January 20, 2004, Introduced by Senators TOY, HAMMERSTROM and GILBERT and referred to the Committee on Health Policy.



























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1978 PA 368, entitled                                             


    "Public health code,"                                                       


    by amending sections 16131 and 16263 (MCL 333.16131 and                     


    333.16263), as amended by 2001 PA 139, and by adding section                


    16346 and part 183A.                                                        


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 16131.  The terms of office of individual members of                   


2   the boards and task forces, except those appointed to fill                  


3   vacancies, expire 4 years after appointment as follows:                     




4     Dietetics and nutrition                       June 30                     


5     Nursing                                       June 30                     


6     Nursing home administrator                    June 30                     


7     Optometry                                     June 30                     


8     Pharmacy                                      June 30                     



1     Podiatric medicine and surgery                June 30                     


2     Dentistry                                     June 30                     


3     Chiropractic                                  December 31                 


4     Counseling                                    June 30                     


5     Marriage and family therapy                   June 30                     


6     Medicine                                      December 31                 


7     Occupational therapists                       December 31                 


8     Osteopathic medicine and surgery              December 31                 


9     Physical therapy                              December 31                 


10    Psychology                                    December 31                 


11    Social work                                   December 31                 


12    Veterinary medicine                           December 31                 


13      Sec. 16263.  (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), the                  


14  following words, titles, or letters or a combination thereof,               


15  with or without qualifying words or phrases, are restricted in              


16  use only to those persons authorized under this article to use              


17  the terms and in a way prescribed in this article:                          


18      (a) "Chiropractic", "doctor of chiropractic", "chiropractor",               


19  "d.c.", and "chiropractic physician".                                       


20      (b) "Dentist", "doctor of dental surgery", "oral and                        


21  maxillofacial surgeon", "orthodontist", "prosthodontist",                   


22  "periodontist", "endodontist", "oral pathologist", "pediatric               


23  dentist", "dental hygienist", "registered dental hygienist",                


24  "dental assistant", "registered dental assistant", "r.d.a.",                


25  "d.d.s.", "d.m.d.", and "r.d.h.".                                           


26      (c) "Doctor of medicine" and "m.d.".                                        


27      (d) "Physician's assistant" and "p.a.".                                     


1       (e) "Registered professional nurse", "registered nurse",                    


2   "r.n.", "licensed practical nurse", "l.p.n.", "nurse midwife",              


3   "nurse anesthetist", "nurse practitioner", "trained attendant",             


4   and "t.a.".                                                                 


5       (f) "Doctor of optometry", "optometrist", and "o.d.".                       


6       (g) "Osteopath", "osteopathy", "osteopathic practitioner",                  


7   "doctor of osteopathy", "diplomate in osteopathy", and "d.o.".              


8       (h) "Pharmacy", "pharmacist", "apothecary", "drugstore",                    


9   "druggist", "medicine store", "prescriptions", and "".                 


10      (i) "Physical therapy", "physical therapist",                               


11  "physiotherapist", "registered physical therapist", "licensed               


12  physical therapist", "physical therapy technician", "p.t.",                 


13  "r.p.t.", "l.p.t.", and "p.t.t.".                                           


14      (j) "Chiropodist", "chiropody", "chiropodical", "podiatry",                 


15  "podiatrist", "podiatric", "doctor of podiatric medicine", "foot            


16  specialist", "podiatric physician and surgeon", and "d.p.m.".               


17      (k) "Consulting psychologist", "psychologist", "psychological               


18  assistant", "psychological examiner", "licensed psychologist",              


19  and "limited licensed psychologist".                                        


20                                                                               (l) "Licensed professional counselor", "licensed counselor",                        


21  "professional counselor", and "l.p.c.".                                     


22      (m) "Sanitarian", "registered sanitarian", and "r.s.".                      


23      (n) "Social worker", "certified social worker", "social work                


24  technician", "s.w.", "c.s.w.", and "s.w.t.".                                


25      (o) "Veterinary", "veterinarian", "veterinary doctor",                      


26  "veterinary surgeon", "doctor of veterinary medicine", "v.m.d.",            


27  "d.v.m.", "animal technician", or "animal technologist".                    


1       (p) "Occupational therapist", "occupational therapist                       


2   registered", "certified occupational therapist", "o.t.",                    


3   "o.t.r.", "c.o.t.", "certified occupational therapy assistant",             


4   "occupational therapy assistant", or "c.o.t.a.".                            


