Senate Bills 1416 and 1417 (as introduced 9-12-06)
Sponsor: Senator Bev Hammerstrom
Committee: Health Policy

Date Completed: 9-12-06

CONTENT Senate Bills 1416 and 1417 would amend the Public Health Code and the Revised School Code, respectively, to do the following:

-- Require the Department of Community Health (DCH) to identify materials containing information about the risks associated with the human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical cancer, and the HPV vaccine.
-- Require the DCH to inform schools of the availability of that information.
-- Require the health care provider administering the HPV vaccine to provide a statement or certificate, or make an entry on a certificate.
-- Require the parent or guardian of a female 6th grade student to give school officials a statement that she had received the HPV vaccine or that the parent or guardian chose not to have her vaccinated.

Senate Bill 1417 is tie-barred to Senate Bill 1416.

Senate Bill 1416

The bill would require the DCH, by September 1, 2007, to identify materials containing information regarding the risks associated with HPV and cervical cancer, and the availability, effectiveness, and potential risks of the HPV vaccine. The Department would have to notify each school in the State of the availability of these materials and post them on the DCH website.

Under the Public Health Code, the health care provider administering an immunizing agent to a child must give a certificate of immunization to the person accompanying the child, or make an entry on a certificate in the person's possession. The bill would require the health care provider administering the HPV vaccine to do the same (although the provider could give either a statement or a certificate of that immunization).

Beginning with the 2008 school year, the parent, guardian, or person in loco parentis of a female child enrolling in 6th grade for the first time in a public or nonpublic school, would have to submit to school officials one of the following:

-- A statement signed by a physician that the child had received the HPV vaccine.
-- A statement signed by the child's parent, guardian, or person in loco parentis to the effect that he or she had received the information on the connection between HPV and cervical cancer identified by the DCH, and had elected for the child not to receive the HPV vaccine.

The Code requires the DCH to promulgate rules to implement Part 92 (Immunizations). The DCH also must promulgate rules to implement the expansion of the Childhood Immunization Registry to include the reporting and recording of additional information such as lead screening performed on children. The bill also would require the inclusion of information on the administration of the HPV vaccine. (Under the Code, the DCH must establish the Registry to record information regarding immunizations performed under Part 92.)

Senate Bill 1417

Under the bill, beginning with the 2008 school year, the parent or legal guardian of a female child enrolling in 6th grade for the first time in a public or nonpublic school, would have to submit to school officials one of the following:

-- A statement signed by a physician that the child had received the HPV vaccine.
-- A statement signed by the child's parent or guardian to the effect that he or she had received the information on the connection between HPV and cervical cancer identified by the DCH, and had elected for the child not to receive the HPV vaccine.

MCL 333.9206 et al. (S.B. 1416) Legislative Analyst: Suzanne Lowe 380.1177 (S.B. 1417)

FISCAL IMPACT Senate Bill 1416

The bill could create a small, indeterminate increase in administrative cost for the Department of Community Health. This cost increase would be incurred by the Department through the collection of research on the health impacts of HPV and the presentation of this material on the DCH website, and by making needed modifications to the Childhood Immunization Registry.

Senate Bill 1417

The bill would have no fiscal impact on State or local government.

Fiscal Analyst: David Fosdick Kathryn Summers-Coty

Analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent. sb1416&1417/0506