HB-6003, As Passed House, June 22, 2004                                     












                              SUBSTITUTE FOR                                    


                           HOUSE BILL NO. 6003                                  










                                                                                 A bill to amend 1954 PA 116, entitled                                             


    "Michigan election law,"                                                    


    by amending section 972 (MCL 168.972), as amended by 2003 PA                




                THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                      


1       Sec. 972.  (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), a                      


2   candidate for a nonpartisan office shall be nominated and voted             


3   for in an election scheduled under section 971 by filing a                  


4   nominating petition or paying a $100.00 nonrefundable fee not               


5   later than 4 p.m. on the fifteenth day after the  election is               


6   called  clerk of the county where the petition was filed                    


7   announces the official result of the recall electionThe clerk            


8   shall publicly announce the result of the recall election at the            


9   conclusion of the meeting held by the board of county canvassers            


10  to certify the recall election. The nominating petition shall be            



1   filed with the clerk of the electoral district and signed by a              


2   number of qualified and registered electors of the electoral                


3   district as determined under section 544f.  Instead of filing a             


4   nominating petition, an individual may become a candidate by                


5   paying a $100.00 nonrefundable fee with the clerk of the                    


6   electoral district.                                                         


7       (2) This subsection applies to an election to fill a vacancy                


8   for an unexpired term created by a recall of a school board                 


9   member, if the election is scheduled to be held on the same date            


10  as a general election.  A nominating petition filed by a                    


11  candidate shall be signed by a number of qualified and registered           


12  electors of the school district as determined under section                 


13  544f  303.  The nominating petition shall clearly state that it            


14  relates to the filling of a vacancy for an unexpired term and               


15  shall be filed with the school district  filing official                    


16  election coordinator, as designated by section 301, not later               


17  than 4 p.m. on the fifteenth day after the  election is called              


18  clerk of the county where the petition was filed announces the              


19  official result of the recall electionThe clerk shall publicly           


20  announce the result of the recall election at the conclusion of             


21  the meeting held by the board of county canvassers to certify the           


22  recall election. Instead of filing a nominating petition, an                


23  individual may become a candidate by paying a $100.00                       


24  nonrefundable fee to the school district  filing official not               


25  later than 4 p.m. on the fifteenth day after the election is                


26  called  election coordinator.