February 26, 2003, Introduced by Senators GARCIA, GOSCHKA, BARCIA and JELINEK and referred to the Committee on Education.



























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1976 PA 451, entitled                                             


    "The revised school code,"                                                  


    (MCL 380.1 to 380.1852) by adding section 1290.                             


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 1290.  (1) Not later than September 1, 2003, the                       


2   department shall develop a model coach's conduct and ethics                 


3   policy for interscholastic athletic coaches.  The department                


4   shall provide this model policy to all public and nonpublic                 


5   schools in this state that participate in interscholastic                   


6   athletics.                                                                  


7       (2) The model coach's conduct and ethics policy required                    


8   under subsection (1) shall include at least all of the                      


9   following:                                                                  


10      (a) A pledge by each interscholastic athletic coach that he                 


11  or she will do all of the following:                                        



1                                                                                (i) Treat each coach, player, official, parent, and                                 


2   administrator with respect and dignity.                                     


3       (ii) Not place players in any position that would jeopardize                 


4   their health or safety.                                                     


5       (iii) Conduct all activities under his or her control for                    


6   the mental and physical welfare of the players.                             


7       (iv) Cooperate with the administrator of the school's                        


8   programs in the enforcement of athletic rules and regulations.              


9       (v) Plan all games, competitions, and practices so that all                 


10  players have an equal opportunity to improve their skill level              


11  through active participation.                                               


12      (vi) Report to the administrator of the program any                          


13  situations or unsound practices that violate the sound                      


14  recreational guidelines of the program he or she is coaching.               


15      (vii) Learn the strengths and weaknesses of his or her                       


16  players and place them in situations in which they will have fun            


17  and learn the fundamentals of the sport he or she is coaching as            


18  well as good sportsmanship.                                                 


19      (b) A statement of the disciplinary consequences that may                   


20  occur if a coach violates the policy.                                       


21      (3) Schools that participate in interscholastic athletics                   


22  are encouraged to adopt a local coach's conduct and ethics policy           


23  that is consistent with the model policy required under                     


24  subsection (1).