March 10, 2004, Introduced by Reps. Sak, O'Neil, Kooiman, Plakas, Voorhees, Sheen, Gleason, DeRossett, Murphy, Anderson, Huizenga, Hunter, McConico, Farhat and Smith and referred to the Committee on Transportation.

























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1949 PA 300, entitled                                             


    "Michigan vehicle code,"                                                    


    by amending section 811e (MCL 257.811e), as amended by 2001 PA              


    124, and by adding sections 811p and 811q; and to repeal acts and           


    parts of acts.                                                              


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 811e.  (1) The secretary of state may develop a                        


2   Michigan university fund-raising  registration  plate as                    


3   described in this section  ,  and a matching Michigan university            


4   collector plate as described in section 811g.                               


5       (2) The secretary of state may develop 1 or more limited term               


6   registration plates to recognize a state-sponsored event, a                 


7   Michigan university, or an accomplishment or occasion of a                  


8   Michigan university.                                                        


9       (3) The secretary of state may  , at any 1 time,  develop                   



1   not more than 7 different state-sponsored  fund-raising                    


2   registration  plates as described in this section  ,  and                  


3   matching  state-sponsored  collector plates as described in                 


4   section 811g.  As used in this section,  "state-sponsored                   


5   "fund-raising  registration  plate" means a fund-raising                    


6   registration  plate authorized by a public act to raise funds              


7   for a  state-sponsored  specified goal.  The public act shall, at           


8   a minimum, do all of the following:                                         


9       (a) Identify the purpose of the  state-sponsored                            


10  fund-raising  registration  plate.                                          


11      (b) Create a fund or designate an existing fund to receive                  


12  the money raised through the sale of  state-sponsored                       


13  fund-raising  registration  plates and matching collector                   


14  plates.                                                                     


15      (c) If a fund is created, name the person or entity                         


16  responsible for administering the fund.                                     


17      (4) The secretary of state may develop, promote, and market                 


18  the fund-raising  registration  plates and matching collector               


19  plates issued under this section with the funds available through           


20  service fees.                                                               


21      (5) If the design or logo of a Michigan university                          


22  fund-raising  registration  plate,  or  a state-sponsored                   


23  fund-raising  registration  plate, or a professional sports team            


24  fund-raising plate uses 1 or more designs, trade names,                     


25  trademarks, service marks, emblems, symbols, or other images that           


26  are owned by the Michigan university that is requesting the                 


27  Michigan university fund-raising plate, the person or entity that           


1   is sponsoring a  state-sponsored  fund-raising plate,                       


2   professional sports team, or any other person or entity, the                


3   Michigan university,  or  sponsoring person or entity, or                   


4   professional sports team shall grant to or obtain for the                   


5   secretary of state both of the following pursuant to a written              


6   agreement between the parties:                                              


7       (a) A nonexclusive worldwide license to use those designs,                  


8   trade names, trademarks, service marks, emblems, symbols, or                


9   other images on and in conjunction with the marketing, promotion,           


10  sale, or copyrighting of the registration plate or image of the             


11  registration plate.                                                         


12      (b) The authority to merchandise the registration plate or an               


13  image of the registration plate.                                            


14      (6) In using or employing a design, trade name, trademark,                  


15  service mark, emblem, symbol, logo, or other image on and in                


16  conjunction with the marketing, promotion, sale, copyrighting, or           


17  merchandising of a  registration  fund-raising plate or image of            


18  the  registration  fund-raising plate, the secretary of state may           


19  alter the size of the design, trade name, trademark, service                


20  mark, emblem, symbol, logo, or other image but shall not change             


21  the color or design of the design, trade name, trademark, service           


22  mark, emblem, symbol, logo, or other image without the prior                


23  written consent of the respective Michigan university,  or                  


24  sponsoring person or entity, or professional sports team.  The              


25  secretary of state shall not use or employ a design, trade name,            


26  trademark, service mark, emblem, symbol, logo, or other image on            


27  and in conjunction with the marketing, promotion, sale,                     


1   copyrighting, or merchandising of a  registration  fund-raising             


2   plate or an image of the  registration  fund-raising plate in any           


3   manner that is offensive to the Michigan university or sponsoring           


4   person or entity that complies with subsection (5).                         


5       (7) As used in this section, "Michigan university                           


6   fund-raising  registration  plate" means a fund-raising                     


7   registration  plate that is issued under this section at the               


8   request of a Michigan university.                                           


9       Sec. 811p.  (1) The secretary of state may develop under                    


10  section 811e and, upon application, may issue under section 811f            


11  a professional sports team fund-raising plate and a matching                


12  professional sports team fund-raising collector plate as provided           


13  under section 811g.  The plate shall be of a design as determined           


14  by the secretary of state that includes a logo of 1 of the                  


15  following professional sports teams:                                        


16      (a) Grand Rapids Griffins hockey team.                                      


17      (b) Grand Rapids Rampage football team.                                     


18      (c) West Michigan Whitecaps baseball team.                                  


19      (2) A professional sports team that enters into a written                   


20  agreement with the secretary of state for the development of a              


21  fund-raising plate under this section shall agree that the                  


22  service fees derived from the sale of a fund-raising plate                  


23  bearing its logo and matching collector plate shall be deposited            


24  in the professional sports team fund created in section 811q to             


25  be disbursed as provided in section 811q.                                   


26      (3) Professional sports team fund-raising plate service fees                


27  collected under this section by the secretary of state shall be             


1   identified and segregated by the secretary of state into a                  


2   separate account.  The secretary of state shall on a quarterly              


3   basis transfer the balance of the professional sports team                  


4   fund-raising plate service fees to the state treasurer, who shall           


5   credit the fee money to the professional sports team fund created           


6   in section 811q.  The money credited to the professional sports             


7   team fund shall only be expended as provided in section 811q.               


8       (4) This section is repealed September 30, 2005.                            


9       Sec. 811q.  (1) The professional sports team fund is created                


10  within the state treasury.                                                  


11      (2) The state treasurer may receive money or other assets                   


12  from any source for deposit into the fund.  The state treasurer             


13  shall direct the investment of the fund.  The state treasurer               


14  shall credit to the fund interest and earnings from fund                    


15  investments.                                                                


16      (3) Money in the fund at the close of the fiscal year shall                 


17  remain in the fund and shall not lapse to the general fund.                 


18      (4) The department of treasury shall disburse money in the                  


19  fund on a quarterly basis as follows:                                       


20      (a) The money received from the sale of the Grand Rapids                    


21  Griffins hockey team plates to the Grand Rapids Griffins Youth              


22  Foundation.                                                                 


23      (b) The money received from the sale of the Grand Rapids                    


24  Rampage football team plates to the Grand Rapids Griffins Youth             


25  Foundation.                                                                 


26      (c) The money received from the sale of the West Michigan                   


27  Whitecaps plates to the Y.M.C.A. intercity youth baseball and               


1   softball programs.                                                          


2       (5) Beginning not later than February 1, 2005, and annually                 


3   after that, an organization receiving money under this section              


4   shall report to the state treasurer.  A report under this                   


5   subsection shall include a summary of expenditures during the               


6   preceding year of the money received under this section.