HB-4400, As Passed Senate, June 19, 2003                                    












                              SENATE SUBSTITUTE FOR                             


                               HOUSE BILL NO. 4400                              










                                                                                 A bill to make appropriations for the department of natural                       


    resources for the fiscal years ending September 30, 2003 and September      


    30, 2004; to provide for the expenditure of those appropriations; to        


    create funds and accounts; to require reports; to prescribe certain         


    powers and duties of certain state agencies and officials; to               


    authorize certain transfers by certain state agencies; and to provide       


    for the disposition of fees and other income received by the various        


    state agencies.                                                             


                  THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT:                    


1                                   PART 1                                      


2              LINE-ITEM APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2003-04                 


3       Sec. 101.  Subject to the conditions set forth in this act, the             


4   amounts listed in this part are appropriated for the department of          


5   natural resources for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2004, from       


6   the funds indicated in this part.  The following is a summary of the        



1   appropriations in this part:                                                


2   DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES                                             


3       Full-time equated unclassified positions........5.0                     


4       Full-time equated classified positions......2,095.5                     


5     GROSS APPROPRIATION................................. $     257,948,100    


6       Interdepartmental grant revenues:                                       


7     Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental                      


8       transfers......................................... $       3,437,900    


9     ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION........................ $     254,510,200    


10      Federal revenues:                                                       


11    Total federal revenues..............................        33,706,600    


12      Special revenue funds:                                                  


13    Total local revenues................................                 0    


14    Total private revenues..............................         1,871,400    


15    Total other state restricted revenues...............       188,146,600    


16    State general fund/general purpose.................. $      30,785,600    


17  FUND SOURCE SUMMARY                                                         


18      Full-time equated unclassified positions........5.0                     


19      Full-time equated classified positions......2,095.5                     


20    GROSS APPROPRIATION................................. $     257,948,100    


21      Interdepartmental grant revenues:                                       


22    IDG, engineering services to work orders............ $       1,472,800    


23    IDG, MacMullan conference center revenue............         1,300,600    


24    IDG, land acquisition services to work orders.......           664,500    


25    Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental                      


26      transfers.........................................         3,437,900    


27    ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION........................ $     254,510,200    


