February 17, 2005, Introduced by Reps. Vagnozzi, Sheltrown, Spade, Kathleen Law, Zelenko, Angerer, Lemmons, Jr., Clack, McConico, Hunter, Tobocman, Donigan, Bieda, Meisner, Sak and Gleason and referred to the Committee on Higher Education and Career Preparation.


     A bill to establish an undergraduate tuition waiver program


for certain qualified veterans of the armed forces of the United


States; to provide for the administration of the tuition waiver


program; and to prescribe certain powers and duties of certain


state officers, agencies, and departments.




     Sec. 1.  This act shall be known and may be cited as the


"veterans tuition waiver act".


     Sec. 2.  As used in this act:


     (a) "Academic year" means the period from August 1 of a


calendar year to July 31 of the next calendar year.


     (b) "Authority" means the Michigan higher education assistance


authority created by 1960 PA 77, MCL 390.951 to 390.961.


     (c) "Eligible institution" means a degree- or certificate-


granting public or independent nonprofit college or university,


junior college, or community college in this state.


     (d) "Eligible tuition" means the tuition charged by an


eligible institution for an undergraduate class.


     (e) "Full-time" means enrolled in at least 12 credit hours in


an academic semester or the equivalent number of credit hours in a


term or quarter, as determined by the authority.


     (f) "Qualified veteran" means an individual who meets all of


the following:


     (i) Either his or her legal residence immediately before


entering military service was in this state and he or she did not


later reside outside of this state for a period of more than 2


years or he or she established legal residency in this state after


entering military service.


     (ii) He or she served as a member of any branch of the armed


forces of the United States and received an honorable discharge or


a discharge for physical reasons with an honorable record.


     (iii)  His or her military service included service in the


Persian Gulf combat zone as part of Operation Iraqi Freedom or in


southern or central Asia as part of Operation Enduring Freedom.


     (g) "Undergraduate classes" means classes or courses that


provide a student with academic credit applicable toward a


bachelor's or associate's degree from an eligible institution.


     Sec. 3. The veterans tuition waiver program is created, to be


administered by the authority. The authority shall do all of the




     (a) Provide tuition waivers at eligible institutions for


qualified veterans under this act.


     (b) Develop a tuition waiver agreement to be entered into by a


tuition waiver recipient and the eligible institution that contains


the terms of a tuition waiver made under this act and the rights


and obligations of the recipient and the eligible institution.


     (c) Promulgate rules to implement and administer this act


under the administrative procedures act of 1969, 1969 PA 306, MCL


24.201 to 24.328.  The rules may include additional standards of


eligibility for qualified veterans to receive tuition waivers under


this act.


     Sec. 4. (1) Beginning in the 2006-2007 academic year, an


eligible institution that agrees to participate in the tuition


waiver program established by this act shall waive tuition in an


amount determined under subsection (2) for any qualified veteran


who meets all of the following requirements:


     (a) Is enrolled in that academic year as a full-time student


in undergraduate classes at an eligible institution.


     (b) Is a United States citizen or permanent resident of the


United States.


     (c) Is less than 60 years of age.


     (d) Has resided continuously in this state for the 12 months


immediately preceding the date of his or her application and is not


a resident of any other state.


     (e) Has maintained a cumulative grade point average of at


least 2.25 in any undergraduate classes he or she completed at any


eligible institution in any previous academic years.


     (f) Has signed a written tuition waiver agreement with the


eligible institution.


     (g) Is in compliance with this act and the rules promulgated


under this act.


     (h) Has not been convicted of a felony involving an assault,


physical injury, or death.


     (i) Meets any other standards established in rules promulgated


by the authority under section 3.


     (2) Except as provided in subsection (3), the amount of a


tuition waiver described in subsection (1) in an academic year is


$2,500.00 or an amount equal to all of the qualified veteran's


eligible tuition in that academic year, whichever is less.


     (3) A qualified veteran shall not receive tuition waiver


assistance under this act in more than 4 academic years.


     Sec. 5. (1) Beginning in the 2006-2007 academic year, within


60 days after the end of an academic year, an eligible institution


shall apply to the authority for reimbursement of tuition waived


under this act in that academic year.  The application shall


include the total number of qualified veterans whose tuition was


waived; the total amount of reimbursement requested by the eligible


institution; and an itemization of the waivers that includes the


name of each qualified veteran receiving a tuition waiver, the


amount of that waiver, the qualified veteran's grade point average


for the academic year, the qualified veteran's cumulative grade


point average, the qualified veteran's transcript for the academic


year, and a certification that the qualified veteran meets the


eligibility requirements for tuition reimbursement under this act


in the amount requested by the eligible institution.


     (2) The authority shall verify the amount of reimbursement to


which an eligible institution is entitled and report that


information to the house and senate appropriation subcommittees on


higher education and community colleges.


     (3) The legislature shall appropriate money for reimbursement


to the eligible institution if the institution receives annual


appropriations from this state or to the authority for distribution


to the eligible institution if the institution does not receive


annual appropriations from this state. Money appropriated under


this subsection shall be used only for tuition waivers under this

