House Bill 6075 (as reported without amendment)
Sponsor: Representative David Law
House Committee: Transportation
Senate Committee: Transportation

The bill would amend the Aeronautics Code to make it a misdemeanor to trespass upon the area within the boundary of, or operate or cause to be operated a vehicle or device or conduct an activity upon or across, an approved or licensed airport, landing field, or other aeronautical facility, without the authorization of the airport management. A violation would be punishable by imprisonment for up to one year and/or a maximum fine of $1,000.

The Code prohibits these activities currently, but does not prescribe a specific penalty. Under Section 176, except as otherwise provided, a person who violates the Code is responsible for a State civil infraction and is subject to a civil fine of up to $500.

MCL 259.184 Legislative Analyst: Julie Cassidy

The bill would have an indeterminate fiscal impact on local government. There are no data to indicate how many offenders would be convicted of the proposed offense. Local governments would incur the costs of misdemeanor probation and incarceration in local facilities, which vary by county. Additional penal fine revenue would benefit public libraries.

Date Completed: 11-28-06 Fiscal Analyst: Lindsay Hollander

Analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent. hb6075/0506