1       Federal revenues:                                                       


2     DAG, federal........................................         6,831,700    


3     DOC, federal........................................            60,900    


4     DOD, federal........................................            31,000    


5     DOE, federal........................................             1,000    


6     DOI, federal........................................        18,880,000    


7     DOI, oil and gas royalty revenue....................           150,000    


8     DOI, timber revenue.................................         3,300,000    


9     DOT, federal........................................         4,203,300    


10    EPA, federal........................................           248,700    


11    Total federal revenues..............................        33,706,600    


12      Special revenue funds:                                                  


13    Private funds.......................................         1,371,400    


14    Private - gift revenues.............................           500,000    


15    Total private revenues..............................         1,871,400    


16    Aircraft fees.......................................           219,900    


17    Air photo - geographic information system...........           135,000    


18    Automated license system revenue....................           429,300    


19    Clean Michigan initiative fund......................           277,800    


20    Delinquent property tax administration fund.........         1,065,900    


21    Forest recreation fund..............................         1,120,700    


22    Forest resource revenue.............................        25,555,800    


23    Game and fish protection fund.......................        60,578,300    


24    Game and fish protection fund - deer habitat reserve         2,263,100    


25    Game and fish protection fund - turkey permit fees..         1,457,200    


26    Game and fish protection fund - waterfowl fees......            90,500    


27    Game and fish - wildlife resource protection fund...         1,344,100    


1     Harbor development fund.............................           245,900    


2     Land exchange facilitation fund.....................         5,503,100    


3     Land sale revenue...................................         2,640,200    


4     Marine safety fund..................................         4,623,300    


5     Michigan civilian conservation corps endowment fund.         1,000,000    


6     Michigan state waterways fund.......................        14,980,200    


7     Michigan natural resources trust fund...............         4,134,800    


8     Michigan state parks endowment fund.................        11,576,600    


9     Nongame wildlife fund...............................           592,600    


10    Off-road vehicle trail improvement fund.............         2,759,900    


11    Park improvement fund...............................        33,542,300    


12    Publications revenue................................            58,700    


13    Recreation improvement fund.........................         1,414,500    


14    Safety education fund...............................           344,300    


15    Shop fees...........................................            56,300    


16    Snowmobile registration fee revenue.................         1,780,200    


17    Snowmobile trail improvement fund...................         8,356,100    


18    Total other state restricted revenues...............       188,146,600    


19    State general fund/general purpose.................. $      30,785,600    


20      Sec. 102.  EXECUTIVE                                                        


21      Full-time equated unclassified positions........5.0                     


22      Full-time equated classified positions.........42.6                     


23    Commission (including travel expense--per diem)..... $          90,000    


24    Director--1.0 FTE positions.........................           125,400    


25    Governor appointee--1.0 FTE positions...............            58,000    


26    Press secretary--1.0 FTE positions..................            57,500    


27    Legislative liaison--1.0 FTE positions..............            67,000    


1     Special appointee--1.0 FTE positions................            58,000    


2     Education and outreach--32.6 FTE positions..........         2,944,100    


3     Executive direction--10.0 FTE positions.............         1,672,400    


4     Travel..............................................            86,900    


5     GROSS APPROPRIATION................................. $       5,159,300    


6         Appropriated from:                                                    


7       Interdepartmental grant revenues:                                       


8     IDG, MacMullan conference center revenue............            21,400    


9       Special revenue funds:                                                  


10    Aircraft fees.......................................               500    


11    Air photo - geographic information system...........            10,500    


12    Automated license system revenue....................             3,000    


13    Delinquent property tax administration fund.........             9,000    


14    Forest resource revenue.............................           266,100    


15    Game and fish protection fund.......................         1,705,000    


16    Harbor development fund.............................               600    


17    Land exchange facilitation fund.....................            37,100    


18    Land sale revenue...................................            54,300    


19    Marine safety fund..................................            41,300    


20    Michigan civilian conservation corps endowment fund.               500    


21    Michigan natural resources trust fund...............             7,600    


22    Michigan state parks endowment fund.................            28,800    


23    Michigan state waterways fund.......................           308,800    


24    Nongame wildlife fund...............................             4,800    


25    Off-road vehicle trail improvement fund.............             2,700    


26    Park improvement fund...............................         1,856,900    


27    Publications revenue................................               500    


1     Recreation improvement fund.........................             5,200    


2     Snowmobile registration fee revenue.................             4,200    


3     Snowmobile trail improvement fund...................            32,200    


4     State general fund/general purpose.................. $         758,300    


5       Sec. 103.  ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES                                          


6       Full-time equated classified positions........244.2                     


7     Budget and support services--10.0 FTE positions..... $         775,200    


8     Grants, contracts, and customer systems--31.0 FTE                         


9       positions.........................................         5,283,000    


10    Human resources--24.0 FTE positions.................         2,045,700    


11    Office of financial services--26.0 FTE positions....         2,255,900    


12    Office of land and facilities--141.2 FTE positions..        17,446,100    


13    Program assistance and review--12.0 FTE positions...           734,900    


14    Travel..............................................           360,100    


15    GROSS APPROPRIATION................................. $      28,900,900    


16        Appropriated from:                                                    


17      Interdepartmental grant revenues:                                       


18    IDG, engineering services to work orders............         1,472,800    


19    IDG, land acquisition services to work orders.......           664,500    


20    IDG, MacMullan conference center revenue............         1,279,200    


21      Federal revenues:                                                       


22    DOI, federal........................................           320,300    


23      Special revenue funds:                                                  


24    Aircraft fees.......................................           112,900    


25    Air photo - geographic information system...........               700    


26    Automated license system revenue....................           426,300    


27    Clean Michigan initiative fund......................           277,800    


1     Delinquent property tax administration fund.........         1,020,800    


2     Forest resource revenue.............................         1,659,300    


3     Game and fish protection fund.......................         8,543,100    


4     Land exchange facilitation fund.....................         5,424,400    


5     Land sale revenue...................................         1,825,300    


6     Marine safety fund..................................           368,600    


7     Michigan civilian conservation corps endowment fund.             5,900    


8     Michigan natural resources trust fund...............           756,500    


9     Michigan state parks endowment fund.................            46,000    


10    Michigan state waterways fund.......................           883,700    


11    Nongame wildlife fund...............................             3,700    


12    Off-road vehicle trail improvement fund.............            63,200    


13    Park improvement fund...............................         1,377,800    


14    Publications revenue................................            58,200    


15    Recreation improvement fund.........................             5,300    


16    Safety education fund...............................            50,000    


17    Snowmobile registration fee revenue.................            65,600    


18    Snowmobile trail improvement fund...................            77,100    


19    State general fund/general purpose.................. $       2,111,900    


20      Sec. 104.  DEPARTMENTAL OPERATION SUPPORT                                   


21    Building occupancy charges.......................... $       2,000,100    


