March 15, 2006, Introduced by Reps. Ward, Stewart and Miller and referred to the Committee on Regulatory Reform.


     A bill to amend 1980 PA 299, entitled


"Occupational code,"


by amending sections 104, 601, 602, 603, 604, 728, 1009, 1019, and


2412 (MCL 339.104, 339.601, 339.602, 339.603, 339.604, 339.728,


339.1009, 339.1019, and 339.2412), section 104 as amended by 1996


PA 151, sections 601 and 602 as amended by 2005 PA 278, section 604


as amended by 1989 PA 261, section 728 as amended by 2000 PA 334,


sections 1009 and 1019 as amended by 1992 PA 253, and section 2412


as amended by 2001 PA 113, and by adding section 2006; and to


repeal acts and parts of acts.




     Sec. 104. (1) "Department" means the department of  commerce  


labor and economic growth.


     (2) "Director" means the director of the department  of


commerce  or an authorized representative of the director of the


department.  of commerce.


     (3) "Disability" means an infirmity that prevents a board


member from performing a duty assigned to the board member.


     (4) "Files" means the records, memoranda, opinions, minutes,


and similar written materials that were formerly in the physical


dominion of a board abolished by this act and the records,


memoranda, opinions, minutes, and similar written materials of a


board created under this act.


     (5) "Formal complaint" means a document that states the


charges of each alleged violation and is prepared by the department


or the department of attorney general after a complaint has been


received by the department.


     (6) "General public" means each individual residing in this


state who is 18 years of age or older, other than a person or the


spouse of a person who is licensed or registered in the occupation


or who has a material financial interest in the occupation being


regulated by the specific article in which the term is used.


     (7) "Good moral character" means good moral character as


defined in section 1 of  Act No. 381 of the Public Acts of 1974,


being section 338.41 of the Michigan Compiled Laws  1974 PA 381,


MCL 338.41.


     (8) "Incompetence" means a departure from, or a failure to


conform to, minimal standards of acceptable practice for the




     (9) "Knowledge and skill" means the information, education,


practical experience, and the facility in applying that


information, education, and practical experience.


     Sec. 601. (1) A person shall not engage in or attempt to


engage in the practice of an occupation regulated under this act or


use a title designated in this act unless the person possesses a


license or registration issued by the department for the




     (2) A school, institution, or person shall not operate or


attempt to operate a barber college, school of cosmetology, or real


estate school unless the school, institution, or person is licensed


or approved by the department.


     (3) A person, school, or institution that violates subsection


(1) or (2) is guilty of a  misdemeanor  felony, punishable by a


fine of not more than  $500.00  $5,000.00, or imprisonment for not


more than  90 days  4 years, or both.


     (4) A person, school, or institution that violates subsection


(1) or (2) a second or any subsequent time is guilty of a


misdemeanor  felony, punishable, except as provided in section 735,


by a fine of not more than  $1,000.00  $10,000.00, or imprisonment


for not more than  1 year  4 years, or both.


     (5) Notwithstanding the existence and pursuit of any other


remedy, an affected person may maintain injunctive action in a


court of competent jurisdiction to restrain or prevent a person


from violating subsection (1) or (2). If successful in obtaining


injunctive relief, the affected person  shall be  is entitled to


actual costs and attorney fees.


     (6) This act does not apply to a person engaging in or


practicing the following:


     (a) Interior design.


     (b) Building design.


     (c) Any activity for which the person is licensed under the


state plumbing act, 2002 PA 733, MCL 338.3511 to 338.3569.


     (d) Any activity for which the person is licensed under the


Forbes mechanical contractors act, 1984 PA 192, MCL 338.971 to




     (e) Any activity for which the person is licensed under the


electrical administrative act, 1956 PA 217, MCL 338.881 to 338.892.


     (7) As used in subsection (5), "affected person" means a


person directly affected by the actions of a person suspected of


violating subsection (1) or (2) and includes, but is not limited


to, a licensee or registrant, the department, a board established


pursuant to this act, a person who has utilized the services of the


person engaging in or attempting to engage in an occupation


regulated under this act or using a title designated by this act


without being licensed or registered by the department, or a


private association composed primarily of members of the occupation


in which the person is engaging in or attempting to engage in or in


which the person is using a title designated under this act without


being registered or licensed by the department.


     (8) An investigation may be conducted under article 5 to


enforce this section. A person who violates this section shall be


subject to this section and section 506.


