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Senate Bill 493 (Substitute S-2 as reported)
Sponsor: Senator Gilda Z. Jacobs
Committee: Health Policy

The bill would add Part 176 (Speech-Language Pathology) to the Public Health Code to:

-- Prohibit a person from engaging in the practice of speech-language pathology unless licensed by the Department of Community Health (DCH).
-- Prescribe licensure criteria, including a master's or doctor of science or philosophy degree in speech-language pathology.
-- Allow a speech-language pathologist to perform assessment, treatment or therapy, and procedures related to swallowing disorders and medically related communication disorders only on a patient referred by a physician.
-- Require a speech-language pathologist to perform limited diagnostic testing in collaboration with or under the supervision of a physician, and to refer a patient to a physician under certain circumstances.
-- Require the DCH to promulgate rules regarding the performance of speech-language pathology.
-- Require the DCH, by rule, to prescribe continuing education development as a condition for license renewal.
-- Create the Michigan Board of Speech-Language Pathology.

The bill also would amend the Code to set a $20 application processing fee and a $75 annual license fee for an individual licensed or seeking licensure under Part 176.

Proposed MCL 333.16342 et al. Legislative Analyst: Suzanne Lowe

The bill would require the State to incur costs associated with the establishment and operations of the Michigan Board of Speech-Language Pathology. In addition, the State could expect to experience a mild increase in administrative costs as a result of processing applications and maintaining a database of licensed speech pathologists.

An estimate by the Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association suggests that about 3,500 professionals in Michigan would be eligible to become State-licensed speech pathologists under the standards of this bill. If this estimate is assumed to be valid, then the State could expect to collect approximately $262,500 per year in license fees.

Date Completed: 6-25-08 Fiscal Analyst: Matthew Grabowski

floor\sb493 Analysis available @ http://www.michiganlegislature.org
This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.

Analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent. sb493/0708