22    Rent - privately owned property.....................           335,700    


23    Gifts and bequests..................................           500,000    


24    GROSS APPROPRIATION................................. $       2,835,800    


25        Appropriated from:                                                    


26      Special revenue funds:                                                  


27    Private - gift revenues.............................           500,000    


1     Forest resource revenue.............................           753,100    


2     Game and fish protection fund.......................           675,500    


3     Land sale revenue...................................            51,400    


4     Marine safety fund..................................            44,600    


5     Michigan state parks endowment fund.................           211,200    


6     Michigan state waterways fund.......................           203,800    


7     Michigan natural resources trust fund...............            62,700    


8     Park improvement fund...............................           304,800    


9     Snowmobile trail improvement fund...................            20,800    


10    State general fund/general purpose.................. $           7,900    


11      Sec. 105.  WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT                                              


12      Full-time equated classified positions........191.0                     


13    Wildlife administration--14.5 FTE positions......... $       1,431,400    


14    Wildlife management--167.5 FTE positions............        21,320,900    


15    Natural resources heritage--9.0 FTE positions.......         1,124,300    


16    State game and wildlife area maintenance............           200,000    


17    Travel..............................................           922,400    


18    GROSS APPROPRIATION................................. $      24,999,000    


19        Appropriated from:                                                    


20      Federal revenues:                                                       


21    DOD, federal........................................            31,000    


22    DOI, federal........................................         9,983,500    


23    EPA, federal........................................             1,000    


24      Special revenue funds:                                                  


25    Private funds.......................................           100,000    


26    Game and fish protection fund.......................         8,626,800    


27    Game and fish protection fund - deer habitat reserve         2,020,100    


1     Game and fish protection fund - turkey permit fees..         1,457,200    


2     Game and fish protection fund - waterfowl fees......            90,500    


3     Nongame wildlife fund...............................           563,600    


4     State general fund/general purpose.................. $       2,125,300    


5       Sec. 106.  FISHERIES MANAGEMENT                                             


6       Full-time equated classified positions........225.0                     


7     Fisheries administration--8.5 FTE positions......... $         942,600    


8     Fish production--57.4 FTE positions.................         7,094,400    


9     Fisheries resource management--159.1 FTE positions..        14,846,600    


10    Stream habitat improvement..........................         1,269,300    


11    Travel..............................................         1,220,500    


12    GROSS APPROPRIATION................................. $      25,373,400    


13        Appropriated from:                                                    


14      Federal revenues:                                                       


15    DOE, federal........................................             1,000    


16    DOC, federal........................................            45,900    


17    DOI, federal........................................         7,410,400    


18    EPA, federal........................................           142,100    


19      Special revenue funds:                                                  


20    Private funds.......................................           100,000    


21    Game and fish protection fund.......................        17,651,900    


22    State general fund/general purpose.................. $          22,100    


23      Sec. 107.  PARKS AND RECREATION                                             


24      Full-time equated classified positions........785.7                     


25    State parks--581.2 FTE positions.................... $      36,979,600    


26    Recreational boating--201.5 FTE positions...........        11,358,700    


27    Michigan civilian conservation corps--3.0 FTE                             


1       positions.........................................           893,600    


2     State parks improvement revenue bonds - debt service         1,081,900    


3     Travel..............................................         2,354,100    


4     GROSS APPROPRIATION................................. $      52,667,900    


5         Appropriated from:                                                    


6       Federal revenues:                                                       


7     EPA, federal........................................           104,600    


8       Special revenue funds:                                                  


9     Private funds.......................................           316,600    


10    Harbor development fund.............................           245,300    


11    Michigan civilian conservation corps endowment fund.           993,600    


12    Michigan state parks endowment fund.................        10,753,700    


13    Michigan state waterways fund.......................        12,061,400    


14    Off-road vehicle trail improvement fund.............           211,700    


15    Park improvement fund...............................        27,981,000    


16    State general fund/general purpose.................. $               0    


17      Sec. 108.  FOREST, MINERAL, AND FIRE MANAGEMENT                             


18      Full-time equated classified positions........334.5                     


19    Forest and timber treatments--114.0 FTE positions... $      11,878,800    


20    Forest management planning--13.0 FTE positions......         4,376,900    


21    Forest recreation and trails--33.0 FTE positions....         4,093,000    


22    Forest fire protection--137.5 FTE positions.........         9,104,200    


23    Forest management initiative--9.2 FTE positions.....         1,009,000    


24    Adopt-a-forest program..............................            50,100    


25    Minerals management--17.3 FTE positions.............         1,962,700    


26    Forest fire equipment...............................         1,700,100    


27    Cooperative resource programs--10.5 FTE positions...         3,078,100    


1     Travel..............................................         1,439,800    


2     GROSS APPROPRIATION................................. $      38,692,700    


3         Appropriated from:                                                    


4       Federal revenues:                                                       


5     DAG, federal........................................         2,056,700    


6     DOI, federal........................................             2,000    


7     EPA, federal........................................             1,000    


8       Special revenue funds:                                                  


9     Private funds.......................................           804,800    


10    Aircraft fees.......................................           106,500    


11    Air photo - geographic information system...........           103,000    


12    Forest recreation fund..............................         1,120,700    


13    Forest resource revenue.............................        21,341,200    


14    Game and fish protection fund.......................         1,781,800    


15    Michigan natural resources trust fund...............         1,106,400    


16    Michigan state parks endowment fund.................           496,700    


17    Michigan state waterways fund.......................           340,500    


18    Off-road vehicle trail improvement fund.............           363,700    


19    Recreation improvement fund.........................           284,900    


20    Shop fees...........................................            56,300    


21    Snowmobile trail improvement fund...................         1,745,900    


22    State general fund/general purpose.................. $       6,980,600    


23      Sec. 109.  LAW ENFORCEMENT                                                  


24      Full-time equated classified positions........272.5                     


25    Wildlife resource protection--10.0 FTE positions.... $       1,238,700    


26    General law enforcement--262.5 FTE positions........        22,794,300    


27    Travel..............................................         2,753,800    


1     GROSS APPROPRIATION................................. $      26,786,800    


2         Appropriated from:                                                    


3       Federal revenues:                                                       


4     DOC, federal........................................            15,000    


5     DOI, federal........................................         1,062,800    


6     DOT, federal........................................         2,403,300    


7       Special revenue funds:                                                  


8     Game and fish - wildlife resource protection fund...         1,332,500    


9     Game and fish protection fund.......................        15,619,800    


10    Marine safety fund..................................         1,304,800    


11    Off-road vehicle trail improvement fund.............           744,000    


12    Snowmobile registration fee revenue.................           564,600    


13    State general fund/general purpose.................. $       3,740,000    


14      Sec. 110.  PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF TAXES                                        


15    Payments for swamp and tax reverted lands...........         7,071,500    


