February 23, 2006, Introduced by Senators SCHAUER, BRATER, JACOBS, THOMAS and LELAND and referred to the Committee on Agriculture, Forestry and Tourism.




     A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled


"Natural resources and environmental protection act,"


(MCL 324.101 to 324.90106) by adding sections 8623 and 8625.




     Sec. 8623. (1) Beginning 180 days after the effective date of


the rules promulgated under subsection (2), a commercial animal


waste handler and a primary animal waste handler shall not handle


manure, production area waste, or process wastewater at an AFO


unless the person obtains a license under this section.


     (2) Within 1 year after the effective date of the amendatory


act that added this section, the department shall promulgate rules


for the licensing of animal waste handlers.  The rules may provide


for separate licensing categories and requirements for commercial


animal waste handlers and primary animal waste handlers.  The rules


shall provide for all of the following:


     (a) License terms of not less than 3 years.


     (b) Training and education standards for initial licensing for


animal waste handlers and continued education or continued


competency training for renewal licensing. The department may


provide by rule for a waiver of the education and training


requirements for persons who, on the effective date of the rules,


are engaged in handling manure at a CAFO and can demonstrate a


combination of training, education, and experience substantially


equivalent to the requirements imposed under the rules.


     (c) A process for phasing in the licensing requirements for


persons operating as animal waste handlers on the effective date of


the amendatory act that added this section.  The phase-in period


shall conclude not earlier than 1 year after the effective date of


rules promulgated under this section.


     (3) In establishing standards under subsection (2), the


department may incorporate by reference existing standards adopted


by the federal government or existing standards adopted by trade or


industry groups.


     (4) As a condition of licensure under this section, a licensee


shall maintain a bond in an amount not less than $25,000.00 for a


commercial animal waste handler or a primary animal waste handler.


The bond shall be executed by the licensee as principal and issued


by a corporation qualified under the laws of this state as surety,


payable to the state of Michigan, and conditioned upon compliance


with state and federal laws, rules, and regulations applicable to


the licensee.


     (5) The fee for an animal waste handler license is $200.00 per


year. If an annual fee is paid for an animal waste handler license,


but the application for the license is denied, the department shall


promptly refund the fee. For each state fiscal year, a person


possessing an animal waste handler license as of January 1 of that


fiscal year shall be assessed the $200.00 annual fee. The


department shall notify those persons of their fee assessments by


February 1 of that fiscal year. Payment shall be postmarked by


March 15 of that fiscal year.


     (6) The department shall assess interest on all animal waste


handler license fee payments received after the due date. The


amount of interest shall equal 0.75% of the payment due, for each


month or portion of a month the payment remains past due. The


failure by a person to timely pay a fee imposed by this section is


a violation of this part.


     (7) If a person fails to pay a fee required under this section


in full, plus any interest accrued, by October 1 of the year


following the date of notification of the fee assessment, the


department may issue an order that revokes the person's animal


waste handler license. Fees and interest collected under this


section shall be deposited in the CAFO cleanup and enforcement fund


created in section 8637.


     (8) Each CAFO shall have an individual licensed under this


section in charge of the handling of manure, production area waste,


and process wastewater. An individual licensed as a commercial


animal waste handler may act as a primary animal waste handler


without obtaining a separate license as a primary animal waste




     (9) The department may suspend or revoke an animal waste


handler license if the department, after notice and opportunity for


an administrative hearing, determines that the licensee violated


this part or rules promulgated under this part.


     Sec. 8625. (1) If production area waste or process wastewater


is sold, given away, or otherwise transferred to other persons and


the land application of that production area waste or process


wastewater is not under the operational control of the CAFO owner


or operator that generates the production area waste or process


wastewater, the CAFO owner or operator shall do all of the




     (a) Prepare a manifest for tracking the production area waste


or process wastewater before transferring the production area waste


or process wastewater.


     (b) Designate on the manifest the recipient of the production


area waste or process wastewater.


     (c) Use a manifest form that is approved by the department and


has locations for recording all of the following information:


     (i) A manifest document number.


     (ii) The generator's name, mailing address, and telephone




     (iii) The name and address of the recipient of the production


area waste or process wastewater.


     (iv) The nutrient content of the production area waste or


process wastewater to be used in determining the appropriate land


application rates.


     (v) The total quantity of production area waste or process


wastewater by units of weight or volume and the number and size of


the loads or containers used to transfer that quantity of


production area waste or process wastewater.


     (vi) A statement that informs the recipient of his or her


responsibility to properly manage the land application of the


manure or wastewater to minimize the discharge of pollutants to


waters of the state.


     (vii) The following certification: "I certify that the


production area waste or process wastewater is accurately described


above and is suitable for land application.".


     (viii) Other certification statements as may be required by the




     (ix) The address or other description of the final destination


of the production area waste or process wastewater, for completion


by the recipient after land application or other disposal or use of


the production area waste or process wastewater.


     (x) Dates and signatures of the generator and recipient.


     (d) Sign the manifest certification by hand.


     (e) Obtain the handwritten signature of the recipient and the


date of acceptance on the manifest.


     (f) Retain 1 copy of the manifest.


     (g) Give the remaining copies of the manifest to the




     (h) Advise the recipient of his or her responsibilities to


complete the manifest and return a copy to the generator within 30


days after completion of the land application or other disposal or


use of the production area waste or process wastewater.


     (i) Keep all copies of manifests with the CAFO owner's or


operator's CNMP for 3 years.


     (j) Make copies of the manifests available to the department


or the department of agriculture for inspection or copying upon


request. Manifests are exempt from disclosure under the freedom of


information act, 1976 PA 442, MCL 15.231 to 15.246.


     (2) Subsection (1) does not apply to quantities of production


area waste or process wastewater less than 1 cubic yard or 1 ton


per recipient per day.


     (3) One manifest may be used for multiple loads or containers


of the same production area waste or process wastewater transferred


in 1 calendar day to the same destination.


     (4) The generator shall not sell, give away, or otherwise


transfer production area waste or process wastewater to a recipient


if any of the following occur:


     (a) The recipient has previously not returned a copy of a


completed manifest to the generator.


     (b) A manifest returned by the recipient indicates improper


land application, use, or disposal.


     (c) The generator has been advised by the department that the


department or a court of appropriate jurisdiction has determined


that the recipient has improperly land-applied, used, or disposed


of manifested production area waste or process wastewater.


     Enacting section 1.  This amendatory act does not take effect


unless all of the following bills of the 93rd Legislature are


enacted into law:


     (a) Senate Bill No. 1072.                                 




     (b) Senate Bill No. 1069.                                  




     (c) Senate Bill No. 1065.                                  




     (d) Senate Bill No. 1063.                                  




     (e) Senate Bill No. 1068.                                  




     (f) Senate Bill No. 1067.                                  




     (g) Senate Bill No. 1071.                                   




     (h) Senate Bill No. 1070.