House Bill 6084 (Substitute S-2 as reported by the Committee of the Whole)
Sponsor: Representative Philip LaJoy
House Committee: Transportation
Senate Committee: Transportation
The bill would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code to do the following:
-- Revise criminal history check requirements for an applicant for a vehicle dealer or salvage vehicle agent license.
-- Restrict the Secretary of State's (SOS's) use and disclosure of an applicant's criminal history check information, and prescribe criminal penalties for a person who used this information improperly.
-- Exempt certain military personnel and commercial driver license (CDL) holders from a requirement to obtain a driver license.
-- Prohibit the SOS from issuing a license to a person whose CDL application was canceled because it contained false information, and require the person to wait at least 60 days before reapplying.
-- Require a person to be at least 21 before obtaining a hazardous material indorsement.
-- Increase from 16 to 18 the minimum age that a person operating a vehicle for farming purposes only must be in order to obtain an A or B vehicle group designation or an F vehicle indorsement.
-- Revise provisions regarding the expiration of a driver license.
-- Require the SOS to suspend for one year a commercial motor vehicle (CMV) driver's vehicle group designations and indorsements for certain traffic violations committed in a noncommercial motor vehicle.
-- Require the SOS to suspend or revoke a person's privilege to operate a CMV as directed by the Federal government.
-- Require the SOS to suspend the vehicle group designations or indorsements of a person who violated an out-of-service order, and prescribe a civil fine for a violation.
-- Prohibit an employer from knowingly allowing or requiring a driver to operate a CMV in violation of provisions related to railroad crossings, or an out-of-service order, and prescribe a civil fine for a violation.
-- Prohibit a court from submitting, and the SOS from entering on a person's master driving record, an abstract for a conviction or civil infraction determination for the person's failure to have his or her driver license in his or her immediate possession while driving, if the person were driving a non-CMV and, before the appearance date or the date fines were to be paid, he or she submitted proof that he or she held a valid driver license.
MCL 257.248f et al. Legislative Analyst: Julie Koval
The bill would amend the Code in order to comply with Federal law. Proposed fines are based on Federal recommendations. Additional fine revenue would be allocated to public libraries. According to the Department of State, the bill would not result in new administrative costs.
Date Completed: 6-20-06 Fiscal Analyst: Bill Bowerman
Analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent. hb6084/0506