16    Payments for purchased lands........................        10,234,900    


17    Payments for commercial forest reserves.............         2,691,700    


18    GROSS APPROPRIATION................................. $      19,998,100    


19        Appropriated from:                                                    


20      Special revenue funds:                                                  


21    Game and fish protection fund.......................         4,668,300    


22    Michigan natural resources trust fund...............         1,214,700    


23    Michigan state waterways fund.......................           376,900    


24    State general fund/general purpose.................. $      13,738,200    


25      Sec. 111.  GRANTS                                                           


26    Grant to counties--marine safety.................... $       2,840,100    


27    Federal - land and water conservation fund payments.             1,000    


1     Federal - forest stewardship grants.................           625,000    


2     Federal - urban forestry grants.....................         3,900,000    


3     Federal - clean vessel act grants...................           100,000    


4     Federal - rural community fire protection...........           250,000    


5     Grants to communities - federal oil, gas, and timber                      


6       payments..........................................         3,450,000    


7     Recreation improvement fund grants..................         1,100,100    


8     Sebewaing harbor commission flood control...........            50,000    


9     Snowmobile local grants program.....................         6,480,100    


10    Snowmobile law enforcement grants...................         1,142,100    


11    Off-road vehicle safety training grants.............           294,300    


12    Off-road vehicle trail improvement grants...........         1,374,600    


13    National recreational trails........................         1,850,000    


14    Game and nongame wildlife fund grants...............            10,100    


15    Inland fisheries resources grants...................           200,100    


16    GROSS APPROPRIATION................................. $      23,667,500    


17        Appropriated from:                                                    


18      Federal revenues:                                                       


19    DAG, federal........................................         4,775,000    


20    DOI, federal........................................           101,000    


21    DOI, oil and gas royalty revenue....................           150,000    


22    DOI, timber revenue.................................         3,300,000    


23    DOT, federal........................................         1,800,000    


24      Special revenue funds:                                                  


25    Private funds.......................................            50,000    


26    Game and fish protection fund.......................           200,100    


27    Marine safety fund..................................         2,840,100    


1     Michigan state waterways fund.......................            50,000    


2     Nongame wildlife fund...............................            10,100    


3     Off-road vehicle trail improvement fund.............         1,374,600    


4     Recreation improvement fund.........................         1,100,100    


5     Safety education fund...............................           294,300    


6     Snowmobile registration fee revenue.................         1,142,100    


7     Snowmobile trail improvement fund...................         6,480,100    


8     State general fund/general purpose.................. $               0    


9       Sec. 112.  INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY                                           


10    Information technology services and projects........ $       8,866,700    


11    GROSS APPROPRIATION................................. $       8,866,700    


12        Appropriated from:                                                    


13      Special revenue funds:                                                  


14    Air photo - geographic information system...........            20,800    


15    Delinquent property tax administration fund.........            36,100    


16    Forest resource revenue.............................         1,536,100    


17    Game and fish protection fund.......................         1,106,000    


18    Game and fish protection fund - deer habitat reserve           243,000    


19    Game and fish - wildlife resource protection fund...            11,600    


20    Land exchange facilitation fund.....................            41,600    


21    Land sale revenue...................................           709,200    


22    Marine safety fund..................................            23,900    


23    Michigan natural resources trust fund...............           986,900    


24    Michigan state parks endowment fund.................            40,200    


25    Michigan state waterways fund.......................           755,100    


26    Nongame wildlife fund...............................            10,400    


27    Park improvement fund...............................         2,021,800    


1     Recreation improvement fund.........................            19,000    


2     Snowmobile registration fee revenue.................             3,700    


3     State general fund/general purpose.................. $       1,301,300    


4       Sec. 113.  FEDERAL ADVISORY REPORT                                          


5     Game and fish protection fund....................... $         200,000    


6     Budgetary savings...................................          (200,000)   


7     GROSS APPROPRIATION................................. $               0    


8         Appropriated from:                                                    


9     State general fund/general purpose.................. $               0    






10                                   PART 1A                                    


11               LINE-ITEM APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002-03               


12      Sec. 151.  Subject to the conditions set forth in this act, the             


13  amounts listed in this part are appropriated for the department of          


14  natural resources for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2003, from       


15  the funds indicated in this part.  The following is a summary of the        


16  appropriations in this part:                                                


17  DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES                                             


18    GROSS APPROPRIATION................................. $               0    


19      Interdepartmental grant revenues:                                       


20    Total interdepartmental grants and intradepartmental                      


21      transfers......................................... $               0    


22    ADJUSTED GROSS APPROPRIATION........................ $               0    


23      Federal revenues:                                                       


24    Total federal revenues..............................                 0    


25      Special revenue funds:                                                  


1     Total local revenues................................                 0    


2     Total private revenues..............................                 0    


3     Total other state restricted revenues...............                 0    


4     State general fund/general purpose.................. $               0    


5       Sec.  152.  FEDERAL ADVISORY REPORT                                         


6     Game and fish protection fund....................... $         356,000    


7     Budgetary savings...................................          (356,000)   


8     GROSS APPROPRIATION................................. $               0    


9         Appropriated from:                                                    


10    State general fund/general purpose.................. $               0    






11                                    PART 2                                    




13  GENERAL SECTIONS                                                            


14      Sec. 201.  Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state                


15  constitution of 1963, total state spending from state resources under       


16  part 1 for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2004 is                     


17  $218,280,200.00 and state spending from state resources to be paid to       


18  local units of government for the fiscal year ending September 30,          


19  2004 is $23,965,400.00.  The itemized statement below identifies            


20  appropriations from which spending to units of local government will        


21  occur:                                                                      


22  DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES                                             


23  PAYMENTS IN LIEU OF TAXES                                                   


24    Payments for swamp and tax reverted land............         7,071,500    


25    Payments for purchased lands........................        10,234,900    


1     Payments for commercial forest reserves.............         2,691,700    


2   GRANTS                                                                      


3     Grants to counties - marine safety..................         2,805,100    


4     Snowmobile law enforcement..........................         1,142,100    


5     TOTAL............................................... $      23,945,300    


6       Sec. 202.  The appropriations authorized under this act are                 


7   subject to the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1101 to       


8   18.1594.                                                                    


9       Sec. 203.  As used in this act:                                             


10      (a)  "Commission" means the commission of natural resources.                


11      (b)  "DAG" means the United States department of agriculture.               


12      (c)  "Department" means the department of natural resources.                


