SB-0184, As Passed House, March 8, 2007


















February 7, 2007, Introduced by Senators JELINEK, CROPSEY, HARDIMAN and GARCIA and referred to the Committee on Appropriations.




     A bill to amend 1984 PA 431, entitled


"The management and budget act,"


by amending sections 371 and 395 (MCL 18.1371 and 18.1395), section


371 as amended by 1999 PA 8 and section 395 as amended by 1988 PA






     Sec. 371. (1) An employee of a state agency shall not make or


authorize an expenditure or incur an obligation that results in the


agency exceeding the gross appropriation level of an appropriation


line item made to that agency by the legislature. The chief


executive officer and the chief financial officer of a state agency


are responsible for any action taken by a state agency which that


results in exceeding an appropriation. The chief executive officer

Senate Bill No. 184 as amended March 8, 2007

of a state agency shall report a violation of this subsection


immediately to the director and the chairpersons of the senate and


house appropriations committees, together with a statement of any


action taken to remedy the occurrence.


     (2) Within 15 days after a bill appropriating an amount is


enacted into law, the amount appropriated shall be divided into


allotments by department and by state agency based on periodic


requirements to represent a spending plan. The state budget


director shall review the allotments. The director shall submit a


report each quarter to the appropriations committees and the fiscal


agencies that compares actual expenditures to the allotments per


appropriation line item made for each department and each state


agency for that quarter. Not later than June 1 of each year, the


director shall submit to the chairpersons of the appropriations


committees and the fiscal agencies a report that provides estimates


as to which [departments are spending] at a rate that


would exceed the level of the appropriation for the fiscal year.


This report shall include recommendations as to actions that need


to be taken to ensure that actual expenditures do not exceed the


appropriation at the close of the fiscal year. When it appears that


a spending plan, or sources of financing related to a spending


plan, do not provide the level of program service assumed in the


appropriation for the fiscal year, the state budget director shall


immediately notify the chairpersons and minority chairpersons of


the appropriations committees, the chairpersons and minority


chairpersons of the appropriate appropriations subcommittees, and


the fiscal agencies.


     Sec. 395. (1) Appropriations in a budget act from restricted


sources of financing authorize spending only the amount of


financing earned, up to the amount appropriated. Appropriation line


items in a budget act financed from federal, state restricted,


local, or private funding authorize spending only for the amount of


the funds actually received up to the amount appropriated. When an


appropriation line item that is financed from federal, state


restricted, local, or private funding sources is receiving funds


less than the appropriated amount, the department shall reduce the


overall level of expenditures from the appropriation line item to


reflect the estimated funding shortfall. In an appropriation line


item financed by multiple fund sources, any state general


fund/general purpose appropriation shall be used only after the


federal, state restricted, local, or private funds have been




     (2) Except as otherwise provided in this section, spending of


state matching money in an appropriation shall be maintained in the


proportion appropriated. When federal money is earned in an amount


less than appropriated and the matching requirements have not been


reduced, spending of any state matching appropriation shall be


reduced accordingly.


     (3) When federal matching formulas are adjusted to increase


the federal share of the costs of a program, spending of any state


matching appropriation shall be reduced accordingly. Within 15 days


after receipt of a notice of such a change, the state agency shall


notify the state budget director. The additional federal funds


available under these conditions are appropriated for the program

Senate Bill 184 as amended February 13, 2007


intended. The state budget director shall <<WITHIN 15 DAYS>> make a


recommendation to the senate and house appropriations committees


and the fiscal agencies to adjust existing appropriations to


implement the change in the federal matching rate.


     (4) When federal matching formulas are adjusted to reduce the


federal share of the costs of a program, the affected state agency


shall notify the department. After receipt of the notice of such a


change the state budget director shall take appropriate corrective


action. For purposes of this subsection, a transfer to increase the


state matching appropriations shall not be permitted under section




     (5) In an appropriation financed by multiple sources, any


state general fund-general purpose appropriations shall be used


only after the restricted funds available have been expended.


     (6) Transfers between operating funds for financing shall be


expended in the proportion appropriated and unused funds at the end


of the fiscal year shall lapse to the fund from which appropriated.