December 3, 2003, Introduced by Reps. Dennis, Rocca, O'Neil, Wojno, Hopgood, Meisner, Julian, Gieleghem, Palsrok, Gaffney, Sheen, DeRoche, Zelenko, Minore, Condino and Farhat and referred to the Committee on Regulatory Reform.

























                                                                                 A bill to amend 1956 PA 217, entitled                                             


    "Electrical administrative act,"                                            


    by amending sections 1b and 3k (MCL 338.881b and 338.883k), as              


    added by 1992 PA 130.                                                       


                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 1b.  (1) "Electric sign" means fixed, stationary, or                   


2   portable self-contained, electrically illuminated equipment that            


3   has words or symbols designed to convey information or attract              


4   attention.  Electric sign includes outline lighting.  Electric              


5   sign does not include  those  signs that are indoor or outdoor              


6   portable applications or recognized holiday residential signs               


7   listed with a recognized testing and approval agency and that use           


8   a cord cap-110 volt plug as the electrical energizing attachment            


9   method.                                                                     


10      (2) "Outline lighting" means an arrangement of incandescent                 



1   lamps or electric discharge tubing  which  that is an integral              


2   part of an electrical sign  that outlines  outlining certain                


3   features, such as the shape of a building or the decoration of a            


4   window.                                                                     


5       (3) "Sign specialty contractor" means a person, firm, or                    


6   corporation engaged in the business of  manufacturing,                      


7   installing, maintaining, connecting, or repairing electric sign             


8   wiring or devices, including wiring that is directly related to             


9   electric signs and is electrically dedicated as a sign circuit.             


10      (4) "Sign specialist" means a person who, as his or her                     


11  principal occupation, is engaged in the installation, alteration,           


12  or repair of electric signs.                                                


13      (5) "Sign specialty licensure" means licensure as a sign                    


14  specialist or sign specialty contractor.                                    


15      (6) "Related wiring" means the following:                                   


16      (a) Except as otherwise provided in subdivisions (b), (c),                  


17  and (d), that portion of the electric sign wiring that originates           


18  at the load-side terminals of a disconnecting means located in              


19  the vicinity of the electric sign involved but does not include             


20  the installation of the disconnecting means, complete with                  


21  line-side connections.                                                      


22      (b) In the case of electric sign installations having sign                  


23  transformers installed physically apart from the electric sign,             


24  that portion of the electric sign wiring that originates at the             


25  load-side terminals of a disconnecting means located in the                 


26  vicinity of the electric sign involved but does not include the             


27  installation of the disconnecting means, complete with line-side            


1   connections.                                                                


2       (c) In the case of free-standing electric sign installations                


3   supplied through underground circuit conductors, that portion of            


4   the electric sign wiring that originates at a wiring termination            


5   point adjacent to, within, or immediately above the permanent               


6   base for the electric sign but does not include, if the base of             


7   the sign structure is suitable for use as a raceway, the                    


8   installation of bushing, complete with free-length circuit                  


9   conductors extending through to accommodate the connection of the           


10  related wiring within the sign structure raceway.                           


11      (d) In the case of electric signs specifically designed to be               


12  connected directly to the building wiring raceway or cable                  


13  supply, that portion of the electric sign wiring that originates            


14  at the point where the free-length circuit conductors extend                


15  through the building wiring raceway or cable at the specifically            


16  designed supply location for the electric sign involved but does            


17  not include the installation of the building wiring raceway or              


18  cable system to the specifically designated point of supply for             


19  the electric sign involved, complete with free-length circuit               


20  conductors extending through the building wiring raceway or cable           


21  to accommodate the connection of the related wiring.                        


22      Sec. 3k.  (1) Subject to section  5(6) or (7)  5, the                       


23  department of  labor  consumer and industry services shall issue            


24  a sign specialist's license to a person not less than 18 years of           


25  age who does all of the following:                                          


26      (a) Files a completed application form provided by the                      


27  department of  labor  consumer and industry services.                       


1       (b) Pays the examination fee prescribed in section 3 and                    


2   passes an examination provided for by the board and the                     


3   department of  labor  consumer and industry services.                       


4       (c) Pays the license fee prescribed in section 3.                           


5       (d) Has not less than 4,000 hours of experience, obtained                   


6   over a period of not less than 2 years, related to the                      


7   manufacture,  installation, maintenance, connection, or repair             


8   of electric signs and related wiring as verified by a contractor            


9   licensed under this act who is the current employer of the                  


10  applicant.  The hours of experience may be obtained from multiple           


11  employers, and equivalent education as determined by the board              


12  may be substituted for work experience.                                     


13      (e) Demonstrates the successful completion of a course                      


14  concerning the installation, maintenance, connection, or repair             


15  of electric signs and related wiring as contained in the sign               


16  electrician's workbook published by the American technical                  


17  publishers, inc.  or any other course designed to address the               


18  installation, maintenance, connection, or repair of electric                


19  signs and related wiring, as approved by the board.                         


20      (2) Upon failure to pass the sign specialist examination 2                  


21  times within a period of 2 years, an applicant  shall be  is                


22  ineligible to sit for another examination until he or she                   


23  presents to the board proof of the successful completion of a               


24  course on code and electrical fundamentals approved by the board            


25  ,  in order to become eligible again to sit for an examination.            


26      (3) As a condition of renewal of a sign specialist's license,               


27  the sign specialist shall demonstrate the successful completion             


1   of a course, approved by the board, concerning any update or                


2   change in applicable sections of the code within 12 months after            


3   the update or change in that code.  This requirement applies only           


4   during or after those years that the code is updated or changed.            


5       (4) A licensed master electrician, journeyman electrician, or               


6   apprentice electrician  shall  is not  be  required to have a               


7   sign specialist's license to perform those work activities.