13      (d)  "DOC" means the United States department of commerce.                  


14      (e)  "DOD" means the United States department of defense.                   


15      (f)  "DOE" means the United States department of energy.                    


16      (g)  "DOI" means the United States department of interior.                  


17      (h)  "DOI-MMS" means DOI minerals management service.                       


18      (i)  "DOT" means the United States department of transportation.            


19      (j)  "EPA" means the United States environmental protection agency.         


20      (k)  "FTE" means full-time equated.                                         


21      (l)  "IDG" means interdepartmental grant.                                   


22      Sec. 204.  The department of civil service shall bill departments           


23  and agencies at the end of the first fiscal quarter for the 1% charge       


24  authorized by section 5 of article XI of the state constitution of          


25  1963.  Payments shall be made for the total amount of the billing by        


26  the end of the second fiscal quarter.                                       


27      Sec. 205.  (1) Beginning October 1, a hiring freeze is imposed on           


1   the state classified civil service.  State departments and agencies         


2   are prohibited from hiring any new full-time state classified civil         


3   service employees and prohibited from filling any vacant state              


4   classified civil service positions.  This hiring freeze does not apply      


5   to internal transfers of classified employees from 1 position to            


6   another within a department.                                                


7       (2) The state budget director shall grant exceptions to this                


8   hiring freeze when the state budget director believes that the hiring       


9   freeze will result in rendering a state department or agency unable to      


10  deliver basic services, cause loss of revenue to the state, result in       


11  the inability of the state to receive federal funds, or necessitate         


12  additional expenditures that exceed any savings from maintaining a          


13  vacancy.  The state budget director shall report quarterly to the           


14  chairpersons of the senate and house of representatives standing            


15  committees on appropriations the number of exceptions to the hiring         


16  freeze approved during the previous quarter and the reasons to justify      


17  the exception.                                                              


18      Sec. 207.  At least 60 days before beginning any effort to                  


19  privatize, the department shall submit a complete project plan to the       


20  appropriate senate and house of representatives appropriations              


21  subcommittees and the senate and house fiscal agencies.  The plan           


22  shall include the criteria under which the privatization initiative         


23  will be evaluated.  The evaluation shall be completed and submitted to      


24  the appropriate senate and house of representatives appropriations          


25  subcommittees and the senate and house fiscal agencies within 30            


26  months.                                                                     


27      Sec. 208.  Unless otherwise specified in this act, the department           


1   shall use the Internet to fulfill the reporting requirements of this        


2   act.  This may include transmission of reports via electronic mail to       


3   the recipients identified for each reporting requirement or it may          


4   include placement of reports on an Internet or Intranet site.               


5       Sec. 209.  Funds appropriated in part 1 should not be used for              


6   the purchase of foreign goods or services, or both, if competitively        


7   priced American goods or services, or both, of comparable quality are       


8   available.  Preference should be given to goods or services, or both,       


9   manufactured or provided by Michigan businesses if they are                 


10  competitively priced and of comparable value.                               


11      Sec. 210.  By February 15, the department shall provide the state           


12  budget director, the senate and house appropriations subcommittees on       


13  natural resources, and the senate and house fiscal agencies with an         


14  annual report on estimated restricted fund balances, projected              


15  revenues, and expenditures for the fiscal year and the previous fiscal      


16  years.                                                                      


17      Sec. 211.  The departments and state agencies receiving                     


18  appropriations under this act shall receive and retain copies of all        


19  reports funded from appropriations in part 1.  These departments and        


20  state agencies shall follow federal and state guidelines for                


21  short-term and long-term retention of these reports.  To the extent         


22  consistent with federal and state guidelines, the requirements of this      


23  section are satisfied if the reports funded from appropriations in          


24  part 1 are retained in electronic format.                                   


25      Sec. 212.  (1) From the funds appropriated under part 1, the                


26  department shall prepare a report that lists all of the following           


27  regarding grant, loan, or grant and loan programs administered by the       


1   department for the fiscal year:                                             


2       (a) The name of each program.                                               


3       (b) The goals, criteria, filing fees, nominating procedures,                


4   eligibility requirements, processes, and deadlines for each program.        


5       (c) The maximum and minimum grant and loan available and whether            


6   there is a match requirement for each program.                              


7       (d) The amount of any required match, and whether in-kind                   


8   contributions may be used as part or all of a required match.               


9       (e) Information pertaining to the application process, timeline             


10  for each program, and the contact people within the department.             


11      (f) The source of funds for each program, including the citation            


12  of pertinent authorizing acts.                                              


13      (g) Information regarding plans for the next fiscal year for the            


14  phaseout, expansion, or changes for each program.                           


15      (h) A listing of all recipients of grants or loans awarded by the           


16  department by type and amount of grant or loan during the previous          


17  fiscal year.                                                                


18      (2) The reports required under this section shall be submitted to           


19  the state budget director, the senate and house appropriations              


20  committees and the senate and house fiscal agencies by January 1.           


21      Sec. 213.  Appropriations of state restricted game and fish                 


22  protection funds have been made to the following departments and            


23  agencies in their respective appropriation bills.  The amounts              


24  appropriated to these departments and agencies are limited to the           


25  amounts listed below:                                                       


26    Department of civil service......................... $         293,200    


27    Legislative auditor general.........................            21,400    


1     Attorney general....................................           640,800    


2     Department of management and budget.................           320,500    


3     Department of treasury..............................             4,200    


4       Sec. 214.  (1) Before January 16, the department, in cooperation            


5   with the Michigan state waterways commission, shall report to the           


6   executive budget office, the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the      


7   senate and house of representatives appropriations subcommittees on         


8   natural resources detailing operations of the Michigan state waterways      


9   commission for the preceding 1-year period.                                 