5       (q) "Marriage advisor",  or  "marriage consultant",  ;                      


6   "family counselor", "family advisor", "family therapist",  or               


7   "family consultant",  ;  "family guidance counselor", "family               


8   guidance advisor",  or  "family guidance consultant",  ;                    


9   "marriage guidance counselor", "marriage guidance advisor",  or             


10  "marriage guidance consultant",  ;  "family relations counselor",           


11  ;  "marriage relations counselor", "marriage relations advisor",           


12  or  "marriage relations consultant",  ;  "marital counselor",              


13  or  "marital therapist",  ;  "limited licensed marriage and                


14  family therapist",  or  "limited licensed marriage counselor",              


15  ;  "licensed marriage and family therapist",  or  "licensed                


16  marriage counselor",  ;  and "l.m.f.t.".                                    


17      (r) "Nursing home administrator".                                           


18      (s) "Registered dietitian", "licensed dietitian",                           


19  "dietitian", "licensed nutritionist", "nutritionist", "r.d.",               


20  "l.d.", and "l.n.".                                                         


21      (2) Notwithstanding section 16261, a person who was specially               


22  trained at an institution of higher education in this state to              


23  assist a physician in the field of orthopedics and upon                     


24  completion of training, received a 2-year associate of science              


25  degree as an orthopedic physician's assistant before January 1,             


26  1977, may use the title "orthopedic physician's assistant"                  


27  whether or not the person is licensed under this article.                   


1       Sec. 16346.  Fees for an individual licensed or seeking                     


2   licensure as a dietitian and nutritionist under part 183A are as            


3   follows:                                                                    


4     (a) Application processing fee.........................  $20.00           


5     (b) License fee, per year..............................  $75.00           


6     (c) Temporary license fee, per year....................  $75.00           


7                  PART 183A.  DIETETICS AND NUTRITION                          


8       Sec. 18351.  (1) As used in this part:                                      


9       (a) "Dietetics and nutrition care services" means the                       


10  integration and application of the scientific principles of food,           


11  nutrition, biochemistry, physiology, management, and behavioral             


12  and social sciences to achieve and maintain the health of                   


13  individuals.  Dietetics and nutrition care services include, but            


14  are not limited to, each of the following:                                  


15                                                                               (i) Assessing the nutrition needs of an individual or group                         


16  of individuals based upon biochemical, anthropometric, physical,            


17  and dietary data, determining the resources and constraints to              


18  meet the nutrition needs of that individual or group of                     


19  individuals, and recommending proper nutrition intake to satisfy            


20  those needs.                                                                


21      (ii) Establishing priorities, goals, and objectives to meet                  


22  the nutrition needs of the individual or group of individuals               


23  based on available resources and constraints.                               


24      (iii) Providing nutrition counseling regarding health and                    


25  disease.                                                                    


26      (iv) Developing, implementing, and managing a nutrition care                 


27  system.                                                                     


1       (v) Evaluating, adjusting, and maintaining a standard of                    


2   quality in dietetics and nutrition care services.                           


3       (vi) Providing medical nutrition therapy.                                    


4       (b) "Dietitian and nutritionist" means an individual who is                 


5   engaged in the practice of dietetics and nutrition, who is                  


6   responsible for providing dietetics and nutrition care services,            


7   and who is licensed under this article as a dietitian and                   


8   nutritionist.  Dietitian and nutritionist does not include an               


9   individual who does 1 or more of the following:                             


10                                                                               (i) Furnishes general nutrition information on food, food                           


11  materials, or dietary supplements or provides explanations to               


12  customers about foods or food products in connection with the               


13  marketing and distribution of those products, but does not hold             


14  himself or herself out as a dietitian and nutritionist.                     


15      (ii) Provides weight control services under a program                        


16  approved by a dietitian and nutritionist who is licensed or                 


17  registered under this part or licensed by another state that has            


18  substantially equal licensing requirements to those existing in             


19  this state.                                                                 


20      (c) "Practice of dietetics and nutrition care services" means               


21  the provision of dietetics and nutrition care services.                     


22      (2) In addition to the definitions in this part, article 1                  


23  contains general definitions and principles of construction                 


24  applicable to all articles in this code, and part 161 contains              


25  definitions applicable to this part.                                        


26      Sec. 18353.  Beginning on the effective date of the                         


27  amendatory act that added this part, an individual shall not use            


1   the titles "registered dietitian", "licensed dietitian",                    


2   "dietitian", "licensed nutritionist", "nutritionist", "r.d.",               


3   "l.d.", or "l.n." or similar words that indicate that the                   


4   individual is a dietitian and nutritionist, unless the individual           


5   is licensed under this article as a dietitian and nutritionist.             


