HOUSE BILL No. 4557 April 17, 2001, Introduced by Reps. Daniels, Phillips, Hansen, Neumann, Hardman, Clark, Minore, Williams, Gieleghem, Woodward, Rich Brown and McConico and referred to the Committee on Criminal Justice. A bill to amend 1931 PA 328, entitled "The Michigan penal code," by amending sections 72, 83, 88, 89, 91, 110, 213, 317, 349, 520b, 520c, 520d, 529, and 530 (MCL 750.72, 750.83, 750.88, 750.89, 750.91, 750.110, 750.213, 750.317, 750.349, 750.520b, 750.520c, 750.520d, 750.529, and 750.530), section 110 as amended by 1994 PA 270, section 520b as amended by 1983 PA 158, section 520c as amended by 2000 PA 227, and section 520d as amended by 1996 PA 155, and by adding section 506b. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 72.Burning dwelling house--AnyA person who 2wilfullyWILLFULLY or maliciously burnsanyAN OCCUPIED OR 3 UNOCCUPIED dwelling house,either occupied or unoccupied,or 4 the contentsthereofOF A DWELLING HOUSE, whether owned by 5himselfTHE PERSON or another PERSON, or any building within 00986'01 TLG 2 1 the curtilage ofsuchTHE dwelling house, or the contents 2thereof, shall beOF THE BUILDING, IS guilty of a felony,3 punishable, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN SECTION 506B, by 4 imprisonmentin the state prisonFOR not more than 20 years. 5 Sec. 83.Assault with intent to commit murder--AnyA 6 person whoshall assaultASSAULTS another PERSON with THE 7 intent to committhe crime ofmurder, shall beIS guilty of 8 a felony,punishable, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN 9 SECTION 506B, by imprisonmentin the state prisonfor life or 10 anynumberTERM of years. 11 Sec. 88.Assault with intent to rob and steal being12unarmed--AnyA person,notbeingarmed with a dangerous 13 weapon,whoshall assaultASSAULTS another PERSON with force 14 and violence, and with THE intent to rob and steal,shall beIS 15 guilty of a felony,punishable, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED 16 IN SECTION 506B, by imprisonmentin the state prisonFOR not 17 more than 15 years. 18 Sec. 89.Assault with intent to rob and steal being19armed--AnyA person, beingarmed with a dangerous weapon,20 oranyAN article used or fashioned in a manner to lead a 21 personsoWHO IS assaulted reasonably to believe itto beIS 22 a dangerous weapon,whoshall assaultASSAULTS another 23 PERSON with THE intent to rob and stealshall beIS guilty of a 24 felony,punishable, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN 25 SECTION 506B, by imprisonmentin the state prisonfor life,26 orforany term of years. 00986'01 3 1 Sec. 91.Attempt to murder by poisoning, etc.--AnyA 2 person whoshall attemptATTEMPTS to commit the crime of murder 3 by poisoning, drowning, or strangling another person, or by any 4 means not constituting the crime of assault with intent to 5 murder,shall beIS guilty of a felony,punishable, EXCEPT 6 AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN SECTION 506B, by imprisonmentin the7state prisonfor life or any term of years. 8 Sec. 110. A person who breaks and enters, with intent to 9 commit a felony or a larceny therein, a tent, hotel, office, 10 store, shop, warehouse, barn, granary, factory or other building, 11 structure, boat, ship,or railroad car is guilty of a felony 12,punishable, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN SECTION 506B, by 13 imprisonment for not more than 10 years. 14 Sec. 213.Malicious threats to extort money--AnyA person 15 whoshall, eitherorally or by a written or printed communica- 16 tion,maliciouslythreatenTHREATENS to accuse another 17 PERSON ofanyA crime or offense, orshallorally or byany18 A written or printed communication maliciouslythreaten any19 THREATENS AN injury to the person or property or mother, father, 20 husband, wife, or child of another PERSON, with THE intent 21therebyto extort money or any pecuniary advantage,whatever,22 or with THE intent to compel the personsothreatened to do or 23 refrain from doinganyAN act againsthisTHE PERSON'S will, 24shall beIS guilty of a felony,punishable, EXCEPT AS OTHER- 25 WISE PROVIDED IN SECTION 506B, by imprisonmentin the state26prisonFOR not more than 20 years orbya fine of not more 27 than $10,000.00,dollarsOR BOTH. 00986'01 4 1 Sec. 317.Second degree murder--All other kinds of murder2shall beMURDER OTHER THAN MURDER OF THE FIRST DEGREE AS DEFINED 3 IN SECTION 316 IS murder of the second degree, and shall be 4 punished, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN SECTION 506B, by 5 imprisonmentin the state prisonfor life,or any term of 6 years., in the discretion of the court trying the same.7 Sec. 349. (1)Confining person against will, etc.