturnable


containers to a dealer, or knowingly delivers 25 or more but not


more than 100 nonreturnable containers to a manufacturer for a


refund, the distributor may be ordered to pay a civil fine of not


more than $500.00.


     (b) If the distributor knowingly accepts from and pays a


deposit on more than 100 nonreturnable containers to a dealer, or


knowingly delivers more than 100 nonreturnable containers to a


manufacturer for a refund, the distributor is guilty of a


misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 93 days or


a fine of not more than $1,000.00, or both.


     (c) If the distributor knowingly accepts from and pays a


deposit on more than 100 nonreturnable containers to a dealer, or


knowingly delivers more than 100 nonreturnable containers to a


manufacturer for a refund, for a second or subsequent time, the


distributor is guilty of a felony punishable by imprisonment for


not more than 2 years or a fine of not more than $5,000.00, or




     (5) It is an affirmative defense in an action against a dealer


or distributor under this section for a violation committed by an


employee of the dealer or distributor that the dealer or


distributor had in force at the time of the violation and continues


to have in force a written policy prohibiting the redemption of


nonreturnable containers by employees and that the dealer or


distributor enforced and continues to enforce the policy.


     (6) (c) A In addition to the penalty described in this


section, the court shall order a person found guilty under this


subsection shall be ordered by the court of a misdemeanor or felony


under this section to pay restitution equal to the amount of loss


caused by the violation.


     (7) The attorney general or a county prosecutor may bring an


action to recover a civil fine under this section. A civil fine


imposed under this section is payable to this state and shall be


credited to the general fund.


     Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless all of the following bills of the 94th Legislature are


enacted into law:


     (a) Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 6444(request no.




     (b) Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 6442(request no.

