House Bill 5200

Sponsor:  Rep. Philip LaJoy

Committee:  Transportation

Complete to 9-26-05


The bill would amend the Michigan Vehicle Code in the following ways.

** Under the code, an individual whose operator or chauffeur's license has been suspended, revoked, or denied for a third or subsequent violation of operating while intoxicated or visibly impaired under two sections of the code (Sections 625 and 625m), or under local ordinances substantially corresponding to those sections, cannot register or transfer the registration of a vehicle.  The individual also cannot purchase, lease, or otherwise acquire a vehicle during the period of suspension, revocation, or denial.  House Bill 5200 would also apply this to individuals who had violated a law of another state substantially corresponding to Sections 625 and 625m.

** In sections of the code dealing with the assignment of the title to a vehicle, the code refers to the owner indorsing the certificate of title "on the back of the certificate."  The bill would instead require the owner to indorse the certificate "as required by the Secretary of State."

** A section of the code dealing with fund-raising registration plates currently requires that a personalized fund-raising registration plate contain not more than five letter or number characters.  The bill would strike that requirement.  [A fund-raising plate series must contain the same generic background; letters and numbers; the word "Michigan" and any other required unique identifier; and a design or logo.]

                                                                                           Legislative Analyst:   Chris Couch

This analysis was prepared by nonpartisan House staff for use by House members in their deliberations, and does not constitute an official statement of legislative intent.