--AnyA 8 person whowilfullyWILLFULLY, maliciously, and without lawful 9 authorityshallforcibly or secretlyconfine or imprison10 CONFINES OR IMPRISONS any other person within this state against 11hisTHE PERSON'S will,or shallforciblycarryCARRIES or 12send suchSENDS THE person out of this state, orshallforc- 13 iblyseize or confine, or shall inveigle or kidnapSEIZES, CON- 14 FINES, INVEIGLES, OR KIDNAPS any other person with THE intent to 15 extort money or ANY other valuable thingtherebyor with THE 16 intent either to causesuchTHE person to be secretly confined 17 or imprisoned in this state againsthisTHE PERSON'S will, or 18 in any way held to service againsthisTHE PERSON'S will, 19shall beIS guilty of a felony,punishable, EXCEPT AS OTHER- 20 WISE PROVIDED IN SECTION 506B, by imprisonmentin the state21prisonfor life orforany term of years. 22 (2)Every offense mentionedAN OFFENSE DESCRIBED in this 23 section may be tried either in the county in which thesame may24have beenOFFENSE WAS committed or in any county in or through 25 which the personsoseized, taken, inveigled, OR kidnaped, or 26 whose servicesshall beWERE sold or transferred,shall have27beenWAS taken, confined, held, carried, or brought.; and00986'01 5 1upon the trial of any suchIN A TRIAL FOR AN offense UNDER THIS 2 SECTION, the consenttheretoof the person, soTO BEING 3 taken, inveigled, kidnaped, or confined,shallOR HAVING HIS OR 4 HER SERVICES SOLD OR TRANSFERRED, IS notbea defense,5 unlessit shall be made satisfactorily to appear to the jury6that suchTHE consent was not obtained by fraudnorOR 7 extorted by duress or bythreatsA THREAT. 8 SEC. 506B. (1) A PERSON WHO IS CONVICTED OF A VIOLATION OF 9 SECTION 72, 83, 88, 89, 91, 110, 213, 317, 349, 520B, 520C, 520D, 10 529, OR 530 IN WHICH A VICTIM IS AN ELDERLY PERSON AND WHO HAS 1 11 OR MORE PRIOR CONVICTIONS SHALL BE PUNISHED AS FOLLOWS: 12 (A) IF THE PERSON HAS 1 PRIOR CONVICTION, BY IMPRISONMENT 13 FOR A MINIMUM TERM OF NOT LESS THAN 5 YEARS. 14 (B) IF THE PERSON HAS 2 PRIOR CONVICTIONS, BY IMPRISONMENT 15 FOR A MINIMUM TERM OF NOT LESS THAN 10 YEARS. 16 (C) IF THE PERSON HAS 3 OR MORE PRIOR CONVICTIONS, BY 17 IMPRISONMENT FOR LIFE. 18 (2) A PERSON DESCRIBED IN SUBSECTION (1)(A) OR (B) MAY BE 19 SENTENCED TO IMPRISONMENT FOR LIFE IF THAT PUNISHMENT IS PERMIT- 20 TED BY LAW FOR THAT OFFENSE. A PERSON SENTENCED TO A MINIMUM 21 TERM OF IMPRISONMENT UNDER SUBSECTION (1)(A) OR (B) SHALL BE SEN- 22 TENCED TO A MAXIMUM TERM AS PROVIDED BY LAW FOR THAT OFFENSE. 23 (3) A MANDATORY TERM OF IMPRISONMENT IMPOSED UNDER 24 SUBSECTION (1) SHALL NOT BE SUSPENDED. A PERSON SENTENCED TO A 25 MANDATORY TERM OF IMPRISONMENT UNDER SUBSECTION (1) IS NOT ELIGI- 26 BLE FOR PROBATION OR PAROLE DURING THAT MANDATORY TERM. 00986'01 6 1 (4) A SENTENCE IMPOSED UNDER THIS SECTION SHALL RUN 2 CONSECUTIVELY TO ANY OTHER SENTENCE IMPOSED AGAINST THE PERSON 3 THAT ARISES OUT OF THE SAME TRANSACTION OR OCCURRENCE FROM WHICH 4 THE SENTENCE UNDER THIS SECTION AROSE. 5 (5) AS USED IN THIS SECTION: 6 (A) "ELDERLY PERSON" MEANS A PERSON 60 YEARS OF AGE OR 7 OLDER. 8 (B) "PRIOR CONVICTION" MEANS A PREVIOUS CONVICTION FOR A 9 VIOLATION OF SECTION 72, 83, 88, 89, 91, 110, 213, 317, 349, 10 520B, 520C, 520D, 529, OR 530 IN WHICH THE VICTIM WAS AN ELDERLY 11 PERSON. 12 (C) "VICTIM" MEANS AN INDIVIDUAL WHO SUFFERS DIRECT OR 13 THREATENED PHYSICAL, FINANCIAL, OR EMOTIONAL HARM AS A RESULT OF 14 THE VIOLATION. 15 Sec. 520b. (1) A person is guilty of criminal sexual con- 16 duct in the first degree if he or she engages in sexual penetra- 17 tion with another person andifany of the following circum- 18 stancesexistsEXIST: 19 (a) That other person is under 13 years of age. 20 (b) That other person is at least 13 but less than 16 years 21 of age and any of the following CIRCUMSTANCES EXIST: 22 (i) The actor is a member of the same household as the 23 victim. 24 (ii) The actor is related to the victim by blood or affinity 25 to the fourth degree. 26 (iii) The actor is in a position of authority over the 27 victim and used this authority to coerce the victim to submit. 00986'01 7 1 (c) Sexual penetration occurs under circumstances involving 2 the commission of any other felony. 3 (d) The actor is aided or abetted by 1 or more other persons 4 and either of the following circumstances exists: 5 (i) The actor knows or has reason to know that the victim is 6 mentally incapable, mentally incapacitated, or physically 7 helpless. 