February 21, 2006, Introduced by Senators HAMMERSTROM, CHERRY, JACOBS, SCHAUER, OLSHOVE, SCOTT, GEORGE and STAMAS and referred to the Committee on Health Policy.




      A bill to amend 1956 PA 218, entitled


"The insurance code of 1956,"


by amending sections 3915, 3927, 3935, and 3942 (MCL 500.3915,


500.3927, 500.3935, and 500.3942), as added by 1992 PA 84, and by


adding sections 3906, 3910, 3910a, 3910b, 3925, 3926, 3926a,


3941a, and 3942b.




 1        Sec. 3906. (1) An individual long-term care policy or


 2  certificate shall not be issued until the insurer has received


 3  from the applicant either a written designation of at least 1


 4  person, in addition to the applicant, who is to receive notice of


 5  lapse or termination of the policy or certificate for nonpayment


 6  of premium, or a written waiver dated and signed by the applicant


 7  electing not to designate additional persons to receive notice.


 8  The applicant may designate at least 1 person who is to receive


 1  the notice of termination, in addition to the insured.


 2  Designation shall not constitute acceptance of any liability on


 3  the third party for services provided to the insured. The form


 4  used for the written designation shall provide space clearly


 5  designated for listing at least 1 person. The designation shall


 6  include each person's full name and home address. For an


 7  applicant who elects not to designate an additional person, the


 8  waiver shall state: "Protection against unintended lapse. I


 9  understand that I have the right to designate at least 1 person


10  other than myself to receive notice of lapse or termination of


11  this long-term care insurance policy for nonpayment of premium. I


12  understand that notice will not be given until 30 days after a


13  premium is due and unpaid. I elect NOT to designate a person to


14  receive this notice." The insurer shall notify the insured of the


15  right to change this written designation, no less often than once


16  every 2 years.


17        (2) If the policyholder or certificateholder pays premium


18  for a long-term care insurance policy or certificate through a


19  payroll or pension deduction plan, subsection (1) does not apply


20  until 60 days after the policyholder or certificateholder is no


21  longer on such a payment plan. The application or enrollment form


22  for such policies or certificates shall clearly indicate the


23  payment plan selected by the applicant.


24        (3) An individual long-term care policy or certificate shall


25  not lapse or be terminated for nonpayment of premium unless the


26  insurer, at least 30 days before the effective date of the lapse


27  or termination, has given notice to the insured and to those


 1  persons designated under subsection (1), at the address provided


 2  by the insured for purposes of receiving notice of lapse or


 3  termination. Notice shall be given by first-class United States


 4  mail, postage prepaid, and notice shall not be given until 30


 5  days after a premium is due and unpaid. Notice shall be


 6  considered given 5 days after the date of mailing.


 7        (4) A long-term care insurance policy or certificate shall


 8  provide for reinstatement of coverage if the insurer is provided


 9  proof that the policyholder or certificateholder was cognitively


10  impaired or had a loss of functional capacity before the grace


11  period contained in the policy expired. This option shall be


12  available to the insured if requested within 5 months after


13  termination and shall allow for the collection of past due


14  premium, where appropriate. The standard of proof of cognitive


15  impairment or loss of functional capacity shall not be more


16  stringent than the benefit eligibility criteria on cognitive


17  impairment or the loss of functional capacity contained in the


18  policy and certificate.


19        (5) This section takes effect January 1, 2006 and applies to


20  long-term care policies and certificates issued on or after


21  January 1, 2006.


22        Sec. 3910. (1) This section does not apply to life insurance


23  policies or riders containing accelerated benefits for long-term


24  care.


25        (2) Except as provided in subsection (3), a long-term care


26  insurance policy shall not be delivered or issued for delivery in


27  this state unless the policyholder or certificateholder has been


 1  offered the option of purchasing a policy or certificate


 2  including a nonforfeiture benefit. An offer shall be in writing


 3  if the nonforfeiture benefit is not otherwise described in the


 4  outline of coverage or other materials given to the prospective


 5  policyholder or certificateholder. The offer of a nonforfeiture


 6  benefit may be in the form of a rider that is attached to the


 7  policy. If the policyholder or certificateholder declines the


 8  nonforfeiture benefit, the insurer shall provide a contingent


 9  benefit upon lapse that shall be available for a specified period


10  of time following a substantial increase in premium rates.


11        (3) When a group long-term care insurance policy is issued,


12  the offer required in subsection (2) shall be made to the group


13  policyholder. However, if the policy is issued as group long-term


14  care insurance as defined in section 3901(c)(iv), other than to a


15  continuing care retirement community or other similar entity, the


16  offering shall be made to each proposed certificateholder.


17        (4) The commissioner shall promulgate rules specifying the


18  type or types of nonforfeiture benefits to be offered under this


19  section as part of long-term care insurance policies and


20  certificates, the standards for nonforfeiture benefits, and the


21  rules regarding contingent benefit upon lapse, including a


22  determination of the specified period of time during which a


23  contingent benefit upon lapse will be available and the


24  substantial premium rate increase that triggers a contingent


25  benefit upon lapse as described in subsection (2).


