SB-0203, As Passed House, December 13, 2005



























     A bill to amend 1975 PA 228, entitled


"Single business tax act,"


by amending section 54 (MCL 208.54), as added by 1999 PA 115.




     Sec. 54. (1) Notwithstanding sections 51 and 52, a spun off


corporation may elect to calculate its sales factor under this


section for a period of 5 years if the following criteria under


subdivisions (a), (b), and (c) are met,  and  for an additional 2


years following the 5 years, and for an additional 4 years


following the additional 2 years if all of the following criteria


under this subsection are met:


     (a) The spun off corporation was included in a combined or


consolidated return under this act for the tax year immediately


preceding the restructuring transaction.


     (b) As a result of the restructuring transaction that occurred


on or after January 1, 1999, both of the following apply:


     (i) The spun off corporation ceased to be included in the


combined or consolidated annual return under this act described in


subsection (1)(a).


     (ii) Without regard to this section, the spun off corporation


would have had an increased tax liability under this act for the


tax year in which the election under this section is made.


     (c) On or before the due date for filing the spun off


corporation's first annual return under this act following the


restructuring transaction, the spun off corporation shall request,


in writing, approval from the state treasurer for the election


provided under this section. The state treasurer must approve the


request under this subdivision by the spun off corporation. The


request shall include all of the following:


     (i) A statement that the spun off corporation qualifies for the


election under this section.


     (ii) A list of all corporations, limited liability companies,


and any other business entities that the spun off corporation


controlled at the time of the restructuring transaction.


     (iii) A commitment by the spun off corporation to invest at


least $500,000,000.00 of capital investment in this state within 5


years. The 5 years under this subparagraph shall commence with the


first tax year following the tax year in which the restructuring


transaction was completed.


     (d) Prior to the end of the sixth year following the


restructuring transaction and if the spun off corporation is not


required to file amended returns under subsection (3), the spun off


corporation shall request, in writing, approval from the state


treasurer for the election  provided  of the 2 additional years


under  this section  subsection (1). The state treasurer must


approve the request under this subdivision by the spun off


corporation. The request shall include all of the following:


     (i) A statement that the spun off corporation qualifies for the


election under this section.


     (ii) A list of all corporations, limited liability companies,


and any other business entities that the spun off corporation


controlled at the time of the restructuring transaction.


     (iii) A commitment by the spun off corporation to invest at


least $200,000,000.00 of capital investment in this state within


the  next 2 years  additional 2 years or a commitment by the spun


off corporation to invest a total of $700,000,000.00 of capital


investment in this state within the 7-year period beginning with


the year in which the restructuring transaction was completed. The


2 years under this subparagraph shall commence with the sixth tax


year following the tax year in which the restructuring transaction


was completed.


     (e) Prior to the end of the eighth year following the


restructuring transaction and if the spun off corporation is not


required to file amended returns under subsection (5), the spun off


corporation may request, in writing, approval from the state


treasurer for the election of the 4 additional years under


subsection (1). The state treasurer must approve the election under


this subdivision. The request shall include all of the following:

Senate Bill No. 203 (H-1) as amended December 13, 2005

     (i) A statement that the spun off corporation qualifies for the


election under this section.


     (ii) A list of all corporations, limited liability companies,


and any other business entities that the spun off corporation


controlled at the time of the restructuring transaction.


     (iii) A commitment by the spun off corporation to invest at


least an additional $200,000,000.00 of capital investment in this


state within the additional 4 years and maintain at least 80% of


the number of full-time equivalent employees in this state based on


the number of full-time equivalent employees in this state at the


beginning of the additional 4-year period for all of the additional


4 years; a commitment by the spun off corporation to invest an


additional $400,000,000.00 in this state within the additional 4


years; or a commitment by the spun off corporation to invest a


total of $1,300,000,000.00 [in this state] within the 11-year period



with the year in which the restructuring transaction was completed.


The 4 years under this subparagraph shall commence with the eighth


year following the tax year in which the restructuring transaction


was completed. For purposes of this subparagraph, the number of


full-time equivalent employees includes employees in all of the


following circumstances:


     (A) On temporary layoff.


     (B) On strike.


     (C) On a type of temporary leave other than the type under


sub-subparagraphs (A) and (B).


     (D) Transferred by the spun off corporation to a related


entity or to its immediately preceding former parent corporation.

Senate Bill No. 203 (H-1) as amended December 13, 2005

     (E) Transferred by the spun off corporation to another


employer because of the sale of the spun off corporation's location


in this state that was the work site of the employees.


