Senate Bills 1416 and 1417 (as reported without amendment)
Sponsor: Senator Bev Hammerstrom
Committee: Health Policy
Senate Bills 1416 and 1417 would amend the Public Health Code and the Revised School Code, respectively, to do the following:
-- Require the Department of Community Health (DCH), by September 1, 2007, to identify materials containing information about the risks associated with the human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical cancer, and the availability, effectiveness, and potential risks of the HPV vaccine.
-- Require the DCH to inform schools of the availability of those materials and post them on the Department website.
-- Require the parent or guardian of a female 6th grade student, beginning with the 2008 school year, to give school officials either a statement that she had received the HPV vaccine or a statement that the parent or guardian had received the information on the connection between HPV and cervical cancer and chose not to have the student vaccinated.
-- Require the health care provider administering the HPV vaccine to a child to give a statement or certificate to the person accompanying the child, or make an entry on a certificate in the person's possession.
Senate Bill 1417 is tie-barred to Senate Bill 1416.
MCL 333.9206 et al. (S.B. 1416) Legislative Analyst: Suzanne Lowe
380.1177 (S.B. 1417)
Senate Bill 1416: Provision of the HPV vaccine is estimated to cost between $300 and $400 per recipient. It is likely that enactment of the bill would significantly increase the number of individuals receiving the HPV vaccine, creating an indeterminate increase in cost to the Medicaid program and to health benefits provided for State and local employees. The Department of Community Health also could see a slight increase in administrative cost associated with modifying the Department's website and Childhood Immunization Registry to meet the requirements in this bill.
Senate Bill 1417 would have no fiscal impact on State or local government.
Date Completed: 9-18-06 Fiscal Analyst: David Fosdick
Kathryn Summers-Coty
Analysis was prepared by nonpartisan Senate staff for use by the Senate in its deliberations and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent. sb1416&1417/0506