May 3, 2005, Introduced by Reps. Gleason, Jones, McDowell, Espinoza, Ball, Vander Veen and Gaffney and referred to the Committee on Health Policy.


     A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled


"Public health code,"


by amending section 16204 (MCL 333.16204), as added by 1994 PA 234.




     Sec. 16204.  (1) Effective for the renewal of licenses or


registrations issued under this article and expiring after January


1, 1997 if the completion of continuing education is a condition


for renewal, the appropriate board shall by rule require an


applicant for renewal to complete an appropriate number of hours or


courses in pain and symptom management. Rules promulgated by a


board under section 16205(2) for continuing education in pain and


symptom management shall cover both course length and content and


shall take into consideration the recommendation for that health


care profession by the interdisciplinary advisory committee created


in section 16204a. A board shall submit the notice of public


hearing for the rules as required under section 42 of the


administrative procedures act of 1969,  being section 24.242 of the


Michigan Compiled Laws  1969 PA 306, MCL 24.242, not later than 90


days after the first interdisciplinary advisory committee makes its


initial recommendations and shall promulgate the rules as


expeditiously as possible.


     (2) If a board proposes rules under section 16205(2) to


institute a requirement that continuing education be a mandatory


condition for the renewal of a license or registration issued under


this article, the rules shall require, as part of the continuing


education requirements, completion of an appropriate number of


hours or courses in pain and symptom management, taking into


consideration the recommendation for that health care profession by


the interdisciplinary advisory committee created in section 16204a.


     (3) This section does not apply to individuals licensed or


registered under part 184 or 188.  or to an individual licensed to


engage in the practice as a dental hygienist under part 166.