8 (ii) The actor uses force or coercion to accomplish the 9 sexual penetration. Force or coercion includes but is not 10 limited to any of the circumstances listed in subdivision (f)(i) 11 to (v). 12 (e) The actor is armed with a weapon or any article used or 13 fashioned in a manner to lead the victimtoreasonably TO 14 believe it to be a weapon. 15 (f) The actor causes personal injury to the victim and force 16 or coercion is used to accomplish sexual penetration. Force or 17 coercion includes but is not limited to any of the following 18 circumstances: 19 (i) When the actor overcomes the victim through the actual 20 application of physical force or physical violence. 21 (ii) When the actor coerces the victim to submit by threat- 22 ening to use force or violence on the victim, and the victim 23 believes that the actor has the present ability to execute these 24 threats. 25 (iii) When the actor coerces the victim to submit by threat- 26 ening to retaliate in the future against the victim, or any other 27 person, and the victim believes that the actor has the ability to 00986'01 8 1 execute this threat. As used in this subdivision, "to retaliate" 2 includes threats of physical punishment, kidnapping, or 3 extortion. 4 (iv) When the actor engages in the medical treatment or 5 examination of the victim in a manner or for purposeswhich6 THAT are medically recognized as unethical or unacceptable. 7 (v) When the actor, through concealment or by the element of 8 surprise, is able to overcome the victim. 9 (g) The actor causes personal injury to the victim, and the 10 actor knows or has reason to know that the victim is mentally 11 incapable, mentally incapacitated, or physically helpless. 12 (h) That other person is mentally incapable, mentally dis- 13 abled, mentally incapacitated, or physically helpless, and any of 14 the following CIRCUMSTANCES EXIST: 15 (i) The actor is related to the victim by blood or affinity 16 to the fourth degree. 17 (ii) The actor is in a position of authority over the victim 18 and used this authority to coerce the victim to submit. 19 (2) Criminal sexual conduct in the first degree is a felony 20 punishable, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN SECTION 506B, by 21 imprisonmentin the state prisonfor life orforany term of 22 years. 23 Sec. 520c. (1) A person is guilty of criminal sexual con- 24 duct in the second degree if the person engages in sexual contact 25 with another person and if any of the following circumstances 26existsEXIST: 00986'01 9 1 (a) That other person is under 13 years of age. 2 (b) That other person is at least 13 but less than 16 years 3 of age and any of the following CIRCUMSTANCES EXIST: 4 (i) The actor is a member of the same household as the 5 victim. 6 (ii) The actor is related by blood or affinity to the fourth 7 degree to the victim. 8 (iii) The actor is in a position of authority over the 9 victim and the actor used this authority to coerce the victim to 10 submit. 11 (c) Sexual contact occurs under circumstances involving the 12 commission of any other felony. 13 (d) The actor is aided or abetted by 1 or more other persons 14 and either of the following circumstances exists: 15 (i) The actor knows or has reason to know that the victim is 16 mentally incapable, mentally incapacitated, or physically 17 helpless. 18 (ii) The actor uses force or coercion to accomplish the 19 sexual contact. Force or coercion includes, but is not limited 20 to, any of the circumstances listed insections21 SECTION 520b(1)(f)(i) to (v). 22 (e) The actor is armed with a weapon, or any article used or 23 fashioned in a manner to lead a persontoreasonably TO believe 24 it to be a weapon. 25 (f) The actor causes personal injury to the victim and force 26 or coercion is used to accomplish the sexual contact. Force or 00986'01 10 1 coercion includes, but is not limited to, any of the 2 circumstances listed in section 520b(1)(f)(i) to (v). 3 (g) The actor causes personal injury to the victim and the 4 actor knows or has reason to know that the victim is mentally 5 incapable, mentally incapacitated, or physically helpless. 6 (h) That other person is mentally incapable, mentally dis- 7 abled, mentally incapacitated, or physically helpless, and any of 8 the following CIRCUMSTANCES EXIST: 9 (i) The actor is related to the victim by blood or affinity 10 to the fourth degree. 11 (ii) The actor is in a position of authority over the victim 12 and used this authority to coerce the victim to submit. 13 (i) That other person is under the jurisdiction of the 14 department of corrections and the actor is an employee or a con- 15 tractual employee of, or a volunteer with, the department of cor- 16 rections who knows that the other person is under the jurisdic- 17 tion of the department of corrections. 