November 28, 2006, Introduced by Senator JACOBS and referred to the Committee on Economic Development, Small Business and Regulatory Reform.




     A bill to amend 2005 PA 280, entitled


"Corridor improvement authority act,"


by amending sections 2, 5, 6, 9, 18, 20, 22, 23, and 27 (MCL


125.2872, 125.2875, 125.2876, 125.2879, 125.2888, 125.2890,


125.2892, 125.2893, and 125.2897).




     Sec. 2. As used in this act:


     (a) "Advance" means a transfer of funds made by a municipality


to an authority or to another person on behalf of the authority in


anticipation of repayment by the authority. Evidence of the intent


to repay an advance may include, but is not limited to, an executed


agreement to repay, provisions contained in a tax increment


financing plan approved prior to the advance, or a resolution of


the authority or the municipality.


     (b) "Assessed value" means the taxable value as determined


under section 27a of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL




     (c) "Authority" means a corridor improvement authority created


under this act.


     (d) "Board" means the governing body of an authority.


     (e) "Business district" means an area of a municipality zoned


and used principally for business.


     (f) "Captured assessed value" means the amount in any 1 year


by which the current assessed value of the development area,


including the assessed value of property for which specific local


taxes are paid in lieu of property taxes as determined in section  


3(e)  3(d), exceeds the initial assessed value. The state tax


commission shall prescribe the method for calculating captured


assessed value.


     (g) "Chief executive officer" means the mayor  or city manager  


of a city, the president of a village, or the supervisor of a




     (h) "Development area" means that area described in section 5


to which a development plan is applicable.


     (i) "Development plan" means that information and those


requirements for a development area set forth in section 21.


     (j) "Development program" means the implementation of the


development plan.


     (k) "Fiscal year" means the fiscal year of the authority.


     (l) "Governing body" or "governing body of a municipality"


means the elected body of a municipality having legislative powers.


     (m) "Initial assessed value" means the assessed value, as


equalized, of all the taxable property within the boundaries of the


development area at the time the  ordinance  resolution


establishing the tax increment financing plan is approved, as shown


by the most recent assessment roll of the municipality for which


equalization has been completed at the time the resolution is


adopted. Property exempt from taxation at the time of the


determination of the initial assessed value shall be included as


zero. For the purpose of determining initial assessed value,


property for which a specific local tax is paid in lieu of a


property tax shall not be considered to be property that is exempt


from taxation. The initial assessed value of property for which a


specific local tax was paid in lieu of a property tax shall be


determined as provided in section  3(e)  3(d).


     (n) "Land use plan" means a plan prepared under section 1 of


the city and village zoning act, 1921 PA 207, MCL 125.581, or the


township zoning act, 1943 PA 184, MCL 125.271 to 125.310.


     (o) "Municipality" means 1 of the following:


     (i) A city.


     (ii) A village.


     (iii) A township.


     Sec. 5. A development area shall only be established in a


municipality and shall comply with all of the following criteria:


     (a)  Be  Is adjacent to or is within 500 feet of a road


classified as an arterial or collector according to the federal


highway administration manual "Highway Functional Classification -


Concepts, Criteria and Procedures".


     (b)  Contain  Contains at least 10 contiguous parcels or at


least 5 contiguous acres.


     (c) More than 1/2 of the existing ground floor square footage


in the development area is classified as commercial real property


under section 34c of the general property tax act, 1893 PA 206, MCL




     (d) Residential use, commercial use, or industrial use has


been allowed and conducted under the zoning ordinance or conducted


in the entire development area, for the immediately preceding 30




     (e) Is presently served by municipal water and sewer.


     (f)  Zoned  Is zoned to allow for mixed use that includes


high-density residential use.


     (g) The municipality agrees to all of the following:


     (i) To expedite the local permitting and inspection process in


the development area.


     (ii) To modify its master plan to provide for walkable


nonmotorized interconnections, including sidewalks and streetscapes


throughout the development area.


     Sec. 6. (1) If the governing body of a municipality determines


that it is necessary for the best interests of the public to


redevelop its commercial corridors and to promote economic growth,


the governing body may, by resolution, declare its intention to


create and provide for the operation of an authority.


