March 19, 2002, Introduced by Reps. Allen and Rivet and referred to the Committee on Commerce. A bill to amend 1996 PA 376, entitled "Michigan renaissance zone act," by amending section 4 (MCL 125.2684), as amended by 2000 PA 259. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 4. (1) One or more qualified local governmental units 2 may apply to the review board to designate the qualified local 3 governmental unit or units as a renaissance zone if all of the 4 following criteria are met: 5 (a) The geographic area of the proposed renaissance zone is 6 located within the boundaries of the qualified local governmental 7 unit or units that apply. 8 (b) The application includes a development plan. 9 (c) The proposed renaissance zone is not more than 5,000 10 acres in size. 06886'02 JLB 2 1 (d) The renaissance zone does not contain more than 10 2 distinct geographic areas. Except as otherwise provided in this 3 subdivision, the minimum size of a distinct geographic area is 4 not less than 5 acres. A qualified local governmental unit or 5 units may designate not more than 4 distinct geographic areas in 6 each renaissance zone to have no minimum size requirement. 7 (e) The application includes the proposed duration of 8 renaissance zone status, not to exceed 15 years, except as other- 9 wise provided in this section. 10 (f) If the qualified local governmental unit has an elected 11 county executive, the county executive's written approval of the 12 application. 13 (g) If the qualified local governmental unit is a city, that 14 city's mayor's written approval of the application. 15 (2) A qualified local governmental unit may submit not more 16 than 1 application to the review board for designation as a 17 renaissance zone. A resolution provided by a city, village, or 18 township under section 7(2) does not constitute an application of 19 a city, village, or township for a renaissance zone under this 20 act. 21 (3) For a distinct geographic area described in subsection 22 (1)(d), a village may include publicly owned land within the 23 boundaries of any distinct geographic area. 24 (4) Through December 31, 2002, a qualified local governmen- 25 tal unit or units in which a renaissance zone was designated 26 under section 8 or 8a may designate additional distinct 27 geographic areas not to exceed a total of 10 distinct geographic 06886'02 3 1 areas upon application to and approval by the board. The 2 DURATION OF RENAISSANCE ZONE STATUS FOR THE additional distinct 3 geographic areas shall have the duration of renaissance zone 4 status as determined by the qualified local governmental unit 5 not to exceed 15 years except as provided in subsection (5). 6 (5) If a qualified local governmental unit or units desig- 7 nate additional distinct geographic areas in a renaissance zone 8 under subsection (4), the qualified local governmental unit or 9 units may extend the duration of the renaissance zone status of 1 10 or more distinct geographic areas in that renaissance zone until 11 2017 UPON APPLICATION TO AND APPROVAL BY THE BOARD. 12 (6) Through December 31, 2002, a qualified local governmen- 13 tal unit or units in which a renaissance zone was designated 14 under section 8 or 8a may, upon application to and approval by 15 the board, seek to extend the duration of renaissance zone status 16 until 2017. Upon application, the board shall MAY extend the 17 duration of renaissance zone status. as specified in the appli- 18 cation from the qualified local governmental unit. 06886'02 Final page. JLB