     (9) A person, a qualifying officer, or an agent for a legal


entity licensed or registered under this act shall not bring or


maintain an action in a court of this state for the collection of


compensation for the performance of an act or contract for which


licensure or registration is required under this act without


alleging and proving that the person, qualifying officer, or agent


was licensed or registered under this act during the performance of


the act or contract. A person who has utilized the services of a


person engaging in or attempting to engage in an occupation


regulated under this act or using a title designated by this act


without being licensed or registered by the department may bring an


action in a court of competent jurisdiction, or offer as a


counterclaim to an action brought by an unlicensed or unregistered


person, for a refund of compensation after deducting the value of


the goods or services retained by the person.


     (10) The department, the attorney general, a county


prosecutor, and an attorney representing a local unit of government


may utilize forfeiture as a remedy in the manner provided for in


section 2006.


     (11)  (9)  The remedies under this section are independent and


cumulative. The use of 1 remedy by a person  shall  does not bar


the use of other lawful remedies by that person or the use of a


lawful remedy by another person.


     (12)  (10)  An interior designer may perform services in


connection with the design of interior spaces including preparation


of documents relative to finishes, systems furniture, furnishings,


fixtures, equipment, and interior partitions that do not affect the


building mechanical, structural, electrical, or fire safety




     Sec. 602. A person, school, or institution that violates this


act or a rule or order promulgated or issued under this act shall


be assessed 1 or more of the following  penalties  administrative


or civil sanctions:


     (a) Placement of a limitation on a license or  certificate of  


registration for an occupation regulated under  articles 8 to 25 


this act.


     (b) Suspension of a license or  certificate of  registration.


     (c) Denial of a license,  certificate of  registration, or


renewal of a license or  certificate of  registration.


     (d) Revocation of a license or  certificate of  registration.


     (e) An administrative fine for each violation or for each day


of a continuing violation to be paid to the department, not to


exceed $10,000.00 per offense or day of violation.


     (f) Censure.


     (g) Probation.


     (h) A requirement that restitution be made as a condition for




     Sec. 603. (1) If restitution is required to be made under


section 601 or 602, or both, the department may suspend or revoke


the license or  certificate of  registration of the person required


to make the restitution  may be suspended  until the restitution is




     (2) If the department suspends or revokes a license or


registration for failure to make restitution, in whole or part, the


restitution in the form of repair or remedial corrective work shall


be performed by a person appropriately licensed or registered under


this act and shall be paid for by the licensee or registrant


seeking reinstatement.


     Sec. 604. A person who violates 1 or more of the provisions of


an article  which regulates  regulating an occupation or who


commits 1 or more of the following  shall be  is subject to the  


penalties  administrative or civil sanctions prescribed in section




     (a)  Practices  Engages in fraud or deceit in obtaining a


license or registration.


     (b)  Practices  Engages in fraud, deceit, or dishonesty in


practicing an occupation.


     (c) Violates a rule of conduct of an occupation.


     (d) Demonstrates a lack of good moral character.


     (e) Commits an act of gross negligence in practicing an




     (f)  Practices  Engages in false advertising.


     (g) Commits an act  which  that demonstrates incompetence.


     (h) Violates any other provision of this act or a rule


promulgated under this act for which a penalty or sanction is not


otherwise prescribed.


     (i) Fails to comply with a subpoena issued under this act.


     (j) Fails to respond to a citation as required by section 555.


     (k) Violates or fails to comply with a final order issued by a


board, including a stipulation, settlement agreement, or a




     (l) Knowingly fails to notify the department of a change in




     (m) Knowingly fails to notify the department of a change in


partners, officers, or other members if required under a particular




     (n) Knowingly fails to conspicuously display a license or


registration or produce a pocket license or registration if


required under a particular article.


     (o) Operates or advertises under a name different than the


name under which the person is licensed or registered.


     Sec. 728.  (1)  A firm organized for the practice of public


accounting shall apply for and obtain a license under this article


in order to engage in the practice of public accounting in this


state. The firm applying for licensure under this article shall


meet both of the following requirements:


     (a) At least a simple majority of the equity and voting rights


of the firm are held directly or beneficially by individuals who


are licensed in good standing as certified public accountants of


this or another state or the equivalent in another licensing


jurisdiction acceptable to the board.


