HOUSE BILL No. 6134 May 28, 2002, Introduced by Reps. Kolb, Bovin, LaSata, Basham, Lockwood, Gieleghem, Daniels and Lemmons and referred to the Committee on Land Use and Environment. A bill to provide for joint land use planning by certain local units of government; and to provide for the establishment, powers, and duties of joint planning commissions. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the 2 "joint municipal planning act". 3 Sec. 3. As used in this act: 4 (a) "Applicable planning act" means either of the following 5 acts, as applicable: 6 (i) 1931 PA 285, MCL 125.31 to 125.45, if a city or village 7 is a participating municipality. 8 (ii) 1959 PA 168, MCL 125.321 to 125.333, if a township is a 9 participating municipality. 10 (b) "Municipality" means a city, village, or township. 06072'01 TMV 2 1 (c) "Participating" means, with respect to a municipality, 2 that the municipality is a member of a joint planning 3 commission. 4 Sec. 5. The legislative bodies of 2 or more municipalities 5 may by ordinance each adopt an agreement establishing a joint 6 planning commission. The agreement shall specify at least all of 7 the following: 8 (a) The composition of the joint planning commission, 9 including any alternate members. 10 (b) The qualifications, election or appointment, and terms 11 of office of members of the joint planning commission. 12 (c) Conditions and procedures for removal from office of 13 members of the joint planning commission and for filling vacan- 14 cies in the joint planning commission. 15 (d) How the operating budget of the joint planning commis- 16 sion will be shared by the participating municipalities. 17 (e) The jurisdictional area of the joint planning commis- 18 sion, which may consist of all or part of the combined territory 19 of the participating municipalities. 20 (f) Procedures by which a municipality may join or withdraw 21 from the joint planning commission. 22 (g) The applicable planning act whose procedure will be fol- 23 lowed by the joint planning commission in adopting a plan or 24 exercising any other power or performing any other duty of the 25 joint planning commission. 26 Sec. 7. A joint planning commission may exercise any power 27 and shall perform any duty of a planning commission under any of 06072'01 3 1 the applicable planning acts. In so doing, the joint planning 2 commission shall follow the procedure provided under an applica- 3 ble planning act, as specified pursuant to section 5(g). 06072'01 Final page. TMV