26        Sec. 3910a. (1) This section does not apply to life


27  insurance policies or riders containing accelerated benefits for


 1  long-term care.


 2        (2) A policy or certificate offered with nonforfeiture


 3  benefits shall have coverage elements, eligibility, benefit


 4  triggers, and benefit length that are the same as coverage to be


 5  issued without nonforfeiture benefits. The nonforfeiture benefit


 6  included in the offer shall be the benefits described in


 7  subsection (8).


 8        (3) If the offer required to be made under section 3910 is


 9  rejected, the insurer shall provide a contingent benefit upon


10  lapse as described in this section for individual and group


11  policies without nonforfeiture benefits issued on and after April


12  1, 2006.


13        (4) If a group policyholder elects to make the nonforfeiture


14  benefit an option to the certificateholder, a certificate shall


15  provide either the nonforfeiture benefit or the contingent


16  benefit upon lapse.


17        (5) Except as otherwise required, policyholders shall be


18  notified not less than 30 days before the due date of a premium


19  increase and of the amount of the increase.


20        (6) The contingent benefit on lapse is triggered every time


21  an insurer increases the premium rates to a level that results in


22  a cumulative increase of the annual premium equal to or exceeding


23  the percentage of the insured's initial annual premium as follows


24  based on the insured's issue age, and the policy or certificate


25  lapses within 120 days of the due date of the premium so


26  increased:





1                                Percent Increase Over

Issue Age                     Initial Premium

3  29 and under                  200%

4  30-34                         190%

5  35-39                         170%

6  40-44                         150%

7  45-49                         130%

8  50-54                         110%

9  55-59                         90%

10 60                            70%

11 61                            66%

12 62                            62%

13 63                            58%

14 64                            54%

15 65                            50%

16 66                            48%

17 67                            46%

18 68                            44%

19 69                            42%

20 70                            40%

21 71                            38%

22 72                            36%

23 73                            34%

24 74                            32%

25 75                            30%

26 76                            28%

27 77                            26%

28 78                            24%

29 79                            22%

30 80                            20%

1  81                            19%

2  82                            18%

3  83                            17%

4  84                            16%

5  85                            15%

6  86                            14%

7  87                            13%

8  88                            12%

9  89                            11%

10 90 and over                   10%



11        (7) On or before the effective date of a substantial premium


12  increase as defined in subsection (6), the insurer shall do all


13  of the following:


14        (a) Offer to reduce policy benefits provided by the current


15  coverage without the requirement of additional underwriting so


16  that required premium payments are not increased.


17        (b) Offer to convert the coverage to a paid-up status with a


18  shortened benefit period as provided in subsection (8). This


19  option may be elected at any time during the 120-day period under


20  subsection (6).


21        (c) Notify the policyholder or certificateholder that a


22  default or lapse at any time during the 120-day period under


23  subsection (6) is considered to be the election of the offer to


24  convert under subdivision (b).


25        (8) Benefits continued as nonforfeiture benefits, including


26  contingent benefits upon lapse, are as follows:


27        (a) For purposes of this subsection, attained age rating is


28  defined as a schedule of premiums starting from the issue date


 1  that increases age at least 1% per year prior to age 50 and at


 2  least 3% per year beyond age 50.


 3        (b) For purposes of this subsection, the nonforfeiture


 4  benefit shall be of a shortened benefit period providing paid-up


 5  long-term care insurance coverage after lapse. The same benefits


 6  shall be payable for a qualifying claim, but the lifetime maximum


 7  dollars or days of benefits shall be determined as provided in


 8  subdivision (c). As used in this subdivision, "same benefits"


 9  means amounts and frequency in effect at the time of lapse but


10  not increased thereafter.


11        (c) The standard nonforfeiture credit will be equal to 100%


12  of the sum of all premiums paid, including the premiums paid


13  prior to any changes in benefits. The insurer may offer


14  additional shortened benefit period options, as long as the


15  benefits for each duration equal or exceed the standard


16  nonforfeiture credit for that duration. However, the minimum


17  nonforfeiture credit shall not be less than 30 times the daily


18  nursing home benefit at the time of lapse. In either event, the


19  calculation of the nonforfeiture credit is subject to the


20  limitation of subsection (9).


21        (d) The nonforfeiture benefit shall begin not later than the


22  end of the third year following the policy or certificate issue


23  date. The contingent benefit upon lapse shall be effective during


24  the first 3 years as well as thereafter. However, for a policy or


25  certificate with attained age rating, the nonforfeiture benefit


26  shall begin on the earlier of the end of the tenth year following


27  the policy or certificate issue date or the end of the second


 1  year following the date the policy or certificate is no longer


 2  subject to attained age rating.


 3        (e) Nonforfeiture credits may be used for all care and


 4  services qualifying for benefits under the terms of the policy or


 5  certificate, up to the limits specified in the policy or


 6  certificate.


 7        (9) All benefits paid by the insurer while the policy or


 8  certificate is in premium paying status and in the paid-up status


 9  shall not exceed the maximum benefits that would be payable if


10  the policy or certificate had remained in premium paying status.