     (2) In the resolution of intent, the governing body shall


state that the proposed development area meets the criteria in


section 5, set a date for a public hearing on the adoption of a


proposed  ordinance  resolution creating the authority, and


designate the boundaries of the development area. Notice of the


public hearing shall be published twice in a newspaper of general


circulation in the municipality, not less than 20 or more than 40


days before the date of the hearing. Not less than 20 days before


the hearing, the governing body proposing to create the authority


shall also mail notice of the hearing to the property taxpayers of


record in the proposed development area, to the governing body of


each taxing jurisdiction levying taxes that would be subject to


capture if the authority is established and a tax increment


financing plan is approved, and to the state tax commission.


Failure of a property taxpayer to receive the notice does not


invalidate these proceedings. Notice of the hearing shall be posted


in at least 20 conspicuous and public places in the proposed


development area not less than 20 days before the hearing. The


notice shall state the date, time, and place of the hearing and


shall describe the boundaries of the proposed development area. A


citizen, taxpayer, or property owner of the municipality or an


official from a taxing jurisdiction with millage that would be


subject to capture has the right to be heard in regard to the


establishment of the authority and the boundaries of the proposed


development area. The governing body of the municipality shall not


incorporate land into the development area not included in the


description contained in the notice of public hearing, but it may


eliminate described lands from the development area in the final


determination of the boundaries.


     (3) Not less than 60 days after the public hearing, if the


governing body of the municipality intends to proceed with the


establishment of the authority it shall adopt, by majority vote of


its members,  an ordinance  a resolution establishing the authority


and designating the boundaries of the development area within which


the authority shall exercise its powers. The adoption of the  


ordinance  resolution is subject to any applicable statutory or


charter provisions in respect to the approval or disapproval by the


chief executive or other officer of the municipality and the


adoption of  an ordinance  a resolution over his or her veto. This  


ordinance  resolution shall be filed with the secretary of state


promptly after its adoption and shall be published at least once in


a newspaper of general circulation in the municipality.


     (4) The governing body of the municipality may alter or amend


the boundaries of the development area to include or exclude lands


from the development area in the same manner as adopting the  


ordinance  resolution creating the authority.


     (5) A municipality that has created an authority may enter


into an agreement with an adjoining municipality that has created


an authority to jointly operate and administer those authorities


under an interlocal agreement under the urban cooperation act of


1967, 1967 (Ex Sess) PA 7, MCL 124.501 to 124.512. The interlocal


agreement shall include, but is not limited to, a plan to


coordinate and expedite local inspections and permit approvals, a


plan to address contradictory zoning requirements, and a date


certain to implement all provisions of these plans. If a


municipality enters into an interlocal agreement under this


subsection, the municipality shall provide a copy of that


interlocal agreement to the state tax commission within 60 days of


entering into the interlocal agreement.


     Sec. 9. (1) The board may employ and fix the compensation of a


director, subject to the approval of the governing body of the


municipality. The director shall serve at the pleasure of the


board. A member of the board is not eligible to hold the position


of director. Before beginning his or her duties, the director shall


take and subscribe to the constitutional oath, and furnish bond, by


posting a bond in the sum determined in the  ordinance  resolution


establishing the authority payable to the authority for use and


benefit of the authority, approved by the board, and filed with the


municipal clerk. The premium on the bond shall be considered an


operating expense of the authority, payable from funds available to


the authority for expenses of operation. The director shall be the


chief executive officer of the authority. Subject to the approval


of the board, the director shall supervise and be responsible for


the preparation of plans and the performance of the functions of


the authority in the manner authorized by this act. The director


shall attend the meetings of the board and shall provide to the


board and to the governing body of the municipality a regular


report covering the activities and financial condition of the


authority. If the director is absent or disabled, the board may


designate a qualified person as acting director to perform the


duties of the office. Before beginning his or her duties, the


acting director shall take and subscribe to the oath, and furnish


bond, as required of the director. The director shall furnish the


board with information or reports governing the operation of the


authority as the board requires.


     (2) The board may employ and fix the compensation of a


treasurer, who shall keep the financial records of the authority


and who, together with the director, shall approve all vouchers for


the expenditure of funds of the authority. The treasurer shall


perform all duties delegated to him or her by the board and shall


furnish bond in an amount prescribed by the board.


