June 28, 2001, Introduced by Rep. Adamini and referred to the Committee on Local Government and Urban Policy. A bill to amend 1971 PA 140, entitled "Glenn Steil state revenue sharing act of 1971," by amending section 3 (MCL 141.903), as amended by 1980 PA 275. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 3. (1) "Population" for the purpose of distributing 2 revenues among cities, villages, townships, and counties means 3 population according to the last and each succeeding statewide 4 federal census, or a special statewide census as provided by law, 5 whichever is later, . SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE FOLLOWING: 6 (A) Corrections to the statewide federal census that are 7 published by the bureau of the census, United States department 8 of commerce, and that occur during the period July 1, and ending 9 June 30, ON OR BEFORE SEPTEMBER 30 OF A YEAR shall become 10 effective for the purpose of revenue distributions on the next 11 July 1 SUCCEEDING OCTOBER 1. 04614'01 RJA 2 1 (B) Fifty percent of the total number of persons who are 2 wards, patients, or convicts committed to or domiciled in a city, 3 village, or township institution located outside the boundaries 4 of the city, village, or township or committed to or domiciled in 5 a county, state, or federal tax-supported institution, if the 6 persons were included in the federal census, or any special 7 census as provided by law, shall be excluded from the 8 computation. 9 (C) IF THERE IS A DISPUTE BETWEEN 2 LOCAL UNITS OF GOVERN- 10 MENT RELATED TO THE TOTAL NUMBER OF PERSONS COMMITTED TO OR DOMI- 11 CILED IN AN INSTITUTION LOCATED IN EITHER OF THOSE LOCAL UNITS OF 12 GOVERNMENT, THE 2 LOCAL UNITS OF GOVERNMENT SHALL EACH MAKE A 13 GOOD FAITH EFFORT TO AGREE TO A CORRECT POPULATION COUNT. IF THE 14 LOCAL UNITS OF GOVERNMENT DO NOT AGREE BY RESOLUTION TO A CORRECT 15 COUNT, THE COUNTY CLERK SHALL MAKE A DETERMINATION OF THE CORRECT 16 COUNT. THE COUNT AGREED TO BY THE LOCAL UNITS OF GOVERNMENT OR 17 DETERMINED BY THE COUNTY CLERK SHALL BE USED FOR REVENUE SHARING 18 DISTRIBUTIONS UNTIL A NEW FEDERAL OR SPECIAL CENSUS AS PROVIDED 19 BY LAW, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST, IS CONDUCTED AND THOSE RESULTS ARE 20 CERTIFIED AND PUBLISHED, OR UNTIL A FEDERAL CENSUS CORRECTION IS 21 PUBLISHED. POPULATION COUNTS AGREED TO OR DETERMINED ON OR 22 BEFORE AUGUST 1 OF A YEAR SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE FOR DISTRIBU- 23 TIONS MADE ON AND AFTER THE IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING OCTOBER 1. IF 24 THERE IS A DISPUTE BETWEEN 2 LOCAL UNITS OF GOVERNMENT AND THOSE 25 LOCAL UNITS OF GOVERNMENT AGREE BY RESOLUTION TO A CORRECT POPU- 26 LATION BEFORE JULY 1 OF A YEAR, EITHER LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT 27 MAY REQUEST A REVIEW BY THE COUNTY CLERK UNDER THIS SUBDIVISION 04614'01 3 1 OF THAT POPULATION COUNT BEFORE AUGUST 1 OF THAT YEAR. IF THE 2 COUNTY CLERK MAKES A DETERMINATION OF A CORRECT COUNT THAT IS 3 DIFFERENT THAN THE COUNT AGREED UPON BY RESOLUTION, THE RESOLU- 4 TIONS ARE VOID AND THE DETERMINATION OF A CORRECT COUNT MADE BY 5 THE COUNTY CLERK SHALL BECOME EFFECTIVE FOR DISTRIBUTIONS MADE ON 6 AND AFTER THE IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING OCTOBER 1. 7 (D) The population of a township is its population outside 8 the corporate limits of villages in the township. 9 (E) The population data used in determining distributions 10 under this act in a year in which a federal decennial statewide 11 census, federal mid-decade statewide census, or special statewide 12 census provided by law is conducted shall become effective for 13 distributions made on and after October 1 of the year for which 14 the respective census is conducted. Once the official population 15 data from a federal decennial statewide census, federal 16 mid-decade statewide census, or special statewide census provided 17 by law is certified and published, the department of management 18 and budget TREASURY shall calculate any overpayment or underpay- 19 ment made to a local unit of government since the effective date 20 of the respective census and make adjustments in future distribu- 21 tions to the local unit of government to correct these overpay- 22 ments or underpayments of revenue distributed pursuant to this 23 act. 24 (2) "Rate" means a figure determined each May AUGUST 15 by 25 the department of management and budget TREASURY pursuant to 26 this act from applicable tax data for the preceding calendar year 27 as reported to it by the department of treasury and applicable 04614'01 4 1 to payments made during the succeeding period of July 1 to June 2 30 OCTOBER 1 TO SEPTEMBER 30. 04614'01 Final page. RJA