11        (10) There shall be no difference in the minimum


12  nonforfeiture benefits as required under this section for group


13  and individual policies.


14        (11) This section is effective April 1, 2006 and shall apply


15  as follows:


16        (a) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (b), this


17  section applies to any long-term care policy issued in this state


18  on or after April 1, 2006.


19        (b) This section does not apply to certificates issued on or


20  after April 1, 2006, under a group long-term care insurance


21  policy as defined in section 3901(c)(i), which policy was in force


22  at the time this section became effective.


23        (12) Premiums charged for a policy or certificate containing


24  nonforfeiture benefits or a contingent benefit on lapse are


25  subject to the loss ratio requirements of section 3926a treating


26  the policy as a whole.


27        (13) To determine whether contingent nonforfeiture upon


 1  lapse provisions are triggered under subsection (6), a replacing


 2  insurer that purchased or otherwise assumed a block or blocks of


 3  long-term care insurance policies from another insurer shall


 4  calculate the percentage increase based on the initial annual


 5  premium paid by the insured when the policy was first purchased


 6  from the original insurer.


 7        (14) For qualified long-term care insurance contracts that


 8  are level premium contracts, an insurer shall offer a


 9  nonforfeiture benefit that meets all of the following:


10        (a) Is appropriately captioned.


11        (b) Provides a benefit available in the event of a default


12  in the payment of any premiums and states that the amount of the


13  benefit may be adjusted subsequent to being initially granted


14  only as necessary to reflect changes in claims, persistency, and


15  interest as reflected in changes in rates for premium paying


16  contracts approved by the commissioner for the same contract


17  form.


18        (c) Provides at least 1 of the following:


19        (i) Reduced paid-up insurance.


20        (ii) Extended term insurance.


21        (iii) Shortened benefit period.


22        (iv) Other offerings approved by the commissioner that are


23  similar to subparagraphs (i) to (iii).


24        Sec. 3910b. (1) A long-term care insurance policy or


25  certificate shall provide that a policyholder or


26  certificateholder who wishes to reduce coverage and lower the


27  policy or certificate premium may do so in no fewer than the


 1  following ways:


 2        (a) By reducing the lifetime maximum benefit.


 3        (b) By reducing the nursing facility per diem and reducing


 4  the home- and community-based service benefits of a home care


 5  only policy and of a comprehensive long-term care policy.


 6        (c) By converting a "comprehensive long-term care" policy or


 7  certificate to a "nursing facility only" or a "home care only"


 8  policy or certificate, if the insurer issues those policies or


 9  certificates for sale in the state.


10        (2) A long-term care insurer shall include in the long-term


11  care insurance policy or certificate a description of the ways in


12  which coverage may be reduced and the process for requesting and


13  implementing a reduction in coverage.


14        (3) The premium for any reduction in long-term care


15  insurance coverage shall be based on the policyholder's or


16  certificateholder's age at the time the coverage to be reduced


17  was issued and the premium rate applicable to the reduced


18  coverage at the original issue date.


19        (4) A long-term care insurer may limit any reduction in


20  coverage to plans available for that policy form and to those for


21  which benefits will be available after consideration of claims


22  paid or payable.


23        (5) If a long-term care insurance policy or certificate is


24  about to lapse, the insurer shall provide written notice to the


25  insured of the options in subsection (1) to lower the premium by


26  reducing coverage and of the premiums applicable to the reduced


27  coverage options. The insurer may include in the notice


 1  additional options to those required in subsection (1). The


 2  notice shall provide the insured at least 30 days in which to


 3  elect to reduce coverage, and the policy or certificate shall be


 4  reinstated without underwriting if the insured elects the reduced


 5  coverage.


 6        (6) In the event of a premium increase, the insured shall be


 7  offered the option to lower premiums and reduce coverage.


 8        (7) This section applies to long-term care policies and


 9  certificates issued on or after April 1, 2006.


10        Sec. 3915. A long-term care insurance policy sold before,


11  on, or after June 2, 1992 shall not condition benefits on any of


12  the following:


13        (a) The prior institutionalization of the insured.


14        (b) Prior receipt of a higher level of institutional care.


15        Sec. 3925. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), this


16  section applies to any long-term care policy or certificate


17  issued in this state on or after April 1, 2006.


18        (2) For a long-term care certificate issued on or after


19  April 1, 2006 under a group long-term care insurance policy


20  described in section 3901(c)(i), which policy was in force on


21  April 1, 2006, this section applies on the policy anniversary


22  date following April 1, 2006.


23        (3) Other than long-term care policies or certificates for


24  which no applicable premium rate or rate schedule increases can


25  be made, an insurer shall provide on forms approved by the


26  commissioner all of the following information to the applicant at


27  the time of application or enrollment or, if the method of


 1  application does not allow for delivery at that time, an insurer


 2  shall provide on forms approved by the commissioner all of the


 3  following information to the applicant no later than at the time


 4  of delivery of the policy or certificate:


 5        (a) A statement that the policy may be subject to rate


 6  increases in the future.