     (3) The board may employ and fix the compensation of a


secretary, who shall maintain custody of the official seal and of


records, books, documents, or other papers not required to be


maintained by the treasurer. The secretary shall attend meetings of


the board and keep a record of its proceedings and shall perform


other duties delegated by the board.


     (4) The board may retain legal counsel to advise the board in


the proper performance of its duties. The legal counsel shall


represent the authority in actions brought by or against the




     (5) The board may employ other personnel considered necessary


by the board.


     Sec. 18. (1) If the authority determines that it is necessary


for the achievement of the purposes of this act, the authority


shall prepare and submit a tax increment financing plan to the


governing body of the municipality. The plan shall include a


development plan as provided in section 21, a detailed explanation


of the tax increment procedure, the maximum amount of bonded


indebtedness to be incurred, and the duration of the program, and


shall be in compliance with section 19. The plan shall contain a


statement of the estimated impact of tax increment financing on the


assessed values of all taxing jurisdictions in which the


development area is located. The plan may provide for the use of


part or all of the captured assessed value, but the portion


intended to be used by the authority shall be clearly stated in the


tax increment financing plan. The authority or municipality may


exclude from captured assessed value growth in property value


resulting solely from inflation. The plan shall set forth the


method for excluding growth in property value resulting solely from




     (2) Approval of the tax increment financing plan shall comply


with the notice, hearing, and disclosure provisions of section 22.


If the development plan is part of the tax increment financing


plan, only 1 hearing and approval procedure is required for the 2


plans together.


     (3) Before the public hearing on the tax increment financing


plan, the governing body shall provide a reasonable opportunity to


the taxing jurisdictions levying taxes subject to capture to meet


with the governing body. The authority shall fully inform the


taxing jurisdictions of the fiscal and economic implications of the


proposed development area. The taxing jurisdictions may present


their recommendations at the public hearing on the tax increment


financing plan. The authority may enter into agreements with the


taxing jurisdictions and the governing body of the municipality in


which the development area is located to share a portion of the


captured assessed value of the development area.


     (4) A tax increment financing plan may be modified if the


modification is approved by the governing body upon notice and


after public hearings and agreements as are required for approval


of the original plan.


     (5) Not more than 60 days after the public hearing on the tax


increment financing plan, the governing body in a taxing


jurisdiction levying ad valorem property taxes that would otherwise


be subject to capture may exempt its taxes from capture by adopting


a resolution to that effect and filing a copy with the clerk of the


municipality proposing to create the authority. The resolution


shall take effect when filed with the clerk and remains effective


until a copy of a resolution rescinding that resolution is filed


with that clerk.


     Sec. 20. (1) The municipality may by resolution of its


governing body  and subject to voter approval  authorize, issue,


and sell limited general obligation bonds subject to the


limitations set forth in this subsection to finance the development


program of the tax increment financing plan and shall pledge its


full faith and credit for the payment of the bonds. The


municipality may pledge as additional security for the bonds any


money received by the authority or the municipality under section


14. The bonds are subject to the revised municipal finance act,


2001 PA 34, MCL 141.2101 to 141.2821. Before the municipality may


authorize the borrowing, the authority shall submit an estimate of


the anticipated tax increment revenues and other revenue available


under section 14 to be available for payment of principal and


interest on the bonds, to the governing body of the municipality.


This estimate shall be approved by the governing body of the


municipality by resolution adopted by majority vote of the members


of the governing body in the resolution authorizing the bonds. If


the governing body of the municipality adopts the resolution


authorizing the bonds, the estimate of the anticipated tax


increment revenues and other revenue available under section 14 to


be available for payment of principal and interest on the bonds


shall be conclusive for purposes of this section. The bonds issued


under this subsection shall be considered a single series for the


purposes of the revised municipal finance act, 2001 PA 34, MCL


141.2101 to 141.2821.


