June 17, 2008, Introduced by Reps. Wenke, Huizenga, Hammel and Rick Jones and referred to the Committee on Oversight and Investigations.


     A bill to amend 1957 PA 261, entitled


"Michigan legislative retirement system act,"


by amending sections 22c, 50b, and 75 (MCL 38.1022c, 38.1050b, and


38.1075), section 22c as amended by 2002 PA 97 and sections 50b and


75 as amended by 1998 PA 501.




     Sec. 22c. (1) The health insurance fund is created in the


retirement system. The retirement system shall deposit into the


health insurance fund the member contributions for health benefits


required by this section, subscriber co-payments, payments under


section 79, regular interest from the income fund, and state


appropriations. The retirement system shall disburse from the


health insurance fund the premiums or portion of the premiums for


dental, hospital, and medical coverage insurance as required by


sections 50b and 79.


     (2) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, a member


shall make contributions to the health insurance fund of 1% of each


payment of salary received that is attributable to service


performed on and after January 1, 1995. Beginning on the effective


date of section 36a, a member who first became a member of Tier 1


on or before January 1, 1995 shall make contributions to the health


insurance fund of 9% of each payment of salary received by the


member for service as a member. Beginning on the effective date of


section 36a, a member who first became a member of Tier 1 after


January 1, 1995 shall make contributions to the health insurance


fund of 7% of each payment of salary received by the member for


service as a member. The increased contributions required under


this subsection by the amendatory act that added section 36a will


continue unless suspended by the board under section 36a 25% of the


premium cost of providing the retirement health care. The


contributions shall be made by payroll deductions and each member


is considered to consent to the deductions as a condition of


membership in the retirement system.


     (3) Except as otherwise provided by this act, membership


contributions to the health insurance fund are not refundable.


     Sec. 50b. (1) For a retirant or a survivor or beneficiary of a


deceased retirant, or for a deferred vested member if that deferred


vested member first became a member on or before January 1, 1995,


the retirement system shall purchase and pay the premium for


hospitalization and medical insurance coverage and dental and


vision coverage for the retirant, deferred vested member, and the


spouses, eligible children, and survivors of those retirants and


deferred vested members. Except as otherwise provided in this


section, the retirement system shall provide hospitalization and


medical insurance coverage and dental and vision insurance coverage


under this section at a level that is equal to or greater than the


level of insurance coverage under this section in effect on


December 1, 1992. The retirement board may increase the amounts


each person who is enrolled in insurance coverage under this


section is required to pay for co-pays or deductibles under that


insurance coverage.


     (2) On and after March 31, 1997, the retirement system shall


also pay health insurance premiums described in this section in the


manner prescribed in section 79.


     (3) Beginning on the effective date of the amendatory act that


added this subsection, the amounts each person who is enrolled in


insurance coverage under this section shall contribute shall be no


less than 25% of the cost of providing retirement health care




     Sec. 75. (1) A qualified participant is immediately 100%


vested in his or her contributions made to Tier 2. A qualified


participant shall vest in the employer contributions made on his or


her behalf to Tier 2 according to the following schedule:


     (a) Upon completion of 2 years of service, 50%.


     (b) Upon completion of 3 years of service, 75%.


     (c) Upon completion of 4 years of service, 100%.


     (2) A qualified participant is vested in the health insurance


coverage provided in section 79 if the qualified participant meets


1 of the following requirements:


     (a) The qualified participant has completed 6 years of service


as a qualified participant and was not a member, deferred vested


member, or former nonvested member of Tier 1.


     (b) The qualified participant was a member, deferred vested


member, or former nonvested member of Tier 1 who made an election


to participate in Tier 2 pursuant to section 61, and who has met


the service requirements he or she would have been required to meet


in order to vest in health benefits under section 50b.


     (c) The qualified participant meets all of the following




     (i) Was not a member, deferred vested member, or former


nonvested member of Tier 1.


     (ii) Was first elected to fill a vacancy in the house of


representatives for a period less than the full term but more than


1/2 of the term of office.


     (iii) Has completed 5 years of service as a qualified




     (iv) Pays no less than 25% of the costs of providing retirement


health care.