May 18, 2005, Introduced by Senator VAN WOERKOM and referred to the Committee on Finance.




     A bill to amend 1893 PA 206, entitled


"The general property tax act,"


by amending section 9 (MCL 211.9), as amended by 2003 PA 140.




     Sec. 9. The following personal property is exempt from




     (a) The personal property of charitable, educational, and


scientific institutions incorporated under the laws of this state.


This exemption does not apply to secret or fraternal societies, but


the personal property of all charitable homes of secret or


fraternal societies and nonprofit corporations that own and operate


facilities for the aged and chronically ill in which the net income


from the operation of the nonprofit corporations or secret or


fraternal societies does not inure to the benefit of a person other


than the residents is exempt.


     (b) The property of all library associations, circulating


libraries, libraries of reference, and reading rooms owned or


supported by the public and not used for gain.


     (c) The property of posts of the grand army of the republic,


sons of veterans' unions, and of the women's relief corps connected


with them, of young men's Christian associations, women's Christian


temperance union associations, young people's Christian unions, a


boy or girl scout or camp fire girls organization, 4-H clubs, and


other similar associations.


     (d) Pensions receivable from the United States.


     (e) The property of Indians who are not citizens.


     (f) The personal property owned and used by a householder such


as customary furniture, fixtures, provisions, fuel, and other


similar equipment, wearing apparel including personal jewelry,


family pictures, school books, library books of reference, and


allied items. Personal property is not exempt under this


subdivision if it is used to produce income, if it is held for


speculative investment, or if it constitutes an inventory of goods


for sale in the regular course of trade.


     (g) Household furnishings, provisions, and fuel of not more


than $5,000.00 in taxable value, of each social or professional


fraternity, sorority, and student cooperative house recognized by


the educational institution at which it is located.


     (h) The working tools of a mechanic of not more than $500.00


in taxable value. "Mechanic", as used in this subdivision, means a


person skilled in a trade pertaining to a craft or in the


construction or repair of machinery if the person's employment by


others is dependent on his or her furnishing the tools.


     (i) Fire engines and other implements used in extinguishing


fires owned or used by an organized or independent fire company.


     (j) Property actually used in agricultural operations and farm


implements held for sale or resale by retail servicing dealers for


use in agricultural production. As used in this subdivision,


"agricultural operations" means farming in all its branches,


including cultivation of the soil, growing and harvesting of an


agricultural, horticultural, or floricultural commodity, dairying,


raising of livestock, bees, fur-bearing animals, or poultry, turf


and tree farming, raising and harvesting of fish, and any practices


performed by a farmer or on a farm as an incident to, or in


conjunction with, farming operations.  , but excluding retail sales


and food processing operations.  Property used in agricultural


operations includes machinery used to prepare the crop  any farm


commodity or product for market operated incidental to a farming


operation that does not substantially alter the form, shape, or


substance of the crop and is limited to cleaning, cooling, washing,


pitting, grading, sizing, sorting, drying, bagging, boxing,


crating, and handling  if not less than 33% 75% of the volume of


the crops processed in the year ending on the applicable tax day or


in at least 3 of the immediately preceding 5 years were grown by


the farmer in Michigan who is the owner or user of the crop


processing machinery.


     (k) Personal property of not more than $500.00 in taxable


value used by a householder in the operation of a business in the


householder's dwelling or at 1 other location in the city,


township, or village in which the householder resides.


     (l) The products, materials, or goods processed or otherwise


and in whatever form, but expressly excepting alcoholic beverages,


located in a public warehouse, United States customs port of entry


bonded warehouse, dock, or port facility on December 31 of each


year, if those products, materials, or goods are designated as in


transit to destinations outside this state pursuant to the


published tariffs of a railroad or common carrier by filing the


freight bill covering the products, materials, or goods with the


agency designated by the tariffs, entitling the shipper to


transportation rate privileges. Products in a United States customs


port of entry bonded warehouse that arrived from another state or a


foreign country, whether awaiting shipment to another state or to a


final destination within this state, are considered to be in


transit and temporarily at rest, and not subject to the collection


of taxes under this act. To obtain an exemption for products,


materials, or goods under this subdivision, the owner shall file a


sworn statement with, and in the form required by, the assessing


officer of the tax district in which the warehouse, dock, or port


facility is located, at a time between the tax day, December 31,


and before the assessing officer closes the assessment rolls


describing the products, materials, or goods, and reporting their


cost and value as of December 31 of each year. The status of


persons and products, materials, or goods for which an exemption is


requested is determined as of December 31, which is the tax day.