     (b) The principal officer of the firm and each officer or


director having authority for the practice of public accounting by


the firm are licensed in good standing as certified public


accountants in this or another state or the equivalent in another


licensing jurisdiction acceptable to the board.


     (2) A firm shall provide a change in address to the department


within 30 days of the change.


     Sec. 1009. (1) A license issued under this article is not




     (2) Within 15 days after a personnel agency changes from a


sole proprietorship to a partnership or corporation, or from a


partnership to a sole proprietorship or corporation, or from a


corporation to a sole proprietorship or partnership, all licensure


requirements for the new entity shall be met.


     (3) A personnel agency  which  that seeks to admit a new


partner to an existing partnership or a new officer or stockholder


to an existing corporation shall notify the department within 15


days after a change in the partners of a partnership or the


officers of a corporation or the stockholders of a corporation


owning 10% or more of the stock of the corporation. The notice


shall be made on a form provided by the department and shall


contain information by which the department may determine whether


the new individual is of good moral character.


     (4) If a designated employment agent or consulting agent is no


longer employed by the personnel agency or is no longer charged


with the general management of the personnel agency's office, the


personnel agency shall designate another licensed employment agency


or consulting agent and notify the department within 15 days after


the appointment is made. A temporary license may be issued to an


applicant for an agent's license pursuant to section 213.


     (5) An employment agent or consulting agent shall notify the


department in writing within 5 business days after the date he or


she is no longer employed by a personnel agency or is no longer


charged with the general management of the office of that personnel




     (6) A personnel agency shall notify the department, in


writing, within 30 days after the date of any change of address and


shall demonstrate that the premises designated is an acceptable


place for the personnel agency to conduct business.


     Sec. 1019. A personnel agency, or any licensed agent or other


agent or employee of a personnel agency shall not do any of the




     (a) Use any name other than the name in which the personnel


agency is licensed.


     (b) Bring or maintain an action in a court of this state for


the collection of compensation for the performance of an act or


contract for services as a personnel agency without alleging and


proving that the agency and its agent were licensed under this


article during the performance of the act or contract.


     (a)  (c)  Use a form  which  that contains provisions in


violation of this article, rules promulgated under this article, or


other state or federal laws or regulations.


     (b)  (d)  Share a fee with any other person, except a


personnel agency licensed in this state or in any other state


requiring licenses for personnel agencies or a personnel agency in


a state in which licensure is not required.


     (c)  (e)  Persuade, induce, or solicit an employer to


discharge an employee.


     (d)  (f)  Request or accept a registration fee or any other


fee not set forth in the agency's contract with a client or charge


a fee higher than the fee set forth in the contract.


     (e)  (g)  Request or accept, or give, offer, or promise to


give, a gift of such value that the gift is likely to persuade,


induce, or influence an action of an employer or benefit the


personnel agency or any of its agents or employees.


     (f)  (h)  Knowingly procure, entice, send, or aid in


procuring, enticing, or sending a person to perform an illegal act.


     (g)  (i)  Prevent an employee of the department from


inspecting the records of the agency at any time during normal


business hours.


     Sec. 2006. The department, the attorney general, a county


prosecutor, and an attorney representing a local unit of government


may utilize the forfeiture provisions of chapter 47 of the revised


judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236, MCL 600.4701 to 600.4709, for


items seized and determined to be proceeds of a crime, substituted


proceeds of a crime, or the instrumentality of a crime, relating to


a violation of this article, as those terms are defined under


section 4701 of the revised judicature act of 1961, 1961 PA 236,


MCL 600.4701.


     Sec. 2412.  (1) A person or qualifying officer for a


corporation or member of a residential builder or residential


maintenance and alteration contractor shall not bring or maintain


an action in a court of this state for the collection of


compensation for the performance of an act or contract for which a


license is required by this article without alleging and proving


that the person was licensed under this article during the


performance of the act or contract. (2)  Failure of the person


bringing a complaint against a licensee to utilize a contractually


provided alternative dispute resolution procedure shall be an


affirmative defense to an action brought in a court of this state


against a licensee under this article.


     Enacting section 1. Sections 916 and 2512a of the occupational


code, 1980 PA 299, MCL 339.916 and 339.2512a, are repealed.


     Enacting section 2. This amendatory act does not take effect


unless Senate Bill No.____ or House Bill No. 5875(request no.


02669'05 a **) of the 93rd Legislature is enacted into law.