Act No. 256

Public Acts of 2004

Approved by the Governor

July 22, 2004

Filed with the Secretary of State

July 23, 2004

EFFECTIVE DATE: July 23, 2004




Introduced by Rep. Ward


AN ACT to amend 1954 PA 116, entitled "An act to reorganize, consolidate, and add to the election laws; to provide for election officials and prescribe their powers and duties; to prescribe the powers and duties of certain state departments, state agencies, and state and local officials and employees; to provide for the nomination and election of candidates for public office; to provide for the resignation, removal, and recall of certain public officers; to provide for the filling of vacancies in public office; to provide for and regulate primaries and elections; to provide for the purity of elections; to guard against the abuse of the elective franchise; to define violations of this act; to provide appropriations; to prescribe penalties and provide remedies; and to repeal certain acts and all other acts inconsistent with this act," (MCL 168.1 to 168.992) by adding section 679a.

The People of the State of Michigan enact:

Sec. 679a. (1) The legislative body of a city, township, or village may, by resolution, provide that at an election at which the ballots are counted and certified at the precinct, 1 or more additional boards of election inspectors be appointed to serve as receiving boards. For a precinct having receiving boards, the board of election commissioners shall appoint a receiving board consisting of 2 or more election inspectors, with an equal number from each major political party, and shall appoint an equal number of election inspectors from each major political party.

(2) Not less than 2 election inspectors in a precinct, representing each of the major political parties, shall deliver to the receiving board for that precinct a sealed ballot container containing the voted ballots, and, in a separate sealed envelope, the poll book and statement of returns. The poll book and statement of returns may be enclosed in a single sealed envelope.

(3) The receiving board shall open the sealed envelope and review the poll book and statement of returns to determine both of the following:

(a) That the ballot container is properly sealed and the seal number is properly recorded in the poll book and the statement of returns. If the ballot container is not properly sealed or there is a discrepancy with the seal number recorded in the poll book or the statement of returns, the election inspectors who delivered the ballot container and the receiving board shall together take the necessary steps to correct the discrepancy. The election inspectors and the receiving board shall note the discrepancy and the corrective action in the remarks section of the poll book and all shall sign the notation.

(b) That the number of individuals voting recorded in the poll book equals the number of ballots issued to electors, as shown by the statement of returns. If the number of individuals voting as shown by the poll book does not equal the number of ballots counted as shown by the statement of returns, and if an explanation of the discrepancy has not been noted in the poll book, the receiving board shall ask the election inspectors about the discrepancy, note the explanation in the poll book, and all shall sign the notation.

(4) If the poll book or statement of returns has been erroneously sealed in the ballot container, the election inspectors may open the ballot container and remove the poll book or statement of returns. The elections inspectors and receiving board shall note the corrective action in the remarks section of the poll book and all shall sign the notation before placing the poll book or statement of returns in a separate sealed envelope. If the statement of returns was sealed in the ballot container and the poll book was sealed in an envelope, the poll book shall be removed from the sealed envelope for the notation of corrective action to be recorded before placing the poll book and statement of returns in a sealed envelope. The receiving board shall notify the clerk of the board of canvassers responsible for canvassing all or a portion of the election of the corrective action taken.

(5) When the receiving board has completed the review under subsection (3), the receiving board shall place the poll book and statement of returns in the appropriate envelope, sealed with a red paper seal and initialed by the receiving board. If permitted by the clerk of the board of canvassers, the poll books and statement of returns from more than 1precinct may be included and delivered in a single envelope.

This act is ordered to take immediate effect.

Clerk of the House of Representatives

Secretary of the Senate