 7        (b) An explanation of potential future premium rate


 8  revisions, and the policyholder's or certificateholder's option


 9  in the event of a premium rate revision.


10        (c) The premium rate or rate schedules applicable to the


11  applicant that will be in effect until a request is made for an


12  increase.


13        (d) A general explanation for applying premium rate or rate


14  schedule adjustments that shall include a description of when


15  premium rate or rate schedule adjustments will be effective and


16  the right to a revised premium rate or rate schedule if the


17  premium rate or rate schedule is changed.


18        (e) Information concerning each premium rate increase on the


19  policy or certificate or similar policies or certificates over


20  the past 10 years for this state or any other state that, at a


21  minimum, identifies all of the following:


22        (i) The policies or certificates for which premium rates have


23  been increased.


24        (ii) The calendar years when the policy or certificate was


25  available for purchase.


26        (iii) The amount or percent of each increase. The percentage


27  may be expressed as a percentage of the premium rate prior to the


 1  increase and may also be expressed as minimum and maximum


 2  percentages if the rate increase is variable by rating


 3  characteristics. An insurer may exclude from this disclosure


 4  premium rate increases that only apply to blocks of business


 5  acquired from another nonaffiliated insurer or the long-term care


 6  policies or certificates acquired from another nonaffiliated


 7  insurer when those increases occurred prior to the acquisition.


 8  If an acquiring insurer files for a rate increase on a long-term


 9  care policy or certificate acquired from a nonaffiliated insurer


10  or a block of policies or certificates acquired from a


11  nonaffiliated insurer before the later of April 1, 2006 or the


12  end of a 24-month period following the acquisition of the block


13  of policies or certificates, the acquiring insurer may exclude


14  that rate increase from this disclosure. However, the


15  nonaffiliated selling company shall include the disclosure of


16  that rate increase as provided in subparagraph (i). If the


17  acquiring insurer files for a subsequent rate increase, even


18  within the 24-month period, on the same policy or certificate


19  acquired from a nonaffiliated insurer or block of policies or


20  certificates acquired from a nonaffiliated insurer, the acquiring


21  insurer shall make all disclosures required by this subdivision,


22  including disclosure of the earlier rate increase.


23        (4) The insurer may, in a fair manner, provide explanatory


24  information related to the rate increases in addition to that


25  required under subsection (3).


26        (5) Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, an


27  applicant shall sign an acknowledgment at the time of application


 1  that the insurer made the disclosure required under subsection


 2  (3). If due to the method of application the applicant cannot


 3  sign an acknowledgment at the time of application, the applicant


 4  shall sign an acknowledgment that the insurer made the disclosure


 5  required under subsection (3) no later than at the time of


 6  delivery of the policy or certificate.


 7        (6) An insurer shall provide notice of an upcoming premium


 8  rate schedule increase to all policyholders or


 9  certificateholders, if applicable, at least 45 days prior to the


10  implementation of the premium rate schedule increase by the


11  insurer. The notice shall include the information required by


12  subsection (3) when the rate increase is implemented.


13        (7) A long-term care insurer shall provide to an applicant a


14  long-term care insurance personal worksheet approved by the


15  commissioner that the applicant can use for help in determining


16  whether long-term care insurance should be purchased.


17        Sec. 3926. (1) This section applies to any long-term care


18  policy or certificate issued in this state on or after April 1,


19  2006.


20        (2) An insurer shall provide all of the following


21  information to the commissioner 30 days prior to making a long-


22  term care insurance policy or certificate available for sale:


23        (a) A copy of the disclosure documents required in section


24  3925.


25        (b) An actuarial certification consisting of at least all of


26  the following:


27        (i) A statement that the initial premium rate schedule is


 1  sufficient to cover anticipated costs under moderately adverse


 2  experience and that the premium rate schedule is reasonably


 3  expected to be sustainable over the life of the policy or


 4  certificate with no future premium increases anticipated.


 5        (ii) A statement that the policy or certificate design and


 6  coverage provided have been reviewed and taken into


 7  consideration.


 8        (iii) A statement that the underwriting and claims


 9  adjudication processes have been reviewed and taken into


10  consideration.


11        (iv) A complete description of the basis for contract


12  reserves that are anticipated to be held under the policy or


13  certificate, with sufficient detail or sample calculations


14  provided so as to have a complete depiction of the reserve


15  amounts to be held, a statement that the assumptions used for


16  reserves contain reasonable margins for adverse experience, a


17  statement that the net valuation premium for renewal years does


18  not increase except for attained-age rating where permitted, and


19  a statement that the difference between the gross premium and the


20  net valuation premium for renewal years is sufficient to cover


21  expected renewal expenses or if such a statement cannot be made,


22  a complete description of the situations where this does not


23  occur. An aggregate distribution of anticipated issues may be


24  used as long as the underlying gross premiums maintain a


25  reasonably consistent relationship. If the gross premiums for


26  certain age groups appear to be inconsistent with this


27  requirement, the commissioner may request a demonstration under


 1  subsection (3) based on a standard age distribution.


