June 9, 2004, Introduced by Rep. Milosch and referred to the Committee on Local Government and Urban Policy.

























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1954 PA 116, entitled                                             


    "Michigan election law,"                                                    


    by amending section 659 (MCL 168.659), as added by 2003 PA 302.             


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 659.  (1) If a county, city, ward, township, village,                  


2   or school district is divided into 2 or more election precincts,            


3   the county, city, ward, township, or village election                       


4   commissioners may, by resolution, consolidate the election                  


5   precincts for a particular election that is not a general                   


6   November election, primary election immediately before a general            


7   November election, or other statewide or federal election.  In              


8   making the determination to consolidate election precincts for a            


9   particular election, the election commission shall take into                


10  consideration the number of choices the voter must make, the                


11  percentage of registered voters who voted at the last similar               



1   election in the jurisdiction, and the intensity of the interest             


2   of the electors in the jurisdiction concerning the candidates and           


3   proposals to be voted upon.  In case of a conflict between this             


4   section and section 661 regarding the population of precincts,              


5   this section shall control.                                                 


6       (2) A consolidation under this section shall be made not less               


7   than 60 days before a primary, general, or special election.                


8       (3) Unless the polling places for the election precincts to                 


9   be consolidated are located in the same building, when a county,            


10  city, ward, township, or village consolidates election precincts            


11  for a particular election under subsection (1), the election                


12  commissioners or other designated election officials shall do               


13  both of the following:                                                      


14      (a) Provide notice to the registered electors of the affected               


15  election precincts of the consolidation of election precincts for           


16  the particular election and the location of the polling place for           


17  the election precinct or precincts for that election.  Notice may           


18  be provided by mail or other method designed to provide actual              


19  notice to the registered electors.                                          


20      (b) Post a written notice at each election precinct polling                 


21  place stating the location of the consolidated election precinct            


22  polling place.                                                              


23      (4) If a county, city, ward, township, or village                           


24  consolidates election precincts under this section, each affected           


25  election precinct shall be treated as a whole unit and shall not            


26  be divided during the consolidation.