House Bill 5325 (Proposed Substitute H-2)

Sponsor:  Rep. Bettie Cook Scott

Committee:  Energy and Technology

Complete to 3-11-08

A SUMMARY OF HOUSE BILL 5325 (Proposed Substitute H-2)

The bill would amend the Public Service Commission law (MCL 460.9d) to allow a gas or electric service customer with a documented "serious medical condition" requiring gas or electric service (or whose household includes a person with a serious medical condition) to apply for and receive up to 21 days' protection from gas or electricity shutoff, with possible additional extensions. 

Ban on shut-off.  An electric or gas service provider could not discontinue service to a qualifying customer with a serious medical condition (or whose household includes a person with a serious medical condition).  Upon application, a qualifying customer would have to receive shut off protection for up to 21 days and could apply for one or more additional extensions.

Shut-off protection would not stop additional amounts owing from accruing.  The customer would continue to be obligated to pay for services received during the period of shut-off protection, unless waived by the provider, but would not be responsible for late fees. 


Procedures.  Once a provider received an application from a qualifying customer, the service provider would have to do the following:

·                    Establish a repayment plan requiring minimum monthly payments that would allow the customer to pay past due amounts over a reasonable period of time.

·                    Provide information about governmental, service provider, and other assistance programs.

·                    Provide "access to existing information" about ways to minimize or conserve energy usage.

Definition of "qualifying customer."  Under the bill, a "qualifying customer" would mean a customer or a member of the customer's household with a serious medical condition that requires electric or gas service and who provides verification of his or her condition to the provider.

MCL 4609d



A fiscal analysis is in process.

                                                                                           Legislative Analyst:   Shannan Kane

                                                                                                  Fiscal Analyst:   Mark Wolf

This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House staff for use by House members in their deliberations, and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.