Any property located in a public warehouse, dock, or port facility


on December 31 of each year that is exempt from taxation under this


subdivision but that is not shipped outside this state pursuant to


the particular tariff under which the transportation rate privilege


was established shall be assessed upon the immediately succeeding


or a subsequent assessment roll by the assessing officer and taxed


at the same rate of taxation as other taxable property for the year


or years for which the property was exempted to the owner at the


time of the omission unless the owner or person entitled to


possession of the products, materials, or goods is a resident of,


or authorized to do business in, this state and files with the


assessing officer, with whom statements of taxable property are


required to be filed, a statement under oath that the products,


materials, or goods are not for sale or use in this state and will


be shipped to a point or points outside this state. If a person,


firm, or corporation claims exemption by filing a sworn statement,


the person, firm, or corporation shall append to the statement of


taxable property required to be filed in the immediately succeeding


year or, if a statement of taxable property is not filed for the


immediately succeeding year, to a sworn statement filed on a form


required by the assessing officer, a complete list of the property


for which the exemption was claimed with a statement of the manner


of shipment and of the point or points to which the products,


materials, or goods were shipped from the public warehouse, dock,


or port facility. The assessing officer shall assess the products,


materials, or goods not shipped to a point or points outside this


state upon the immediately succeeding assessment roll or on a


subsequent assessment roll and the products, materials, or goods


shall be taxed at the same rate of taxation as other taxable


property for the year or years for which the property was exempted


to the owner at the time of the omission. The records, accounts,


and books of warehouses, docks, or port facilities, individuals,


partnerships, corporations, owners, or those in possession of


tangible personal property shall be open to and available for


inspection, examination, or auditing by assessing officers. A


warehouse, dock, port facility, individual, partnership,


corporation, owner, or person in possession of tangible personal


property shall report within 90 days after shipment of products,


materials, or goods in transit, for which an exemption under this


section was claimed or granted, the destination of shipments or


parts of shipments and the cost value of those shipments or parts


of shipments to the assessing officer. A warehouse, dock, port


facility, individual, partnership, corporation, or owner is subject


to a fine of $100.00 for each failure to report the destination and


cost value of shipments or parts of shipments as required in this


subdivision. A person, firm, individual, partnership, corporation,


or owner failing to report products, materials, or goods located in


a warehouse, dock, or port facility to the assessing officer is


subject to a fine of $100.00 and a penalty of 50% of the final


amount of taxes found to be assessable for the year on property not


reported, the assessable taxes and penalty to be spread on a


subsequent assessment roll in the same manner as general taxes on


personal property. For the purpose of this subdivision, a public


warehouse, dock, or port facility means a warehouse, dock, or port


facility owned or operated by a person, firm, or corporation


engaged in the business of storing products, materials, or goods


for hire for profit who issues a schedule of rates for storage of


the products, materials, or goods and who issues warehouse receipts


pursuant to 1909 PA 303, MCL 443.50 to 443.55. A United States


customs port of entry bonded warehouse means a customs warehouse


within a classification designated by 19 C.F.R.  CFR 19.1 and that


is located in a port of entry, as defined by 19 C.F.R.  CFR 101.1.


A portion of a public warehouse, United States customs port of


entry bonded warehouse, dock, or port facility leased to a tenant


or a portion of any premises owned or leased or operated by a


consignor or consignee or an affiliate or subsidiary of the


consignor or consignee is not a public warehouse, dock, or port




     (m) Personal property owned by a bank or trust company


organized under the laws of this state, a national banking


association, or an incorporated bank holding company as defined in


section 2 1841 of the bank holding company act of 1956, chapter


240, 70 Stat. 133,  12 U.S.C.  USC 1841, that controls a bank,


national banking association, trust company, or industrial bank


subsidiary located in this state. Buildings owned by a state or


national bank, trust company, or incorporated bank holding company


and situated upon lands of which the state or national bank, trust


company, or incorporated bank holding company is not the owner of


the fee are considered real property and are not exempt from


taxation. Personal property owned by a state or national bank,


trust company, or incorporated bank holding company that is leased,


loaned, or otherwise made available to and used by a private


individual, association, or corporation in connection with a


business conducted for profit is not exempt from taxation.


     (n) Farm products, processed or otherwise, the ultimate use of


which is for human or animal consumption as food, except wine,


beer, and other alcoholic beverages regularly placed in storage in


a public warehouse, dock, or port facility while in storage are


considered in transit and only temporarily at rest and are not


subject to personal property taxation. The assessing officer is the


determining authority as to what constitutes, is defined as, or


classified as, farm products as used in this subdivision. The


records, accounts, and books of warehouses, docks, or port


facilities, individuals, partnerships, corporations, owners, or


those in possession of farm products shall be open to and available


for inspection, examination, or auditing by assessing officers.


     (o) Sugar, in solid or liquid form, produced from sugar beets,


dried beet pulp, and beet molasses if owned or held by processors.


     (p) The personal property of a parent cooperative preschool.


As used in this subdivision and section 7z, "parent cooperative


preschool" means a nonprofit, nondiscriminatory educational


institution maintained as a community service and administered by


parents of children currently enrolled in the preschool, that


provides an educational and developmental program for children


younger than compulsory school age, that provides an educational


program for parents, including active participation with children


in preschool activities, that is directed by qualified preschool


personnel, and that is licensed under 1973 PA 116, MCL 722.111 to




     (q) All equipment used exclusively in wood harvesting, but not


including portable or stationary sawmills or other equipment used


in secondary processing operations. As used in this subdivision,


"wood harvesting" means clearing land for forest management


purposes, planting trees, all forms of cutting or chipping trees,


and loading trees on trucks for removal from the harvest area.


     (r) Liquefied petroleum gas tanks located on residential or


agricultural property used to store liquefied petroleum gas for


residential or agricultural property use.


     (s) Water conditioning systems used for a residential




     (t) For taxes levied after December 31, 2000, aircraft


excepted from the registration provisions of the aeronautics code


of the state of Michigan, 1945 PA 327, MCL 259.1 to 259.208, and


all other aircraft operating under the provisions of a certificate


issued under 14 C.F.R.  CFR part 121, and all spare parts for such