10      (2) The department, in cooperation with the Michigan state                  


11  waterways commission, shall determine which projects should be              


12  acquired or developed with money from the state waterways fund or           


13  harbor development fund and shall submit to the executive budget            


14  office, the senate and house fiscal agencies, and the senate and house      


15  of representatives appropriations subcommittees on natural resources        


16  in January a list of those projects, compiled in order of priority.         


17  The list shall be accompanied by estimates of total costs for the           


18  proposed projects.                                                          


19      (3) The department, in cooperation with the Michigan state                  


20  waterways commission, shall supply with each list under subsection (2)      


21  a statement of the guidelines used in listing and assigning the             


22  priority of these projects.                                                 


23      Sec. 215.  The department shall develop a plan for allocating               


24  restricted funds among department administrative support and                


25  regulatory activities.  This plan shall be submitted to the house and       


26  senate appropriations subcommittees on natural resources by January         


27  30.  This plan shall include a cost allocation plan for financial           


1   services support, office space rent and building occupancy charges,         


2   support division service for information systems and technology, and a      


3   methodology to use information generated through activity reports that      


4   identifies the percentage of employee time spent on restricted fund         


5   activities.                                                                 


6       Sec. 216.  Pursuant to section 43703(3) of the natural resources            


7   and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.43703, there is      


8   appropriated from the game and fish protection trust fund to the game       


9   and fish protection fund, $6,000,000.00 for the fiscal year.                


10      Sec. 217.  From the funds appropriated in part 1 for information            


11  technology, the department shall pay user fees to the department of         


12  information technology for technology-related services and projects.        


13  Such user fees shall be subject to provisions of an interagency             


14  agreement between the department and the department of information          


15  technology.                                                                 


16      Sec. 218.  Amounts appropriated in part 1 for information                   


17  technology may be designated as work projects and carried forward to        


18  support technology projects under the direction of the department of        


19  information technology.  Funds designated in this manner are not            


20  available for expenditure until approved as work projects under             


21  section 451a of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431,                 


22  MCL 18.1451a.                                                               




23  EXECUTIVE                                                                   


24      Sec. 301.  On June 15, the department shall submit to the house             


25  and senate appropriations subcommittees on natural resources and the        


26  house and senate fiscal agencies a report on fish, game, and nongame        


27  habitat improvement and treatment projects completed or planned during      


1   the current fiscal year and the previous fiscal year.  This report          


2   shall include a list of all habitat treatment and improvement projects      


3   by management unit.  This list shall be accompanied by all of the           


4   following information:                                                      


5       (a) The target species of wildlife or fish to benefit from unit             


6   projects.                                                                   


7       (b) The number of acres or, for an inland lake, river, or stream,           


8   the number of feet treated or improved, the county in which the             


9   project is located, and the methods of treatment or improvement.            


10      (c) The division with lead responsibility for the projects and all          


11  organizations involved in the projects, including, but not limited to,      


12  department personnel, contractors, or subcontractors.                       


13      (d) The total cost per acre and the funding sources supporting              


14  management unit projects.  The report shall identify the program line       


15  item supporting project expenditures.                                       


16      (e) A separate summary, by fund or subfund, of all projects                 


17  completed in the fiscal year or the previous fiscal year.                   




18  ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES                                                     


19      Sec. 401.  The department may charge the appropriations contained           


20  in part 1, including all special maintenance and capital projects           


21  appropriated for the fiscal year, for engineering services provided, a      


22  standard percentage fee to recover actual costs.  The department may        


23  use the revenue derived to support the engineering services charges         


24  provided for in part 1.                                                     


25      Sec. 402.  The department may charge land acquisition projects              


26  appropriated for the fiscal year, and for prior fiscal years, a             


1   standard percentage fee to recover actual costs, and may use the            


2   revenue derived to support the land acquisition service charges             


3   provided for in part 1.                                                     


4       Sec. 403.  The department of natural resources may charge both              


5   application fees and transaction fees related to the exchange or sale       


6   of state-owned land or rights in land.  The fees shall be set by the        


7   director at a rate which allows the department to recover its costs         


8   for providing these services.                                               


9       Sec. 404.  The department shall prominently display in a                    


10  prominent place in the fishing guide provided to each licensed fisher       


11  and paid for from the funds appropriated in part 1, the website for         


12  the department of community health.  In addition, the fishing guide         


13  shall include information on alternative sources where interested           


14  parties without Internet access may find information on fish                


15  advisories issued by the department of community health.                    


16      Sec. 405.  The department shall report quarterly on all land                


17  transactions completed by the department in the previous fiscal             


18  quarter.  For each land transaction, the report shall include, but not      


19  be limited to, the size of the parcel, the county and municipality in       


20  which the parcel is located, the dollar amount of the transaction, the      


21  fund source used to purchase the parcel, and the type of transaction,       


22  such as tax reversion, purchase, public auction, transfer, exchange,        


23  or other type of transaction.  The report shall be submitted to the         


24  senate and house appropriation subcommittees on natural resources           


25  within 21 days of the end of each fiscal quarter.                           


