February 15, 2007, Introduced by Reps. Pearce, Rick Jones, Steil, Marleau, Agema, Calley, Meltzer, Walker, Nitz, LaJoy and Byrnes and referred to the Committee on Government Operations.


     A bill to amend 1984 PA 431, entitled


"The management and budget act,"


by amending section 213 (MCL 18.1213), as amended by 2006 PA 269.




     Sec. 213. (1) As used in this section:


     (a) "Fund" means the motor transport revolving fund created in


subsection (4).


     (b) "Motor vehicle" means a passenger vehicle, van, minibus,


bus, truck, tractor, or other motorized vehicle.


     (2) The department may issue directives relative to all the


following for motor vehicles except for those motor vehicles under


the jurisdiction of the state transportation department:


     (a) The purchasing, leasing, maintaining, operating,


replacing, and disposing of motor vehicles for all state agencies.


     (b) The using of state owned motor vehicles for official




     (c) The establishing of conditions for use of privately owned


motor vehicles on official business.


     (d) The acquiring of vehicle registration plates.


     (e) The maintaining of motor vehicle titles and insurance




     (f) The assigning of motor vehicles, permanently or


temporarily, to state agencies and to institutions of higher




     (g) The establishing of rates to be charged for use of a motor


vehicle. The rates shall be reviewed periodically and shall be


sufficient to cover the costs of administration and of the


acquisition, operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement of


motor vehicles.


     (h) The displaying of distinctive vehicle registration plates


and other external markings on the motor vehicles. The plates and


markings shall clearly identify state ownership unless the motor


vehicle is used by an elected official, or for an investigative


use, or anonymity is essential to properly perform a necessary


function of state government as determined by the director.


     (3) The department shall establish motor vehicle repair


centers and motor pools.


     (4) The motor transport revolving fund is hereby created. The


revenue received from rates charged pursuant to subsection (2)(g)


and revenue which is received from any other source and designated


to be credited to the motor transport revolving fund shall be


credited to the motor transport revolving fund. The amounts in the


fund are continuously appropriated only for administration and the


acquisition, lease, operation, maintenance, repair, and replacement


of state owned motor vehicles and related capital outlay and




     (5) Assets and liabilities of the motor transport revolving


fund shall be considered assets and liabilities of the motor


transport revolving fund created by this section.


     (6) Not later than January 1, 2007, the director shall install


the necessary fueling infrastructure or contract with a supplier to


supply alternative fuels at all state motor transport facilities so


that all state owned vehicles capable of utilizing alternative


fuels are able to use them. As used in this subsection,


"alternative fuel" means E85 fuel and biodiesel fuel blends.


     (7) Not later than October 1, 2007, the director shall issue


directives that require all state agencies when purchasing or


leasing a motor vehicle to purchase or lease a motor vehicle that


is capable of utilizing an alternative fuel, if that motor vehicle


otherwise meets the requirements of the state agency.