May 24, 2007, Introduced by Reps. Rick Jones, Pearce, Elsenheimer, Stahl, Mayes, Sheltrown and Polidori and referred to the Committee on Health Policy.


      A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled


"Public health code,"


by amending section 7218 (MCL 333.7218), as amended by 1998 PA






 1        Sec. 7218. (1) The following controlled substances are


 2  included in schedule 4:


 3        (a) Any material, compound, mixture, or preparation


 4  containing any quantity of the following substances having a


 5  potential for abuse associated with a depressant effect on the


 6  central nervous system, including their salts, isomers, and salts


 7  of isomers if the existence of the salts, isomers, and salts of


 8  isomers is possible within the specific chemical designation:



     Barbital                      Flurazepam

     Chloral Betaine               Lorazepam

     Chloral Hydrate               Mebutamate

     Chlordiazepoxide              Meprobamate

     Clonazepam                    Methohexital

     Clorazepate                   Methylphenobarbital

     Dextropropoxyphene            Oxazepam

     Diazepam                      Paraldehyde

     Ethchlorvynol                 Petrichloral

10      Ethinamate                    Phenobarbital

11      Flunitrazepam                 Prazepam



12        (b) Any material, compound, mixture, or preparation


13  containing any quantity of the following substances having a


14  potential for abuse associated with an effect on the central


15  nervous system, including their salts, optical, positional, or


16  geometric isomers, and salts of the isomers if the existence of


17  the salts, isomers, and salts of isomers is possible.


18        Carisoprodol


19        Fenfluramine


20        (c) Any material, compound, mixture, or preparation


21  containing any quantity of the following substances having a


22  potential for abuse associated with a stimulant effect on the


23  central nervous system, including their salts, optical,


24  positional, or geometric isomers, and salts of the isomers if the


25  existence of the salts, isomers, and salts of isomers is possible


26  within the specific chemical designation.


27        Diethylpropion


28        Phentermine


 1        Pemoline, including organometallic complexes and chelates of


 2  pemoline.


 3        (2) The administrator may except by rule any compound,


 4  mixture or preparation containing any substance listed in


 5  subsection (1) from the application of all or any part of this


 6  article if the compound, mixture or preparation contains 1 or


 7  more active medicinal ingredients not having a depressant or


 8  stimulant effect on the central nervous system and if the


 9  admixtures are in combinations, quantity, proportion, or


10  concentration that vitiate the potential for abuse of the


11  substances having a depressant or stimulant effect on the central


12  nervous system.