February 5, 2004, Introduced by Reps. Gieleghem, Spade, Farrah, Sak, Byrum, Law, Condino, Tobocman and Plakas and referred to the Committee on Land Use and Environment.

























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1994 PA 451, entitled                                             


    "Natural resources and environmental protection act,"                       


    (MCL 324.101 to 324.90106) by adding part 166.                              


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1                   PART 166. STATE RECYCLING PROGRAM                           


2       Sec. 16601.  As used in this part:                                          


3       (a) "Agency of this state" means a department, board,                       


4   commission, agency, or council of this state.                               


5       (b) "Recyclable" means able to be easily and readily                        


6   introduced into a commercial stream of material for which there             


7   is a well established market for reuse or recycling or able to be           


8   returned for a refund under the Initiated Law of 1976, MCL                  


9   445.571 to 445.576.                                                         


10      Sec. 16603.  (1) An agency of this state that conducts an                   


11  event open to the public at which beverages are provided in                 



1   recyclable plastic, aluminum, or glass containers shall place               


2   receptacles specifically designated for the collection of those             


3   containers on the premises where the event is held.                         


4       (2) An agency of this state described in subsection (1)                     


5   shall make a reasonable effort to transfer beverage containers              


6   deposited in receptacles placed under subsection (1) to an                  


7   appropriate location for reuse, recycling, or return.