January 25, 2001, Introduced by Rep. Faunce and referred to the Committee on Criminal Justice. A bill to amend 1949 PA 300, entitled "Michigan vehicle code," by amending section 310 (MCL 257.310), as amended by 1998 PA 226. THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF MICHIGAN ENACT: 1 Sec. 310. (1) The secretary of state shall issue an 2 operator's license to each person licensed as an operator and a 3 chauffeur's license to each person licensed as a chauffeur. An 4 applicant for a motorcycle indorsement under section 312a or a 5 vehicle group designation or indorsement shall first qualify for 6 an operator's or chauffeur's license before the indorsement or 7 vehicle group designation application is accepted and processed. 8 (2) The license issued under subsection (1) shall contain 9 all of the following information: 00290'01 TJS 2 1 (a) The distinguishing number permanently assigned to the 2 licensee. 3 (b) The full name, date of birth, address of residence, 4 height, eye color, sex, an image, and the signature of the 5 licensee. 6 (c) An indication that the license contains 1 or more of the 7 following: 8 (i) The blood type of the licensee. 9 (ii) Immunization data of the licensee. 10 (iii) Medication data of the licensee. 11 (iv) A statement that the licensee is deaf. 12 (v) A statement that the licensee is an organ and tissue 13 donor pursuant to part 101 of the public health code, 1978 PA 14 368, MCL 333.10101 to 333.10109. 15 (vi) Emergency contact information of the licensee. 16 (d) If the licensee has made a statement described in 17 subdivision (c)(v), the signature of the licensee following the 18 indication of his or her organ and tissue donor intent identified 19 in subdivision (c)(v), along with the signature of at least 1 20 witness. 21 (3) Except as otherwise required in this chapter, other 22 information required on the license pursuant to this chapter may 23 appear on the license in a form prescribed by the secretary of 24 state. 25 (4) The license shall not contain a fingerprint or finger 26 image of the licensee. 00290'01 3 1 (5) A digitized license may contain an identifier for voter 2 registration purposes. The digitized license may contain 3 information appearing in electronic or machine readable codes 4 needed to conduct a transaction with the secretary of state. The 5 information shall be limited to the person's driver license 6 number, birth date, license expiration date, and other informa- 7 tion necessary for use with electronic devices, machine readers, 8 or automatic teller machines and shall not contain the person's 9 name, address, driving record, or other personal identifier. The 10 license shall identify the encoded information. 11 (6) The license shall be manufactured in a manner to pro- 12 hibit as nearly as possible the ability to reproduce, alter, 13 counterfeit, forge, or duplicate the license without ready 14 detection. In addition, a license with a vehicle group designa- 15 tion shall contain the information required pursuant to 16 49 C.F.R. part 383. 17 (7) A person who intentionally reproduces, alters, counter- 18 feits, forges, or duplicates a license photograph, the negative 19 of the photograph, an image, a license, the electronic data con- 20 tained on a license or a part of a license, or who uses a 21 license, an image, or photograph that has been reproduced, 22 altered, counterfeited, forged, or duplicated is subject to 1 of 23 the following: 24 (a) If the intent of the reproduction, alteration, counter- 25 feiting, forging, duplication, or use was to commit or aid in the 26 commission of an offense punishable by imprisonment for 1 or more 27 years, the person committing the reproduction, alteration, 00290'01 4 1 counterfeiting, forging, duplication, or use is guilty of a 2 misdemeanor FELONY, punishable by imprisonment for a period 3 equal to the imprisonment that could be imposed for the commis- 4 sion of the offense the person had the intent to aid or commit. 5 The court may also assess NOT MORE THAN 5 YEARS OR a fine of not 6 more than $10,000.00, against the person OR BOTH. 7 (b) If the intent of the reproduction, alteration, counter- 8 feiting, forging, duplication, or use was to commit or aid in the 9 commission of an offense punishable by imprisonment for not more 10 than 1 year, the person committing the reproduction, alteration, 11 counterfeiting, forging, duplication, or use is guilty of a mis- 12 demeanor, punishable by imprisonment for not more than 1 year, or 13 a fine of not more than $1,000.00, or both. 14 (8) The secretary of state, upon determining after an exami- 15 nation that an applicant is mentally and physically qualified to 16 receive a license, may issue to that person a temporary driver's 17 permit entitling the person while having the permit in his or her 18 immediate possession to drive a motor vehicle upon the highway 19 for a period not exceeding 60 days before issuance to the person 20 of an operator's or chauffeur's license by the secretary of 21 state. 22 (9) An operator or chauffeur may indicate on the license in 23 a place designated by the secretary of state his or her blood 24 type, emergency contact information, immunization data, medica- 25 tion data, or a statement that the licensee is deaf, or a state- 26 ment that the licensee is an organ and tissue donor and has made 00290'01 5 1 an anatomical gift pursuant to part 101 of the public health 2 code, 1978 PA 368, MCL 333.10101 to 333.10109. 3 (10) If the applicant provides proof to the secretary of 4 state that he or she is a minor who has been emancipated pursuant 5 to 1968 PA 293, MCL 722.1 to 722.6, the license shall bear the 6 designation of the individual's emancipated status in a manner 7 prescribed by the secretary of state. 00290'01 Final page. 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