 2        (v) A statement that the premium rate schedule is not less


 3  than the premium rate schedule for existing similar policies or


 4  certificates also available from the insurer except for


 5  reasonable differences attributable to benefits or a comparison


 6  of the premium schedules for similar policies or certificates


 7  that are currently available from the insurer with an explanation


 8  of the differences.


 9        (3) The commissioner may request an actuarial demonstration


10  that benefits are reasonable in relation to premiums. The


11  actuarial demonstration shall include either premium and claim


12  experience on similar policies or certificates, adjusted for any


13  premium or benefit differences, or relevant and credible data


14  from other studies, or both. If the commissioner asks for this


15  additional information, the 30-day time period under subsection


16  (2) is tolled until the commissioner receives the requested


17  information.


18        Sec. 3926a. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), this


19  section applies to any long-term care policy or certificate


20  issued in this state on or after April 1, 2006.


21        (2) For certificates issued on or after April 1, 2006 under


22  a group long-term care insurance policy described in section


23  3901(c)(i), which policy was in force on April 1, 2006, this


24  section applies on the policy anniversary date following April 1,


25  2006.


26        (3) An insurer shall provide notice of a pending premium


27  rate schedule increase, including an exceptional increase, to the


 1  commissioner at least 30 days prior to the notice to the


 2  policyholders. This notice to the commissioner shall include all


 3  of the following:


 4        (a) Information required by section 3925.


 5        (b) Certification by a qualified actuary that if the


 6  requested premium rate schedule increase is implemented and the


 7  underlying assumptions, which reflect moderately adverse


 8  conditions, are realized, no further premium rate schedule


 9  increases are anticipated and that the premium rate filing is in


10  compliance with the provisions of this section.


11        (c) An actuarial memorandum justifying the rate schedule


12  change request that includes all of the following:


13        (i) Lifetime projections of earned premiums and incurred


14  claims based on the filed premium rate schedule increase and the


15  method and assumptions used in determining the projected values,


16  including reflection of any assumptions that deviate from those


17  used for pricing other policies or certificates currently


18  available for sale. Annual values for the 5 years preceding and


19  the 3 years following the valuation date shall be provided


20  separately. The projections shall include the development of the


21  lifetime loss ratio, unless the rate increase is an exceptional


22  increase. The projections shall demonstrate compliance with


23  subsection (4). For exceptional increases, the projected


24  experience shall be limited to the increases in claims expenses


25  attributable to the approved reasons for the exceptional increase


26  and if the commissioner determines that offsets may exist, the


27  insurer shall use appropriate net projected experience.


 1        (ii) If the rate increase will trigger contingent benefit


 2  upon lapse, disclosure of how reserves have been incorporated in


 3  this rate increase.


 4        (iii) Disclosure of the analysis performed to determine why a


 5  rate adjustment is necessary, which pricing assumptions were not


 6  realized and why, and what other actions taken by the insurer


 7  have been relied on by the actuary.


 8        (iv) A statement that policy design, underwriting, and claims


 9  adjudication practices have been taken into consideration.


10        (v) If it is necessary to maintain consistent premium rates


11  for new certificates and certificates receiving a rate increase,


12  the insurer will need to file composite rates reflecting


13  projections of new certificates.


14        (d) A statement that renewal premium rate schedules are not


15  greater than new business premium rate schedules except for


16  differences attributable to benefits, unless sufficient


17  justification is provided to the commissioner.


18        (e) Sufficient information for review and approval of the


19  premium rate schedule increase by the commissioner.


20        (4) All premium rate schedule increases shall be determined


21  in accordance with the following requirements:


22        (a) Exceptional increases shall provide that 70% of the


23  present value of projected additional premiums from the


24  exceptional increase will be returned to policyholders in


25  benefits.


26        (b) Premium rate schedule increases shall be calculated such


27  that the sum of the accumulated value of incurred claims, without


 1  the inclusion of active life reserves, and the present value of


 2  future projected incurred claims, without the inclusion of active


 3  life reserves, will not be less than the sum of the following:


 4        (i) The accumulated value of the initial earned premium times


 5  58%.


 6        (ii) Eighty-five percent of the accumulated value of prior


 7  premium rate schedule increases on an earned basis.


 8        (iii) The present value of future projected initial earned


 9  premiums times 58%.


10        (iv) Eighty-five percent of the present value of future


11  projected premiums not in subparagraph (iii) on an earned basis.


12        (c) If a policy or certificate has both exceptional and


13  other increases, the values in subdivision (b)(ii) and (iv) shall


14  also include 70% for exceptional rate increase amounts.


15        (d) All present and accumulated values used to determine


16  rate increases shall use the maximum valuation interest rate for


17  contract reserves as specified in section 733(1). The actuary


18  shall disclose as part of the actuarial memorandum the use of any


19  appropriate averages.


20        (5) For each rate increase that is implemented, the insurer


21  shall file for review and approval by the commissioner updated


22  projections, as described in subsection (3)(c)(i), annually for


23  the next 3 years and include a comparison of actual results to


24  projected values. The commissioner may extend the period to


25  greater than 3 years if actual results are not consistent with


26  projected values from prior projections. For group insurance


27  certificates that meet the conditions in subsection (13), the


 1  projection required by this subsection shall be provided to the


 2  policyholder in lieu of filing with the commissioner.