26      Sec. 406.  The department shall offer to persons who are lessees            


27  of private airport hangers at Roscommon airport as of the effective         


1   date of this act the opportunity to enter new leases under reasonable       


2   terms for any period, at the option of the lessee, not extending            


3   beyond the life of the lessee.                                              




4   WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT                                                         


5       Sec. 501.  By April 1 and September 30, the department shall                


6   report to the state budget director, the senate and house                   


7   appropriations subcommittees on natural resources, and the senate and       


8   house fiscal agencies on spending from the amounts appropriated in          


9   part 1 for bovine tuberculosis control efforts.  The report shall           


10  include, but not be limited to, information on activities at the            


11  animal diagnostic laboratory at Michigan State University that are          


12  funded with appropriations in part 1.                                       


13      Sec. 502.  Of the funds appropriated in part 1, the department              


14  shall reimburse the department of agriculture for costs incurred for        


15  indemnification payments for livestock losses caused by wolves or           


16  coyotes under the animal industry act of 1987, 1988 PA 466, MCL             


17  287.701 to 287.745.                                                         




18  FISHERIES MANAGEMENT                                                        


19      Sec. 601.  The department shall not impede the certification                


20  process for water control structures on Michigan waterways.  The            


21  department shall fund from funds appropriated in part 1 all                 


22  non-water-quality studies or requirements that the department requests      


23  of either of the following:                                                 


24      (a) The department of environmental quality as a condition for              


25  issuance of a certification under section 401 of title IV of the            


26  federal water pollution control act, chapter 758, 86 Stat. 877, 33          


1   U.S.C. 1341.                                                                


2       (b) The federal energy regulatory commission as a condition of              


3   licensing under the federal power act, chapter 285, 41 Stat. 1063, 16       


4   U.S.C. 791a to 793, 796 to 797, 798 to 818, 820 to 824a, and 824b to        


5   825r.                                                                       


6       Sec. 602.  (1) From the appropriation in part 1 for stream                  


7   habitat improvement, not more than $758,000.00 shall be allocated for       


8   grants to watershed councils, resource development councils, soil           


9   conservation districts, local governmental units, and other nonprofit       


10  organizations for stream habitat stabilization and soil erosion             


11  control.                                                                    


12      (2) The fisheries division of the department shall develop                  


13  priority and cost estimates for all recommended projects.                   


14      Sec. 603.  From the funds appropriated in part 1, $22,100 is                


15  provided to the Big Rapids area foundation for completion of the            


16  riverwalk project.                                                          




17  PARKS AND RECREATION                                                        


18      Sec. 701.  Pursuant to section 1902(2) of the natural resources             


19  and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.1902, there is       


20  appropriated from the Michigan natural resources trust fund to the          


21  Michigan state parks endowment fund an amount not to exceed                 


22  $10,000,000.00 for the fiscal year.                                         


23      Sec. 703.  (1) The department shall prepare detailed reports for            


24  construction projects in state parks that will involve campsite or          


25  campground closures.  These reports shall include expected costs,           


26  impacts on recreation opportunities, impacts on state park revenues,        


27  and the expected impact on state park users.  The department shall          

    House Bill No. 4400 as amended June 19, 2003                    (1 of 2)    

1   also prepare reports on average monthly campground occupancy rates for      


2   every state park during the previous summer season.  The department         


3   shall provide reports described in this subsection to the house and         


4   senate appropriations subcommittees on natural resources and                


5   environmental quality and the house and senate fiscal agencies not          


6   later than April 1.                                                         


7       (2) The department shall notify the house and senate                        


8   appropriations subcommittees on natural resources and environmental         


9   quality and the house and senate fiscal agencies if it intends to           


10  reduce operations or reduce recreation opportunities at any state park      


11  or recreation area.                                                         


12      Sec. 704.  From the funds appropriated in part 1, the department            


13  shall attempt to place an appropriate number of defibrillators in           


14  state parks.  State parks may accept donations of defibrillators.           


15      Sec. 705.  On September 30, the department shall submit a report            


16  on the economic impact and financial status of the ski hill in              


17  porcupine mountains wilderness state park to the legislature, the           


18  state budget director, and the senate and house fiscal agencies.  The       


19  department shall not alter or halt operations of the ski hill or            


20  demolish buildings related to the ski hill in porcupine mountains           


21  wilderness state park until this report is received.  The department        


22  shall collaborate with travel Michigan for both the marketing and           


23  promotion of the ski hill and in locating an operating partner through      


24   a competitive bidding process.

     <<Sec. 706. As a condition of expenditure of appropriations under part 1 for state parks, the department shall not enter into a lease, concession, or other agreement for the operation of a farm on state park property with a party that has an annual operating budget of less than $100,000.00, that employs fewer than 2 full-time equated individuals, or that has been recognized by the United States government as a 501(c) tax-exempt organization by issuance of an internal revenue service letter of final determination.  The party must be licensed to solicit donations under the charitable organizations and solicitation act, 1975 PA 169, MCL 400.271 to 400.294, and must provide a financial statement audited or reviewed by a certified public accountant to the department at the time the lease, concession, or agreement is awarded.>>


    <<Sec. 707.  The department shall collaborate with the department of history, arts, and libraries to begin implementation of the department of natural resources’ recommendations for a system of water trails in the state as part of the statewide recreation plan.>>                                                              




25  FOREST, MINERAL, AND FIRE MANAGEMENT                                        


26      Sec. 801.  Of the funds appropriated in part 1, the department              


1   shall prescribe appropriate treatment on 63,000 acres, plus or minus        


2   10%, at the current average rate of 12.5 to 13 cords per acre provided      


3   that the department shall take into consideration the impact of timber      


4   harvesting on wildlife habitat and recreation uses.  The department         


5   shall endeavor to increase marking or treatment of hardwood timber by       


6   10% over 2003 levels.  In addition, the department shall take into          


7   consideration silvicultural analysis and report annually to the             


8   legislature on plans and efforts to address factors limiting                


9   management of timber.                                                       


10      Sec. 802.  The department shall spend amounts appropriated in               


11  part 1 for forest-related activities to employ or contract for              


12  additional foresters to mark timber, pursuant to section 801.               