     (2) By resolution of its governing body, the authority may


authorize, issue, and sell tax increment bonds subject to the


limitations set forth in this subsection to finance the development


program of the tax increment financing plan. The tax increment


bonds issued by the authority under this subsection shall pledge


solely the tax increment revenues of a development area in which


the project is located or a development area from which tax


increment revenues may be used for this project, or both. In


addition or in the alternative, the bonds issued by the authority


under this subsection may be secured by any other revenues


identified in section 14 as sources of financing for activities of


the authority that the authority shall specifically pledge in the


resolution. However, the full faith and credit of the municipality


shall not be pledged to secure bonds issued under this subsection.


The bond issue may include a sum sufficient to pay interest on the


tax increment bonds until full development of tax increment


revenues from the project and also a sum to provide a reasonable


reserve for payment of principal and interest on the bonds. The


resolution authorizing the bonds shall create a lien on the tax


increment revenues and other revenues pledged by the resolution


that shall be a statutory lien and shall be a first lien subject


only to liens previously created. The resolution may provide the


terms upon which additional bonds may be issued of equal standing


and parity of lien as to the tax increment revenues and other


revenues pledged under the resolution. Bonds issued under this


subsection that pledge revenue received under section 15 for


repayment of the bonds are subject to the revised municipal finance


act, 2001 PA 34, MCL 141.2101 to 141.2821.


     Sec. 22. (1) The governing body, before adoption of  an


ordinance  a resolution approving a development plan or tax


increment financing plan, shall hold a public hearing on the


development plan. Notice of the time and place of the hearing shall


be given by publication twice in a newspaper of general circulation


designated by the municipality, the first of which shall be not


less than 20 days before the date set for the hearing. Notice of


the hearing shall be posted in at least 20 conspicuous and public


places in the development area not less than 20 days before the


hearing. Notice shall also be mailed to all property taxpayers of


record in the development area and to the governing body of each


taxing jurisdiction levying taxes that would be subject to capture


if the tax increment financing plan is approved not less than 20


days before the hearing. The notice of hearing within the time


frame described in this subsection shall be mailed by certified


mail to the governing body of each taxing jurisdiction levying


taxes that would be subject to capture if the tax increment


financing plan is approved.


     (2) Notice of the time and place of hearing on a development


plan shall contain all of the following:


     (a) A description of the proposed development area in relation


to highways, streets, streams, or otherwise.


     (b) A statement that maps, plats, and a description of the


development plan, including the method of relocating families and


individuals who may be displaced from the area, are available for


public inspection at a place designated in the notice.


     (c) A statement that all aspects of the development plan will


be open for discussion at the public hearing.


     (d) Other information that the governing body considers




     (3) At the time set for the hearing, the governing body shall


provide an opportunity for interested persons to speak and shall


receive and consider communications in writing. The hearing shall


provide the fullest opportunity for expression of opinion, for


argument on the merits, and for consideration of documentary


evidence pertinent to the development plan. The governing body


shall make and preserve a record of the public hearing, including


all data presented at the hearing.


     Sec. 23. The governing body after a public hearing on the


development plan or the tax increment financing plan, or both, with


notice given under section 22, shall determine whether the


development plan or tax increment financing plan constitutes a


public purpose. If it determines that the development plan or tax


increment financing plan constitutes a public purpose, it shall by  


ordinance  resolution approve or reject the plan, or approve it


with modification, based on the following considerations:


     (a) The findings and recommendations of a development area


citizens council, if a development area citizens council was




     (a)  (b)  The plan meets the requirements under section 20(2).


     (b)  (c)  The proposed method of financing the development is


feasible and the authority has the ability to arrange the




     (c)  (d)  The development is reasonable and necessary to carry


out the purposes of this act.


     (d)  (e)  The land included within the development area to be


acquired is reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes of the


plan and of this act in an efficient and economically satisfactory




     (e)  (f)  The development plan is in reasonable accord with


the land use plan of the municipality.


     (f)  (g)  Public services, such as fire and police protection


and utilities, are or will be adequate to service the project area.


     (g)  (h)  Changes in zoning, streets, street levels,


intersections, and utilities are reasonably necessary for the


project and for the municipality.


     Sec. 27. An authority that has completed the purposes for


which it was organized shall be dissolved by  ordinance  resolution


of the governing body. The property and assets of the authority


remaining after the satisfaction of the obligations of the


authority belong to the municipality.