April 20, 2004, Introduced by Reps. Woodward, Gieleghem, Vagnozzi, Minore, Bieda, Gleason and Lipsey and referred to the Committee on Insurance.
A bill to amend 1956 PA 218, entitled
"The insurance code of 1956,"
by amending section 3101a (MCL 500.3101a), as amended by 1996 PA
1 Sec. 3101a. (1) An insurer, in conjunction with the
2 issuance of an automobile insurance policy, as defined in section
3 3303, shall provide 2 certificates of insurance for each insured
4 vehicle. The insurer shall mark 1 of the certificates as the
5 secretary of state's copy, which copy, except as otherwise
6 provided in subsection (2), shall be filed with the secretary of
7 state by the policyholder upon application for a vehicle
8 registration. The
secretary of state shall not maintain the
9 certificate of insurance received under this subsection on file.
10 An insurer shall notify the secretary of state if a policy
1 expires without being renewed or is terminated or if a
2 policyholder cancels his or her automobile insurance policy. The
3 notice of expiration, termination, or cancellation shall contain
4 all of the following information:
5 (a) The vehicle identification number.
6 (b) The name and address of the insurer.
7 (c) The insurance policy number.
8 (d) The time and date of expiration, termination, or
9 cancellation.
10 (2) The secretary of state shall accept as proof of vehicle
11 insurance a transmission, in the format required by the secretary
12 of state, of the insured vehicle's vehicle identification
13 number. Vehicle identification numbers received by the secretary
14 of state under this subsection are confidential and shall not be
15 disclosed to any person
except pursuant to an order by order of
16 a court of competent jurisdiction in connection with a claim or
17 fraud investigation or prosecution. The transmission to the
18 secretary of state of a vehicle identification number is proof of
19 insurance to the secretary of state for motor vehicle
20 registration purposes only and is not evidence that a policy of
21 insurance actually exists between an insurer and an individual.
22 (3) A person who fails to supply information to the secretary
23 of state or who supplies false information to the secretary of
24 state under this section or who issues or uses an altered,
25 fraudulent, or counterfeit certificate of insurance is guilty of
26 a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 1
27 year, or a fine of not more than $1,000.00, or both.
1 Enacting section 1. This amendatory act does not take
2 effect unless Senate Bill No. ________ or House Bill No. 5773
3 (request no. 05602'03) of the 92nd Legislature is enacted into
4 law.