13      Sec. 803.  The appropriation for the adopt-a-forest program in              


14  part 1 shall be used to cover the cost of disposing of waste material       


15  collected from state forest lands.                                          


16      Sec. 804.  In addition to the funds appropriated in part 1,                 


17  $350,000.00 is appropriated to cover costs related to any declared          


18  emergency involving the collapse of any abandoned mine shaft located        


19  on state land.  This appropriation shall not be expended unless the         


20  state budget director recommends the expenditure and the department         


21  notifies the house and senate committees on appropriations.                 


22      Sec. 805.  As a condition of the expenditure of appropriations              


23  under this act for forest recreation and trails, among the members of       


24  the off-road vehicle trails advisory committee appointed after the          


25  effective date of this act to represent off-road vehicle trail users        


26  and dealers, there shall be at least 1 owner or operator of an              


27  off-road vehicle dealership, consistent with section 81125 of the           


1   natural resources and environmental protection act, 1994 PA 451, MCL        


2   324.81125.                                                                  


3       Sec. 806.  Of the funds appropriated in part 1 for cooperative              


4   resource programs, $1,000,000.00 is provided as an interdepartmental        


5   grant to the department of agriculture for the cooperative resources        


6   management initiative program.                                              




7   LAW ENFORCEMENT                                                             


8       Sec. 901.  The appropriation in part 1 for snowmobile law                   


9   enforcement grants shall be used to provide grants to county law            


10  enforcement agencies in counties with state snowmobile trails to            


11  enforce part 821 of the natural resources and environmental protection      


12  act, 1994 PA 451, MCL 324.82101 to 324.82160, including rules               


13  promulgated under that part and ordinances enacted pursuant to that         


14  part.  The department shall consider the number of enforcement hours        


15  and the number of miles of trails in each county in allocating these        


16  grants.  Any funds not distributed to counties revert back to the           


17  local law enforcement fund.  Counties shall provide semiannual reports      


18  to the department.                                                          




19  GRANTS                                                                      


20      Sec. 1101.  The amount appropriated in part 1 for federal-rural             


21  community fire protection shall be awarded as grants to local fire          


22  protection departments.  To be eligible, local fire protection              


23  departments shall be located in governmental units or fire protection       


24  districts with permanent populations of less than 10,000 and with           


25  publicly owned forested land.                                               


1       Sec. 1102.  Federal pass-through funds to local institutions and            


2   governments that are received in amounts in addition to those included      


3   in part 1 for grants to communities - federal oil, gas, and timber          


4   payments and that do not require additional state matching funds are        


5   appropriated for the purposes intended.  By November 30, the                


6   department shall report to the senate and house appropriations              


7   subcommittees on natural resources, the senate and house fiscal             


8   agencies, and the state budget office on all amounts appropriated           


9   under this section during the previous fiscal year.                         


10      Sec. 1103.  (1) The use of federal funding received by the state            


11  from the land and water conservation fund and appropriated in part 1        


12  shall be coordinated with state grants to local units of government         


13  from the Michigan natural resources trust fund.  The coordination of        


14  the two funding sources shall be conducted in a manner that minimizes       


15  the total matching funds required from local units of government for        


16  local land acquisition or recreational development projects.                


17      (2) The Michigan natural resources trust fund board shall report            


18  on the final disposition of federal funding from the land and water         


19  conservation fund in the board's annual report to the legislature.          


20      Sec. 1104.  Of the amount appropriated in part 1 for off-road               


21  vehicle trail improvement grants, not less than $25,000.00 shall be         


22  available for a county that contains a state park off-road vehicle          


23  area and applies for law enforcement assistance to regulate off-road        


24  vehicle use.                                                                


25      Sec. 1105.  Of the amount appropriated in part 1 for grants to              


26  counties - marine safety, $35,000.00 shall be used by Michigan State        


27  University to develop equipment and procedures that will accurately         


1   measure and record distance to and sound levels of watercraft engines       


2   if matching funds are provided by lake property associations.               




3   FEDERAL ADVISORY REPORT                                                     


4       Sec. 1201.  The amount appropriated in part 1 for the game and              


5   fish protection fund is an appropriation from the general fund to the       


6   game and fish protection fund in settlement of the advisory report          


7   from the United States fish and wildlife service dated February 5,          


8   2003.                                                                       


9       Sec. 1202.  Appropriation authorization adjustments required due            


10  to negative appropriations for budgetary savings shall be made only         


11  after the approval of transfers by the legislature pursuant to section      


12  393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.          






13                                  PART 2A                                     




15  GENERAL SECTIONS                                                            


16      Sec. 1301.  Pursuant to section 30 of article IX of the state               


17  constitution of 1963, total state spending from state resources under       


18  part 1a for fiscal year 2002-03 is $0.00, and state spending from           


19  state resources to be paid to local units of government for fiscal          


20  year 2002-03 is $0.00.                                                      




21  FEDERAL ADVISORY REPORT                                                     


22      Sec. 1401.  The amount appropriated in part 1a for the game and             


23  fish protection fund is an appropriation from the general fund to the       


1   game and fish protection fund in settlement of the advisory report          


2   from the United States fish and wildlife service dated February 5,          


3   2003.                                                                       


4       Sec. 1402.  Appropriation authorization adjustments required due            


5   to negative appropriations for budgetary savings shall be made only         


6   after the approval of transfers by the legislature pursuant to section      


7   393(2) of the management and budget act, 1984 PA 431, MCL 18.1393.