 3        (6) If any premium rate in the revised premium rate schedule


 4  is greater than 200% of the comparable rate in the initial


 5  premium schedule, lifetime projections, as described in


 6  subsection (3)(c)(i), shall be filed for review and approval by


 7  the commissioner every 5 years following the end of the required


 8  period in subsection (5). For group insurance certificates that


 9  meet the conditions in subsection (13), the projections required


10  by this subsection shall be provided to the policyholder in lieu


11  of filing with the commissioner.


12        (7) If the commissioner has determined that the actual


13  experience following a rate increase does not adequately match


14  the projected experience and that the current projections under


15  moderately adverse conditions demonstrate that incurred claims


16  will not exceed proportions of premiums specified in subsection


17  (4), the commissioner may require the insurer to implement


18  premium rate schedule adjustments or other measures to reduce the


19  difference between the projected and actual experience. In


20  determining whether the actual experience adequately matches the


21  projected experience, consideration should be given to subsection


22  (3)(c)(iii), if applicable.


23        (8) If the majority of the policies or certificates to which


24  an increase is applicable are eligible for the contingent benefit


25  upon lapse, the insurer shall file both of the following with the


26  commissioner:


27        (a) A plan, subject to commissioner approval, for improved


 1  administration or claims processing designed to eliminate the


 2  potential for further deterioration of the policy or certificate


 3  requiring further premium rate schedule increases, or both, or to


 4  demonstrate that appropriate administration and claims processing


 5  have been implemented or are in effect.


 6        (b) The original anticipated lifetime loss ratio, and the


 7  premium rate schedule increase that would have been calculated


 8  according to subsection (4) had the greater of the original


 9  anticipated lifetime loss ratio or 58% been used in the


10  calculations described in subsection (4)(b)(i) and (iii).


11        (9) The commissioner shall review, for all policies and


12  certificates included in a filing, the projected lapse rates and


13  past lapse rates during the 12 months following each increase to


14  determine if significant adverse lapsation has occurred or is


15  anticipated for any rate increase filing meeting the following


16  criteria:


17        (a) The rate increase is not the first rate increase


18  requested for the specific policy or certificate.


19        (b) The rate increase is not an exceptional increase.


20        (c) The majority of the policies or certificates to which


21  the increase is applicable are eligible for the contingent


22  benefit upon lapse.


23        (10) If significant adverse lapsation has occurred, is


24  anticipated in the filing, or is evidenced in the actual results


25  as presented in the updated projections provided by the insurer


26  following the requested rate increase, the commissioner may


27  determine that a rate spiral exists. Following the determination


 1  that a rate spiral exists, the commissioner may require the


 2  insurer to offer, without underwriting, to all in force insureds


 3  subject to the rate increase the option to replace existing


 4  coverage with 1 or more reasonably comparable products being


 5  offered by the insurer or its affiliates. An offer under this


 6  subsection is subject to the commissioner's approval, shall be


 7  based on actuarially sound principles, but shall not be based on


 8  attained age, and shall provide that maximum benefits under any


 9  new policy or certificate accepted by an insured shall be reduced


10  by comparable benefits already paid under the existing policy or


11  certificate. The insurer shall maintain the experience of all the


12  replacement insureds separate from the experience of insureds


13  originally issued the policy or certificate. If a rate increase


14  is requested on the policy or certificate, the rate increase


15  shall be limited to the lesser of the maximum rate increase


16  determined based on the combined experience and the maximum rate


17  increase determined based only on the experience of the insureds


18  originally issued the policy or certificate plus 10%.


19        (11) If the commissioner determines that an insurer has


20  exhibited a persistent practice of filing inadequate initial


21  premium rates for long-term care insurance, the commissioner, in


22  addition to the provisions of subsections (9) and (10), may


23  prohibit the insurer from either of the following:


24        (a) Filing and marketing comparable coverage for a period of


25  up to 5 years.


26        (b) Offering all other similar coverages and limiting


27  marketing of new applications to the products subject to recent


 1  premium rate schedule increases.


 2        (12) Subsections (1) to (11) do not apply to policies or


 3  certificates for which the long-term care benefits provided by


 4  the policy or certificate are incidental, if the policy or


 5  certificate complies with all of the following:


 6        (a) The interest credited internally to determine cash value


 7  accumulations, including long-term care, if any, are guaranteed


 8  not to be less than the minimum guaranteed interest rate for cash


 9  value accumulations without long-term care set forth in the


10  policy or certificate.


11        (b) The portion of the policy or certificate that provides


12  insurance benefits other than long-term care coverage meets the


13  nonforfeiture requirements as applicable in section 4060 or 4072.


14        (c) The policy or certificate meets sections 3928, 3933,


15  3951, and 3953.


16        (d) The portion of the policy or certificate that provides


17  insurance benefits other than long-term care coverage meets, as


18  applicable, the policy illustrations and disclosure requirements


19  under section 4038.