     (2) Prior to the end of the eleventh year following the


restructuring transaction, a taxpayer that is a buyer of a plant [located

in this state]


that was included in the initial restructuring transaction under


subsection (1) may elect to calculate its sales factor under


subsection (3) and disregard sales by the taxpayer attributable to


that plant to a former parent of a spun off corporation and the


sales attributable to the plant shall be treated as sales by a spun


off corporation. This election shall extend for a period of 4 years


following the date that the plant was purchased. On or before the


due date for filing the buyer's first annual return following the


purchase of the plant, the buyer shall request, in writing,


approval from the state treasurer for the election provided under


this section and shall attach a statement that the buyer qualifies


for the election under this section.


     (3)  (2)  A spun off corporation qualified under subsection


(1) or (2) and that makes an election and is approved under


subsection (1) or (2) calculates its sales factor under sections 51


and 52 subject to both of the following:


     (a) A purchaser in this state under section 52 does not


include a person who purchases from a seller that was included in


the purchaser's combined or consolidated annual return under this


act but, as a result of the restructuring transaction, ceased to be


included in the purchaser's combined or consolidated annual return


under this act.  [For tax years that begin after December 31, 2005, for a

taxpayer that has filed for bankruptcy protection under federal law in calendar year 2005 and for tax years that begin after december 31, 2006 for all other taxpayers, this subdivision applies only to sales that originate from a plant located in this state.]

Senate Bill No. 203 (H-1) as amended December 13, 2005

     (b) Total sales under section 51 do not include sales to a


purchaser that was a member of a Michigan affiliated group that had


included the seller in the filing of a combined or consolidated


annual return under this act but, as a result of the restructuring


transaction, ceased to include the seller.  [For tax years that begin

after December 31, 2005, for a taxpayer that has filed for bankruptcy protection under federal law in calendar year 2005 and for tax years that begin after December 31, 2006 for all other taxpayers, this subdivision applies only to sales that originate from a plant located in this state to a location in this state.]


     (4)  (3)  At the end of the fifth year following the


restructuring transaction, if a spun off corporation that elected


to calculate its sales factor under this section for the additional


2 years allowed under subsection (1) has failed to pay or accrue


the amount of capital investment required under subsection (1)(c),


the spun off corporation shall  be required to  file amended annual


returns under this act for each of the years the spun off


corporation calculated its sales factor under this section


regardless of the applicable statute of limitations under section


27a of 1941 PA 122, MCL 205.27a, and pay any additional tax plus


interest based on the sales factor as calculated under sections 51


and 52. Interest shall be calculated from the due date of the


original return.


     (5)  (4)  At the end of the seventh tax year following the


restructuring transaction, if a spun off corporation that elected


to calculate its sales factor under this section has failed to pay


or accrue the capital investment required under subsection (1)(d),


the spun off corporation shall be required to file amended annual


returns under this act for the sixth and seventh tax years


following the restructuring transaction and pay any additional tax


plus interest based on the sales factor as calculated under


sections 51 and 52. Interest shall be calculated from the due date

Senate Bill No. 203 (H-1) as amended December 13, 2005

of the original return.


     (6) At the end of the eleventh tax year following the


restructuring transaction, if the spun off corporation that elected


to calculate its sales factor under this section for the additional


2 years and the additional 4 years allowed under subsection (1) has


failed [to maintain the required number of emplOYEES or failed] to pay or

accrue the capital investment required under


subsection (1)(e), the spun off corporation shall file amended


annual returns under this act for the eighth through eleventh tax


years following the restructuring transaction, regardless of the


statute of limitations under section 27a of 1941 PA 122, MCL


205.27a, and pay any additional tax plus interest based on the


sales factor as calculated under sections 51 and 52. Interest shall


be calculated from the due date of the original return.


     (7) The amount of the spun off corporation's investment


commitments required under this section shall not be reduced by the


amount of any qualifying investments in Michigan plants that are




     (8)  (5)  As used in this section:


     (a) "Spun off corporation" means an entity treated as a


controlled corporation under section 355 of the internal revenue


code. Controlled corporation includes a corporate subsidiary


created for the purpose of a restructuring transaction, a limited


liability company, or an operational unit or division with business


activities that were previously carried out as a part of the


distributing corporation.


     (b) "Restructuring transaction" means a tax free distribution


under section 355 of the internal revenue code and includes tax


free transactions under section 355 that are commonly referred to


as spin offs, split ups, split offs, or type D reorganizations.


     Enacting section 1.  This amendatory act does not take effect


unless all of the following bills of the 93rd Legislature are


enacted into law:


     (a) Senate Bill No. 909.


     (b) Senate Bill No. 910.


     (c) House Bill No. 4982.


     (d) House Bill No. 5459.


     (e) House Bill No. 5460.


     (f) House Bill No. 5461.