6       Sec. 18355.  The Michigan board of dietetics and nutrition                  


7   is created in the department and consists of the following 7                


8   voting members who meet the requirements of part 161:                       


9       (a) Two public members.                                                     


10      (b) Five members who are dietitians and nutritionists                       


11  licensed under this part and who meet the requirements of section           


12  16135(2).                                                                   


13      Sec. 18357.  (1) An individual shall not engage in the                      


14  practice of dietetics and nutrition or provide or offer to                  


15  provide dietetics and nutrition care services unless licensed               


16  under this part.                                                            


17      (2) The board shall promulgate rules under section 16145 as                 


18  necessary or appropriate to fulfill its functions under this                


19  article including, but not limited to, rules establishing ethics,           


20  qualifications, and fitness of applicants, complaint process, and           


21  penalties for violations of this article or rules promulgated               


22  under this article.  In promulgating rules to establish                     


23  requirements for licensure under section 16145, the board shall             


24  require the applicant or licensee to meet all of the following              


25  requirements:                                                               


26      (a) Have a baccalaureate degree from a United States                        


27  regionally accredited institution of higher education approved by           


1   the department with a major course of study in human nutrition,             


2   nutrition education, foods and nutrition, dietetics, or food                


3   systems management, or an equivalent course of study, as approved           


4   by the department.                                                          


5       (b) Have completed at least 900 hours of postcollege or                     


6   planned continuous preprofessional experience supervised by a               


7   licensed dietitian as prescribed in rules promulgated by the                


8   department.                                                                 


9       (c) Have successfully completed an examination that is                      


10  approved by the department.                                                 


11      (3) The department shall issue a license as a dietitian and                 


12  nutritionist to an individual who is currently registered as a              


13  dietitian by the commission on dietetic registration and who                


14  applies for licensure as a dietitian and nutritionist within 1              


15  year after the effective date of this part.                                 


16      (4) Subject to section 16204, the department shall by rule                  


17  prescribe continuing education requirements that are consistent             


18  with continuing education requirements established by the                   


19  American dietetic association as a condition for license                    


20  renewal.                                                                    


21      (5) The department may utilize the standards contained in the               


22  clinical practice guidelines issued by the American dietetic                


23  association that are in effect on the effective date of this                


24  part, which are adopted by reference, as interim standards, until           


25  rules are promulgated under subsection (2).                                 


26      Sec. 18359.  (1) The department may issue a temporary                       


27  license as a dietitian and nutritionist to an applicant who does            


1   not meet all of the requirements of section 18357, if the                   


2   applicant does all of the following:                                        


3       (a) Applies to the department for a temporary license within                


4   1 year after the effective date of the amendatory act that added            


5   this part.                                                                  


6       (b) Provides evidence to the department that he or she is a                 


7   dietitian who is registered with the commission on dietetic                 


8   registration or who meets the educational requirements prescribed           


9   under section 18357(2)(a) and satisfies either of the following:            


10                                                                               (i) Has experience as prescribed under section 18357(2)(b).                         


11      (ii) Has been employed as a dietitian for at least 3 of the                  


12  last 10 years immediately preceding the date of the application.            


13      (c) Pays the applicable fees prescribed by section 16346.                   


14      (2) A temporary license issued by the department under this                 


15  section expires within the same time period as a nontemporary               


16  license issued by the department under this part.  The holder of            


17  a temporary license issued under this section may apply for a               


18  renewal of the temporary license, but an individual may not hold            


19  a temporary license for more than a total of 2 years.                       


20      (3) The holder of a temporary license issued under this                     


21  section is subject to this part and the rules promulgated under             


22  this part, except for the requirements for licensure.                       


23      Sec. 18361.  This part does not require or preclude third                   


24  party reimbursement for services provided under this part and               


25  does not preclude a health maintenance organization, a health               


26  care benefit plan, a nonprofit health care corporation, a                   


27  worker's disability compensation insurer, a health insurer, an              


1   automobile insurer, or the medicaid program from requiring a                


2   member or enrollee to fulfill benefit requirements for physical             


3   therapy services, including, but not limited to, prescription,              


4   referral, or preapproval.  As used in this section, "medicaid"              


5   means the program for medical assistance created under title XIX            


6   of the social security act, 42 USC 1396 to 1396v.