20        (e) An actuarial memorandum is filed with the office of


21  financial and insurance services that includes all of the


22  following:


23        (i) A description of the basis on which the long-term care


24  rates were determined.


25        (ii) A description of the basis for the reserves.


26        (iii) A summary of the type of policy, benefits, renewability,


27  general marketing method, and limits on ages of issuance.


 1        (iv) A description and a table of each actuarial assumption


 2  used. For expenses, an insurer shall include percent of premium


 3  dollars per policy or certificate and dollars per unit of


 4  benefits, if any.


 5        (v) A description and a table of the anticipated policy or


 6  certificate reserves and additional reserves to be held in each


 7  future year for active lives.


 8        (vi) The estimated average annual premium per policy or


 9  certificate and the average issue age.


10        (vii) A statement as to whether underwriting is performed at


11  the time of application. The statement shall indicate whether


12  underwriting is used and, if used, shall include a description of


13  the type or types of underwriting used, such as medical


14  underwriting or functional assessment underwriting. For a group


15  certificate, the statement shall indicate whether the enrollee or


16  any dependent will be underwritten and when underwriting occurs.


17        (viii) A description of the effect of the long-term care


18  policy or certificate provision on the required premiums,


19  nonforfeiture values, and reserves on the underlying insurance


20  policy or certificate, both for active lives and those in long-


21  term care claim status.


22        (13) Subsections (7), (8), and (9) do not apply to a group


23  insurance policy described in section 3901(c)(i) if the policy


24  insures 250 or more persons and the policyholder has 5,000 or


25  more eligible employees of a single employer or the policyholder,


26  and not the certificate holders, pays a material portion of the


27  premium, which shall not be less than 20% of the total premium


 1  for the group in the calendar year prior to the year a rate


 2  increase is filed.


 3        (14) Except as otherwise provided in this section,


 4  exceptional increases are subject to the same requirements as


 5  other premium rate schedule increases. The commissioner may


 6  request a review by an independent qualified actuary or a


 7  professional qualified actuarial body of the basis for a request


 8  that an increase be considered an exceptional increase. The


 9  commissioner, in determining that the necessary basis for an


10  exceptional increase exists, shall also determine any potential


11  offsets to higher claims costs.


12        (15) As used in this section:


13        (a) "Exceptional increase" means only those increases filed


14  by an insurer as exceptional for which the commissioner


15  determines the need for the premium rate increase is justified


16  due to extraordinary circumstances that were not foreseen at the


17  time the rates for a product were originally approved and that


18  affects the majority of insurers of similar products. These


19  circumstances may include, but are not limited to, any of the


20  following:


21        (i) Changes in laws or regulations that have impacted or will


22  impact long-term care insurance coverage or long-term care


23  services delivery or financing in this state.


24        (ii) Unexpected increases in actual or projected claims costs


25  whether from higher utilization or higher inflation in the cost


26  of long-term care services.


27        (iii) A prolonged substantial reduction in the rate of return


 1  on the type of investments generally contained in the portfolio


 2  of insurers of similar products.


 3        (b) "Incidental" means that the value of the long-term care


 4  benefits provided is less than 10% of the total value of the


 5  benefits provided over the life of the policy or certificate as


 6  measured on the date of issue.


 7        (c) "Qualified actuary" means a member in good standing of


 8  the American academy of actuaries.


 9        (d) "Similar policies" means all of the long-term care


10  insurance policies and certificates issued by an insurer in the


11  same long-term care benefit classification as the policy or


12  certificate being considered. Certificates of groups described in


13  section 3901(c)(i) are not considered similar to policies or


14  certificates otherwise issued as long-term care insurance, but


15  are similar to other comparable certificates with the same long-


16  term care benefit classifications. For purposes of determining


17  similar policies, long-term care benefit classifications are


18  defined as follows: institutional long-term care benefits only,


19  noninstitutional long-term care benefits only, or comprehensive


20  long-term care benefits.


21        Sec. 3927. (1) Benefits under individual long-term care


22  insurance policies shall be considered reasonable in relation to


23  premiums provided the expected loss ratio is at least 60%,


24  calculated in a manner that provides for adequate reserving of


25  the long-term care insurance risk. In evaluating the expected


26  loss ratio, due consideration shall be given to all relevant


27  factors, including:


 1        (a) Statistical credibility of incurred claims experience


 2  and earned premiums.


 3        (b) The period for which rates are computed to provide


 4  coverage.


 5        (c) Experienced and projected trends.


 6        (d) Concentration of experience within early policy


 7  duration.


 8        (e) Expected claim fluctuation.


 9        (f) Experience refunds, adjustments, or dividends.


10        (g) Renewability features.


11        (h) All appropriate expense factors.


12        (i) Interest.


13        (j) Experimental nature of the coverage.


14        (k) Policy reserves.


15        (l) Mix of business by risk classification.


16        (m) Product features such as long elimination periods, high


17  deductibles, and high maximum limits.


18        (n) Premiums charged and losses incurred for other similar


19  policies.