18 (j) That other person is under the jurisdiction of the 19 department of corrections and the actor is an employee or a con- 20 tractual employee of, or a volunteer with, a private vendor that 21 operates a youth correctional facility under section 20g of 1953 22 PA 232, MCL 791.220g, who knows that the other person is under 23 the jurisdiction of the department of corrections. 24 (k) That other person is a prisoner or probationer under the 25 jurisdiction of a county for purposes of imprisonment or a work 26 program or other probationary program and the actor is an 27 employee or a contractual employee of or a volunteer with the 00986'01 11 1 county or the department of corrections who knows that the other 2 person is under the county's jurisdiction. 3 (l) The actor knows or has reason to know that a court has 4 detained the victim in a facility while the victim is awaiting a 5 trial or hearing, or committed the victim to a facility as a 6 result of the victim having been found responsible for committing 7 an act that would be a crime if committed by an adult, and the 8 actor is an employee or contractual employee of, or a volunteer 9 with, the facility in which the victim is detained or to which 10 the victim was committed. 11 (2) Criminal sexual conduct in the second degree is a felony 12 punishable, EXCEPT AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 506B, by imprisonment 13 for not more than 15 years. 14 Sec. 520d. (1) A person is guilty of criminal sexual con- 15 duct in the third degree if the person engages in sexual penetra- 16 tion with another person and if any of the following circum- 17 stances exist: 18 (a) That other person is at least 13 years of age and under 19 16 years of age. 20 (b) Force or coercion is used to accomplish the sexual 21 penetration. Force or coercion includes but is not limited to 22 any of the circumstances listed in section 520b(1)(f)(i) to (v). 23 (c) The actor knows or has reason to know that the victim is 24 mentally incapable, mentally incapacitated, or physically 25 helpless. 26 (d) That other person is related to the actor by blood or 27 affinity to the third degree and the sexual penetration occurs 00986'01 12 1 under circumstances not otherwise prohibited by this chapter. It 2 is an affirmative defense to a prosecution under this subdivision 3 that the other person was in a position of authority over the 4 defendant and used this authority to coerce the defendant to vio- 5 late this subdivision. The defendant has the burden of proving 6 this defense by a preponderance of the evidence. This subdivi- 7 sion does not apply if both persons are lawfully married to each 8 other at the time of the alleged violation. 9 (2) Criminal sexual conduct in the third degree is a felony 10 punishable, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN SECTION 506B, by 11 imprisonment for not more than 15 years. 12 Sec. 529.AnyA person whoshall assaultASSAULTS 13 another,PERSON andshallfeloniouslyrob, steal and take14from hisROBS, STEALS, AND TAKES FROM THE OTHER person, or in 15hisTHE OTHER PERSON'S presence, any money or other property,16whichTHAT may be the subject of larceny, such robber being17 WHILE armed with a dangerous weapon,or any article used or 18 fashioned in a manner to lead the personsoassaultedtorea- 19 sonably TO believe it to be a dangerous weapon, shall beIS 20 guilty of a felony,punishable, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED 21 IN SECTION 506B, by imprisonmentin the state prisonfor life 22 orforany term of years. If an aggravated assault or serious 23 injury is inflicted by any person whilecommitting an armed rob-24bery as defined inVIOLATING this section, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE 25 PROVIDED IN SECTION 506B, thesentencePERSON shall be 26 SENTENCED TO IMPRISONMENT FOR not less than 2 YEARS.years'27imprisonment in the state prison.00986'01 13 1 Sec. 530.Robbery unarmed--AnyA person whoshall,by 2 force and violence,or by assault or putting in fear,felo- 3 niouslyrob, steal and takeROBS, STEALS, AND TAKES from the 4 person of another, or inhisTHE OTHER PERSON'S presence, any 5 money or other propertywhichTHAT may be the subject of larce- 6 ny,such robberWHILE notbeingarmed with a dangerous 7 weapon,shall beIS guilty of a felony,punishable, EXCEPT 8 AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED IN SECTION 506B, by imprisonmentin the9state prisonFOR not more than 15 years. 00986'01 Final page. TLG