20        (2) This section does not apply to fixed indivisible premium


21  life insurance policies that fund long-term care benefits


22  entirely by accelerating the death benefit.


23        (3) This section applies to all long-term care insurance


24  policies or certificates except those described in sections


25  3926(1) and 3926a(1) and (2).


26        Sec. 3935. An application for a long-term care policy shall


27  contain the following statement printed, stamped, or as part of a


 1  sticker permanently affixed to the application in capital letters


 2  on the first page:


 3        "For additional information about long-term care coverage


 4  write to the  Michigan insurance bureau  office of financial and


 5  insurance services, P.O. Box 30220, Lansing, MI 48909 or call the


 6  area agency on aging in your community.".


 7        Sec. 3941a. (1) This section does not apply to life


 8  insurance policies or riders containing accelerated benefits for


 9  long-term care.


10        (2) Every insurer or other entity marketing long-term care


11  insurance shall do all of the following:


12        (a) Develop and use suitability standards to determine


13  whether the purchase or replacement of long-term care insurance


14  is appropriate for the needs of the applicant.


15        (b) Train its producers in the use of and require producers


16  to use its suitability standards.


17        (c) Maintain a copy of its suitability standards and make


18  them available for inspection upon request by the commissioner.


19        (d) To determine whether the applicant meets the developed


20  suitability standards, the producer and insurer shall develop


21  procedures that take all of the following into consideration:


22        (i) The ability to pay for the proposed coverage and other


23  pertinent financial information related to the purchase of the


24  coverage.


25        (ii) The applicant's goals or needs with respect to long-term


26  care and the advantages and disadvantages of insurance to meet


27  these goals or needs.


 1        (iii) The values, benefits, and costs of the applicant's


 2  existing insurance, if any, when compared to the values,


 3  benefits, and costs of the recommended purchase or replacement.


 4        (3) If the insurer determines that the applicant does not


 5  meet its suitability standards, or if the applicant has declined


 6  to provide the necessary information, the insurer may reject the


 7  application for long-term care insurance.


 8        Sec. 3942. (1) Every insurer marketing long-term care


 9  insurance coverage in this state, directly or through its


10  producers, shall do all of the following:


11        (a) Provide the training required in section 3942b.


12        (b)  (a)  Establish marketing procedures to assure that any


13  comparison of policies by its  agents  producers or other


14  producers are fair and accurate.


15        (c)  (b)  Establish marketing procedures to assure excessive


16  insurance is not sold or issued.


17        (d)  (c)  Display prominently by type, stamp, or other


18  appropriate means, on the first page of the outline of coverage


19  and policy the following:


20        "Notice to buyer: This policy may not cover all of the costs


21  associated with long-term care incurred by the buyer during the


22  period of coverage. The buyer is advised to review carefully all


23  policy limitations.".


24        (e)  (d)  Inquire and otherwise make every reasonable effort


25  to identify whether a prospective applicant or enrollee for long-


26  term care insurance already has accident and sickness or long-


27  term care insurance and the types and amounts of such insurance.


 1        (f)  (e)  Establish auditable procedures for verifying


 2  compliance with this section.


 3        (2) An insurer marketing long-term care insurance coverage


 4  in this state shall not use the term "level premium" or


 5  "noncancelable" unless the insurer does not have the right to


 6  change the premium for the product being marketed.


 7        Sec. 3942b. (1) A long-term care insurer shall require that


 8  each producer authorized to solicit individual consumers for the


 9  sale of long-term care insurance shall complete the following


10  training requirements that, for resident licensees, are in


11  addition to the requirements in section 1204a:


12        (a) For producers issued a license on or after April 1,


13  2006, 8 hours of training in the 24-month period prior to first


14  soliciting individual consumers for the sale of long-term care


15  insurance and 8 hours of training in every 24-month period


16  following licensure.


17        (b) For producers issued a license before April 1, 2006, 8


18  hours of training in every 24-month period.


19        (2) The training required by this section shall consist of


20  topics related to long-term care insurance and long-term care


21  services, including, but not limited to, all of the following:


22        (a) State regulations and requirements.


23        (b) Available long-term care services and providers.


24        (c) Changes or improvements in long-term care services or


25  providers.


26        (d) Alternatives to the purchase of private long-term care


27  insurance.


 1        (e) Differences in eligibility for benefits and tax


 2  treatment between policies intended to be federally qualified and


 3  those not intended to be federally qualified.


 4        (f) The effect of inflation in eroding the value of benefits


 5  and the importance of inflation protection.


 6        (g) Consumer suitability standards and guidelines.


 7        (3) The training required by this section shall not include


 8  any training that is insurer or product specific or that includes


 9  any sales or marketing information, materials, or training.


10        (4) A long-term care insurer shall obtain verification of


11  the training required by this section before a producer is


12  permitted to sell the insurer's long-term care insurance


13  products. A long-term care insurer shall maintain an accurate


14  record of producers authorized to sell the insurer's long-term


15  care insurance products to ensure continued compliance with the


16  requirements of this section. All records of authorized


17  producers, past and present, shall be made available to the


18  commissioner upon request.